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NSFW - 3 muslims rape Dalit girls, tell her she should be glad it's not 20 raping her


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2 minutes ago, DummyVariable said:

Gutter scum like are the ones to talk. Aren’t you the nice guy who pays women to sleep with you? You probably like this situation because these organized gangs are the ones that enable flesh trade and guys like you happily part take in it. You supporting any woman is comical and downright insulting you twit. These organized gangs were british-Pakistanis. What part of don’t you understand? Never does it say white people did it. 1400 children were raped. How is this a small issue? Are you lost your mind you donkey? It is there in the links we provided. Go check them out before you open your mouth and dump unadulterated . It was also not in one town ya piece of garbage. It was all over the place and you still seem to deny it. You are the idiot who doesn’t even have a clue about it, but have happily chosen to defend criminals committing rape. Yeah that is the life most women want in your view maybe you pond filth. 

Baaga cheppav dummy bava crashnburn bava chinnadi, I mean 🧠 tondarga ekkadu

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57 minutes ago, Cation said:

I don't see the point of generalizing a bunch of people based on caste, race or religion and blaming each other. I mean, even kids in the same family aren't alike, what's the point of judging people because of their religion. It's a spectrum of behavior, it always is. So, this thread is pointless. 


because there is a Pattern,

Not just here but all over the world.


Know any other rape gangs that target only women and children from other religions?


If you know any, I will be glad to change my view.

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6 minutes ago, DummyVariable said:

Gutter scum like are the ones to talk. Aren’t you the nice guy who pays women to sleep with you? You probably like this situation because these organized gangs are the ones that enable flesh trade and guys like you happily part take in it. You supporting any woman is comical and downright insulting you twit. These organized gangs were british-Pakistanis. What part of that do you not understand? Never does it say white people did it. 1400 children were raped. How is this a small issue? Have you lost your mind you donkey? It is there in the links we provided. Go check them out before you open your mouth and dump unadulterated shite. It was also not in one town ya piece of garbage. It was all over the place and you still seem to deny it. You are the idiot who doesn’t even have a clue about it, but have happily chosen to defend criminals committing rape. Yeah that is the life most women want in your view maybe you pond filth. 


Did that KojjaKoduku just say whites were involved in grooming gangs UK?


WTF is wrong with these perverts?




In fact during the trials, the court observed that these muzzies targeted girls based on religion, since Quran says it is Halal to rape kaafirs.


But KojjaKodukus like that guy would tell the world lies to protect the Islamic Rapist Scum.

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Just now, DummyVariable said:

Gutter scum like are the ones to talk. Aren’t you the nice guy who pays women to sleep with you? You probably like this situation because these organized gangs are the ones that enable flesh trade and guys like you happily part take in it. You supporting any woman is comical and downright insulting you twit. These organized gangs were british-Pakistanis. What part of don’t you understand? Never does it say white people did it. 1400 children were raped. How is this a small issue? Are you lost your mind you donkey? It is there in the links we provided. Go check them out before you open your mouth and dump unadulterated . It was also not in one town ya piece of garbage. It was all over the place and you still seem to deny it. You are the idiot who doesn’t even have a clue about it, but have happily chosen to defend criminals committing rape. Yeah that is the life most women want in your view maybe you pond filth. 

again dude. yeah, I used to pay women to sleep with me, so what? i didn't pay organized gangs to get me women to sleep with. can your traditionalist idiot brain understand the difference? a woman owns her body, and she choses to sell it to make money. I don't see any problem, because everything is commoditized in this capitalist world. ofcourse, I no longer pay for s3x, but don't let that come between your idiotic moral outrage over existence of prostitution. what a moron.

those organized gangs in that particular series of cases were british-pakistani, moron. There were other organized groups, in other cases, which were not british-pakistani. it may be convenient for you to pick one particular instance, and claim it as representative of anything (in this case, the relgiion itself, even though you cleverly stop short of making that claim, and ride on that idiot making the claim on your behalf).

stop acting like you are on a moral high ground by putting number of women involved. the incident is further indicment of a lot of things, not just of british-pakistani society, asshole. majority of the kids that were raped were picked from child shelters. these sort of incidents should inspire dialogue on how to house and treat children who are without parents or are destitute.

however, you and that idiot prasadr, are hellbent on finding instances to further fan muslim hatred. you are trying a sophisticated version of bigotry that may fool the idiots who click 'like' for your bullshit posts. but you know that i'm not that idiot.

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7 minutes ago, jeessy_bb said:

No you got a headstart and all approvals needed to setup ur work due to ur dads money and influence. You as an individual have nothing going for you except for the fact ur rhe son of a successful buisinessman

haha.. I did get a headstart, yes. but i've never done business in India before.

I have way more money than my father ever had. and my father willingly gave the money I need to startup, even though he felt I was too young to go out on my own. 

