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NSFW - 3 muslims rape Dalit girls, tell her she should be glad it's not 20 raping her


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4 minutes ago, crashnburn said:

you need to check yourself into a mental institution.


So, when presented with facts,

this "GENIUS" who does not want to "TALK" to me, still "TALKS" to me but fails utterly to refute the facts.


Like I said, you need to go back to your school and ask for a refund.

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33 minutes ago, prasadr said:

I thought you were not "talking" to me..


Don't use words like "strawman"(it is in fact called straw man), when you clearly have no bloody idea wtf it is.

We are talking about muslim rape gangs,

I provided proofs of same where they are targeting girls based on religion,

You clearly don't support the theory & in fact are unusually defensive about the muslim rape gangs, even with clear proof showing otherwise,

Your lack of empathy for the girls is a clear proof that is needed.

Worse, your open clarion call to abuse Hindus on caste in this very thread to divert attention....


Well, dear GENIUS, there is nothing straw man about the argument, your pattern of defending muslim rape gang + lack of empathy for victims + complete lack of anger against the rapists...well...what else is there to say?

where did british child grooming gangs come in a thread about rpe incident in UP, asshole?

your proclamations about how I support this and that, when I've made no such claims, is the definition of a straw man that you have set up so you can rant like a moron, without making any sort of coherent point.

yeah, the only point that you can make is that Islam is so and so.. and you are wrong about it. None of what you put out points to depravity in a religion. I can play that game too, pulling out hindu rapissts and claiming all sorts of sh1t about hindu religion.

see, the biggest complaint against Hinduism is the abuse of power by the top caste/class. yes, powerful people should be called out, and their use of power be made accountable. If that sounds like abuse to you, and your response is to bring up bullshit and claim rapppeee originated with Islam (is that your claim?), or that hindus must wake up, then you are deep down the shithole of hindutva.

none of those claims make sense, and can stand up to scrutiny in a rational discussion. refocus your anger against muslims on something credible. eg. their treatment of lowercastes within their religion. but first do you understand how pathetic your own religious group is?

silly fellow.

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42 minutes ago, prasadr said:


So, when presented with facts,

this "GENIUS" who does not want to "TALK" to me, still "TALKS" to me but fails utterly to refute the facts.


Like I said, you need to go back to your school and ask for a refund.

you have no facts. you jump around like a monkey from UP rapee to british grooming gangs. 

you make claims ranging from outright lies to misrepresentation of facts. you've already been called out for being a hatemongering asshole.

I would have engaged if I had the patience I had an year back. now people like you down right disgust me. and that @DummyVariable idiot too. both of you think as if talking about british gangs (even there your info is half baked) is somehow relevant to this discussion.


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muslims in the UK != muslims in India, assholes. 

musilms are not monoliths. even muslims in India have different characteristics based on their region. 

if you want any sort of serious discussion, pick a muslim in power or a muslim organization in power, and list its shortcomings. don't fcuking call entire group rapists, and call for Hindus to wake up.

if I was a statist cuck like you (Indian patriots), I would be reporting people like you to the police. but  then, I'm an anarchist. I may steal money from you in retribution, shame you in front of colleagues/society, beat you to a pulp, etc.

if you wanna be a bigot. atleast make creative arguments asshole. not the same rotta. useless cunts.

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14 minutes ago, crashnburn said:

where did british child grooming gangs come in a thread about rpe incident in UP, asshole?

your proclamations about how I support this and that, when I've made no such claims, is the definition of a straw man that you have set up so you can rant like a moron, without making any sort of coherent point.

yeah, the only point that you can make is that Islam is so and so.. and you are wrong about it. None of what you put out points to depravity in a religion. I can play that game too, pulling out hindu rapissts and claiming all sorts of sh1t about hindu religion.

see, the biggest complaint against Hinduism is the abuse of power by the top caste/class. yes, powerful people should be called out, and their use of power be made accountable. If that sounds like abuse to you, and your response is to bring up bullshit and claim rapppeee originated with Islam (is that your claim?), or that hindus must wake up, then you are deep down the shithole of hindutva.

none of those claims make sense, and can stand up to scrutiny in a rational discussion. refocus your anger against muslims on something credible. eg. their treatment of lowercastes within their religion. but first do you understand how pathetic your own religious group is?

silly fellow.


