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NSFW - 3 muslims rape Dalit girls, tell her she should be glad it's not 20 raping her


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2 minutes ago, jeessy_bb said:

That is sycophancy and trying to be in good books of ur pakistani handlers

I'm not an idiot like you ra. I don't aggressively claim this and that, and bludgeon a conversation like I do online.

I quietly slip in a few truths, and leave it. If at a later date, during similar conversation if the conversation is not improved, I do it once more.

the third time, I quit from that group, or maintain just economic based relations with them.

Im not an idiot to put myself on the line, for pushing an agenda that most upperclass (the people around me) don't care.

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1 minute ago, sattipandu said:

Yes I am and u still persist 


Can't you see, I'm almost writing a sort of memoir.

and you are just wanting my attention.

since I believe that you are one of the nicer ones in this db, Im giving it to you.

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Just now, crashnburn said:

Can't you see, I'm almost writing a sort of memoir.

and you are just wanting my attention.

since I believe that you are one of the nicer ones in this db, Im giving it to you.

Haha this is epic cry@fl

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Just now, sattipandu said:

Haha this is epic cry@fl

I've been in this db for 5yrs now. and I still don't understand how this is a comeback, or some sort of humor.

I vaguely remember my late dad telling me when i was in my teens, to never come back to India. And even if I did, not engage with telugu people, because 'they will eat you' (his words, not mine)

either he underestimated me, or he overestimated his own people. I still don't understand. 


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I should write a long post on my experience with telugu people. haha.. its mixed like any other group. not particularly positive or negative.

it'll be based on my travel around ap and tg. not fcuking nris. I don't care about those shitheads.

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1 minute ago, crashnburn said:

dont be proud of being mediocre man.

Mee naannagaru sampadinchina dabbulu anubhavinche nuvve chappaali. Sontha talent antu edisthe without using mee nannagari dabbu you would've come up. Ipuudu oorike dialogues. 

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2 minutes ago, jeessy_bb said:

Mee naannagaru sampadinchina dabbulu anubhavinche nuvve chappaali. Sontha talent antu edisthe without using mee nannagari dabbu you would've come up. Ipuudu oorike dialogues. 

what are you implying ra?

1. that I live off my father's earnings

2. that you have some sontah talent?

both are false ra.

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1 minute ago, crashnburn said:

I should write a long post on my experience with telugu people. haha.. its mixed like any other group. not particularly positive or negative.

it'll be based on my travel around ap and tg. not fcuking nris. I don't care about those shitheads.

@crashnburn bava mana experience gurinchi db Lo cheptava siggu ledu. Chilipi, chesindanta chesi. Chi padu 

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2 hours ago, crashnburn said:

stupid fcuk, what in the original news report suggested an 'organized gang' doing this and putting 'millions' at risk? or are you traditionalist fcuks trying to appropriate leftist language and structure to bamboozle them, and pander to racist and misogynist fcuks among your group? you really are a delusional idiot.

that idiot prasadr, brought in UK's organized gang with no rhyme or reason, and you, like an idiot, latched on it, to give sermons to the non-existent people using minority card who support rape gangs.

and even in UK's case, majority of these organized grooming gangs in the UK are most likely white, since the claim that they are  predominantly asian, is an observation that was based on convictions during a tiny window when this entire issue was politicized.

So feigning moral outrage, while you regularly trash talk women who try to lead more independent lives is just nauseating. If anything, its people like you, who are the bigger danger, and should be shunned in respectable circles. I wonder if Hindu society has any such circles left these days, though. 

Someone wants to rant on Islam, based on nebulous claims about child grooming gangs, and you are so eager to play ball with that idiot. says a lot more about you, than about the people who are spitting on him.

Gutter scum like you are the ones to talk. Aren’t you the nice guy that pays women to sleep with you? You probably like this situation because these organized gangs are the ones that enable flesh trade and guys like you happily part take in it. You supporting any woman is comical and downright insulting you twit. These organized gangs were british-Pakistanis. What part of that do you not understand? Never does it say white people did it. 1400 children were raped. How is this a small issue? Have you lost your mind you donkey? It is there in the links we provided. Go check them out before you open your mouth and dump unadulterated shite. It was also not in one town ya piece of garbage. It was all over the place and you still seem to deny it. You are the idiot who doesn’t even have a clue about it, but have happily chosen to defend criminals committing rape. Yeah that is the life most women want in your view maybe you pond filth. 

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3 minutes ago, crashnburn said:

what are you implying ra?

1. that I live off my father's earnings

2. that you have some sontah talent?

both are false ra.

No you got a headstart and all approvals needed to setup ur work due to ur dads money and influence. You as an individual have nothing going for you except for the fact ur rhe son of a successful buisinessman

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1 hour ago, crashnburn said:

@lovemystate you were probably the only handle in this db, that openly spoke against brahmins. Even I hadn't done it, though I'm regularly accused of doing it.

Its awesome, and welcome.

but hope you don't lose sight of the fact that other castes have been behaving in the same way for the past few decades, ever since market liberalization put some money in their pocket, and cow dung in their brains.

I hope your criticism is not restricted to brahmins, who definitely deserve it for being one of the most arrogant bunch, but in no way are the only ones.

take care.


Oh yeah, Abuse Hindus

But muzzies form organized gangs to rape little Hindu girls - thats HALAL.


These kind of AsHoles would offer the women in their homes to these rape gangs.


Hey DumbAss, that muzzie himself in the video said.

"thank god it's just 3 of us now, usually it's 20 of us raping Hindu girls".


Let me know which part of that statement does not represent organized rape gangs.


These are the kind perverts who enable these muzzie rape gangs to thrive.

They won't even let us share the news.


But hey, let us abuse brahmins and other Hindus - WHY?

We don't know but let us abuse them.


FFS, does anyone know the last time Brahmins formed Rape gangs and raped any little girls?


these AsHole have their priority - protest muzzie gangs

How do they protect them?

Abuse guys who say the truth and on top of it abuse Hindus.


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