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NSFW - 3 muslims rape Dalit girls, tell her she should be glad it's not 20 raping her


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Is there any thing in forum rules that says I cannot share news?

News especially pertinent to Women safety?


Why are certain so against me sharing important information that would save life and dignity of women and even little girls?


That aside,

Yes, I am a Hindu.

Yes, I am a Sanghi.

Yes, I pray and respect cows.

Yes, I think Sanatan religions like Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikh, Jainism are the only way for humanity to survive.


And lastly to people who ask why I pose Gang rapes done by muslim gangs - it's because history has taught us that keeping quiet emboldens these gangs.


That is Rochdale grooming gang,

For years muslims in Rochdale targeted little white girls.

There were complaints, girls went to police, social workers and even local legislators. Everyone kept quiet, for fear of being labelled as Muslim haters.

End result?

hundreds of girls were gang raped for decades by these muslim gangs which targeted only non-muslim girls.



THIS is just one town in UK.


Keeping quiet is not an option at this point.

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44 minutes ago, lovemystate said:

Hey mods @psycopk @MOD23 this rape fantasizer prasadr repeatedly makes rape threads trying to make them a religion issue...what are you doing about it ? it

Address the issue first. It has happened in the UK and there is a lot of evidence coming out about these guys in India too. Don’t try to deny it and try to portray them as victims. 

In August 2014 the Jay report concluded that an estimated 1,400 children, most of them white girls,[15] had been sexually abused in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013 by predominantly British-Pakistani men (Kurdish and Kosovan men were also involved).


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12 minutes ago, DummyVariable said:

Address the issue first. It has happened in the UK and there is a lot of evidence coming out about these guys in India too. Don’t try to deny it and try to portray them as victims. 

In August 2014 the Jay report concluded that an estimated 1,400 children, most of them white girls,[15] had been sexually abused in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013 by predominantly British-Pakistani men (Kurdish and Kosovan men were also involved).


Sontha desam lo aaye veeti meedha emundadhu gaani UK anta....rapes cheyyalani daaham aa prasadr gaadiki anduke pani gattukoni ee rape threads vesthadu ee forum lo. mods please take action.. @psycopk @MOD23 

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2 minutes ago, lovemystate said:

Sontha desam lo aaye veeti meedha emundadhu gaani UK anta....rapes cheyyalani daaham aa prasadr gaadiki anduke pani gattukoni ee rape threads vesthadu ee forum lo. mods please take action.. @psycopk @MOD23 

May be, but you can’t ignore what is happening now. Why deny it?

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30 minutes ago, lovemystate said:

Sontha desam lo aaye veeti meedha emundadhu gaani UK anta....rapes cheyyalani daaham aa prasadr gaadiki anduke pani gattukoni ee rape threads vesthadu ee forum lo. mods please take action.. @psycopk @MOD23 


Who do you think is raping these Dalit women and children for past 1000 years?

I have posted few threads already where muslims are raping Dalit girls by dozen across India in the last month.


Most of the atrocities on Dalits for past 1000 years have been perpetrated by muslims,


Even the girl who was raped by these 3 Islamic rapists is a DALIT.

SHE   IS    A   DALIT   GIRL..

She was told by these 3 muslim b@stards that she should be glad since it's usually 20 muslim guys raping Dalit girls.

It's on Video...

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29 minutes ago, DummyVariable said:

May be, but you can’t ignore what is happening now. Why deny it?


Compared to the atrocities committed by muslims on Dalits, well. we must listen to Ambedkar himself.


Why not see the below video.




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If anyone for a moment thinks Ambedkar, a Dalit icon was pro-Islam,


all I tell you folks is read book called 'THE PARTITION OF INDIA' by Dr Ambedkar.

If you can read the whole book, at least read excerpts, it is very detailed and very damning.

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Moplah massacre of 1921 when muslims in Kerala butchered countless Hindus, Gandhi was all preachy, saying if muslims kill Hindus, we should get killed and not resist.

If they raped our women, Hindu women should spread their legs and let the rapes happen.

NO  WONDER   THESE  B@STARDTS STILL FOLLOW GANDHI...they think he gave them permission to rape Hindu women as and when they see fit.


here is Ambedkar on Moplah massacre..


Ambedkar was incensed at Gandhi’s selectivity, more so of his stand on the Moplah Massacre. “Mr Gandhi has never called the Muslims to account even when they have been guilty of gross crimes against Hindus,” said Ambedkar. “Mr Gandhi has never protested against such murders [of prominent Hindus like Swami Shradhanand, Rajpal, Nathuramal Sharma]. Not only have the Muslims not condemned these outrages but even Mr Gandhi has never called upon the leading Muslims to condemn them. He has kept silent over them. Such an attitude can be explained only on the ground that Mr Gandhi was anxious to preserve Hindu-Moslem unity and did not mind the murders of a few Hindus, if it could be achieved by sacrificing their lives.”

Ambedkar next turned to Gandhi’s behaviour during the Moplah Massacre, a pogrom he had condemned in the strongest of terms earlier. “This attitude to excuse the Muslims any wrong, lest it should injure the cause of unity, is well illustrated by what Mr Gandhi had to say in the matter of the Moplah riots. The blood-curdling atrocities committed by the Moplahs in Malabar against the Hindus were indescribable. All over Southern India, a wave of horrified feeling had spread among the Hindus of every shade of opinion, which was intensified when certain Khilafat leaders were so misguided as to pass resolutions of ‘congratulations to the Moplahs on the brave fight they were conducting for the sake of religion’. Any person could have said that this was too heavy a price for Hindu-Moslem unity. But Mr Gandhi was so much obsessed by the necessity of establishing Hindu-Moslem unity that he was prepared to make light of the doings of the Moplahs and the Khilafats who were congratulating them. He spoke of the Moplahs as the ‘brave God-fearing Moplahs who were fighting for what they consider as religion and in a manner which they consider as religious’.”

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Read the whole dastardly chapter of Moplah massacre and how AsHole Gandhi literally made Hindus hijdas,

enabling muslims to commit atrocities on Hindus with impunity.


If not for the likes of Ambedkar, it would be impossible for normal Hindus like me and you to even talk about these dastardly acts.

Who would listen to normal Hindus,


it takes a Dalit icon like Ambedkar to look out for Hindus


a Hindu like Gandhi enables muslims to rape, pillage hindus

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48 minutes ago, lovemystate said:

Sontha desam lo aaye veeti meedha emundadhu gaani UK anta....rapes cheyyalani daaham aa prasadr gaadiki anduke pani gattukoni ee rape threads vesthadu ee forum lo. mods please take action.. @psycopk @MOD23 

sontha desam lo ayye veeti meedha theddu vesinaa, "rapes ayyesariki lottalesukoni vasthaadu prasadr " ani crying chese sanja kodukulu unnaaru

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For me this should cut across party lines and political philosophies. Organized gangs are dangerous and with such a large population, millions could be at risk. Not to forget the flesh trade these women will be forced into. I was there when the Rotherham investigations were going on. It is clear who the perpetrators are and it is shameful that people are blatantly supporting them using the minority card. 

Thuu nee bathukula naa cheppu.

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