I'm much more successful than my father dude. except I live a simpler life than my father did.

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10 minutes ago, prasadr said:


Oh yeah, Abuse Hindus

But muzzies form organized gangs to rape little Hindu girls - thats HALAL.


These kind of AsHoles would offer the women in their homes to these rape gangs.


Hey DumbAss, that muzzie himself in the video said.

"thank god it's just 3 of us now, usually it's 20 of us raping Hindu girls".


Let me know which part of that statement does not represent organized rape gangs.


These are the kind perverts who enable these muzzie rape gangs to thrive.

They won't even let us share the news.


But hey, let us abuse brahmins and other Hindus - WHY?

We don't know but let us abuse them.


FFS, does anyone know the last time Brahmins formed Rape gangs and raped any little girls?


these AsHole have their priority - protest muzzie gangs

How do they protect them?

Abuse guys who say the truth and on top of it abuse Hindus.


dude, you are too stupid to be talking to me.

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3 minutes ago, crashnburn said:

hose organized gangs in that particular series of cases were british-pakistani, moro



were they British Pakistani Hindus?

Were they British Pakistani Christians?

Were they British Pakistani Buddhists?


Even in UK, the news papers even now call these muslim rapist gangs as ASIAN gangs.

WTF is Asian?

WTF is British Pakistani?


The base common denominator of all these rapists from that gang were that they were all muslims.

Not one of them was a Hindu or any other religion.

So, WTF is this British pakistani? or Asian?


When a Hindu does something wrong, it immediately boils down to his religion and caste. No one would say Asian, or Indian but Hindu or Brahmin etc


Here, all muslim rapists but lets call them something else to HIDE THEIR RELIGIOUS IDENTITY.



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2 minutes ago, crashnburn said:

dude, you are too stupid to be talking to me.


I am not talking to you,

in fact no one on this DB is talking to anyone.


We are all posting and reading each other posts.


I suggest you ask your schools a refund. They clearly failed.

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4 minutes ago, crashnburn said:

haha.. I did get a headstart, yes. but i've never done business in India before.

I have way more money than my father ever had. and my father willingly gave the money I need to startup, even though he felt I was too young to go out on my own. 

I'm much more successful than my father dude. except I live a simpler life than my father did.

Sare man i'm happy for you that you are a successful buisinessman. But y the condescending tone over other less fortunate? Why do you gloat about money all the time?

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if you are an idiot who claims that there are no white brit child grooming gangs in the UK, and almost all of them are pakistani, then you are definitely one who doesn't have to be taken seriously.

use google morons, and look at neutral sources too. don't just read rabidly right wing publications that have headlines screaming "84% of grooming gangs are Asian".

that number is false. your claim is bullshit. 


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2 minutes ago, jeessy_bb said:

Sare man i'm happy for you that you are a successful buisinessman. But y the condescending tone over other less fortunate? Why do you gloat about money all the time?

dude whatever. look at your own posts first.

anyway I'm done. 



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6 minutes ago, prasadr said:

A suggestion to the Islamic Genius who is supporting the rape gangs....

Please for humanity sake, DON'T BREED.

yeah make up a strawman that someone here is supporting rpe gangs,  and keep railing against it like a moron.

because otherwise you can't make your point. what a loser.

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10 minutes ago, prasadr said:



were they British Pakistani Hindus?

Were they British Pakistani Christians?

Were they British Pakistani Buddhists?


Even in UK, the news papers even now call these muslim rapist gangs as ASIAN gangs.

WTF is Asian?

WTF is British Pakistani?


The base common denominator of all these rapists from that gang were that they were all muslims.

Not one of them was a Hindu or any other religion.

So, WTF is this British pakistani? or Asian?


When a Hindu does something wrong, it immediately boils down to his religion and caste. No one would say Asian, or Indian but Hindu or Brahmin etc


Here, all muslim rapists but lets call them something else to HIDE THEIR RELIGIOUS IDENTITY.



you need to check yourself into a mental institution.

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Just now, crashnburn said:

yeah make up a strawman that someone here is supporting rpe gangs,  and keep railing against it like a moron.

because otherwise you can't make your point. what a loser.

I thought you were not "talking" to me..


Don't use words like "strawman"(it is in fact called straw man), when you clearly have no bloody idea wtf it is.

We are talking about muslim rape gangs,

I provided proofs of same where they are targeting girls based on religion,

You clearly don't support the theory & in fact are unusually defensive about the muslim rape gangs, even with clear proof showing otherwise,

Your lack of empathy for the girls is a clear proof that is needed.

Worse, your open clarion call to abuse Hindus on caste in this very thread to divert attention....


Well, dear GENIUS, there is nothing straw man about the argument, your pattern of defending muslim rape gang + lack of empathy for victims + complete lack of anger against the rapists...well...what else is there to say?

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