It's about patterns dumbAss.

They are doing it all over the world where cucks don't stand up to them & Kojjas like you support them.


I posted another link where in Kerala the Christian bodies are claiming muslims are targeting their girls.

In the rape video, these 3 muslims while raping the girl boasted how they are a gang of 20 and have been doing this for while.

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if you are confused/lazy to know what point I made in response to your idiotic thread. here they are in order:

1. you are a worthless cunt

2. okay, there was a rape, and a lively description of what went on during that rape, so why are implicating other muslims for this rapeee.

3. where the fcuk did british muslim gangs come in this?

4. do you really think muslims share characteristics, inspite of being from different regions?



if you really think 4. is true, how come muslims are divided into so many nations, while Hindus who are 'liberal, and freedom loving" have controlled a billion population and caged them into one nation?

haha.. this point is something that no Hindu bigot/nationalist has ever been able to answer. it is a fact that for all your claims of liberal nature of hindus, the fact that India is one country shows that modern Hindus don't respect diversity of opinion. 

I hereby conclude that muslims are far more liberal, and more awesome than Hindus are.

now don't rant like an idiot without a point. fcuking clown.

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Just now, prasadr said:


It's about patterns dumbAss.

They are doing it all over the world where cucks don't stand up to them & Kojjas like you support them.


I posted another link where in Kerala the Christian bodies are claiming muslims are targeting their girls.

In the rape video, these 3 muslims while raping the girl boasted how they are a gang of 20 and have been doing this for while.

they are doing where, asshole? every society has rapists, dumbfcuk. are you claiming that hindus don't have rapists among them?

you post all sorts of bullshit links, irrelevant to the discussion moron. who cares what you post.

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13 minutes ago, crashnburn said:

you have no facts. you jump around like a monkey from UP rapee to british grooming gangs. 

you make claims ranging from outright lies to misrepresentation of facts. you've already been called out for being a hatemongering asshole.

I would have engaged if I had the patience I had an year back. now people like you down right disgust me. and that @DummyVariable idiot too. both of you think as if talking about british gangs (even there your info is half baked) is somehow relevant to this discussion.



Yup, people who present facts disgust you.

BUt muzzie rape gangs are Halal.


We all get the point & frankly not interested about your personal crap.


And I know Hindus disgust you, it's pretty apparent in your posts where you are advising another HalfCut to abuse us.

Now say 'Ola O Uber'..

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1 minute ago, prasadr said:


Yup, people who present facts disgust you.

BUt muzzie rape gangs are Halal.


We all get the point & frankly not interested about your personal crap.


And I know Hindus disgust you, it's pretty apparent in your posts where you are advising another HalfCut to abuse us.

Now say 'Ola O Uber'..

lol. you've never presented any 'facts' moron.

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9 minutes ago, crashnburn said:

muslims in the UK != muslims in India, assholes. 

musilms are not monoliths. even muslims in India have different characteristics based on their region. 

if you want any sort of serious discussion, pick a muslim in power or a muslim organization in power, and list its shortcomings. don't fcuking call entire group rapists, and call for Hindus to wake up.

if I was a statist cuck like you (Indian patriots), I would be reporting people like you to the police. but  then, I'm an anarchist. I may steal money from you in retribution, shame you in front of colleagues/society, beat you to a pulp, etc.

if you wanna be a bigot. atleast make creative arguments asshole. not the same rotta. useless cunts.


Here here.


Muslims gangs are raping non-muslims girls in UK.

Muslims gangs are raping non-muslims girls in India.


This "genius" claims muslims are different in different countries?

Hey Kojja, do muslims in Uk read differnt quran?

Do they have a different prophet?

Do they have a differnt god?

Do their madrassas in UK teach different curriculum?

Do the mosques in UK do Azaan in a different way to India?


When all else fails, these Islamic HalfCut Suckers threaten with police.

Hey DumbAss, be my guest....

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5 minutes ago, crashnburn said:


if you are confused/lazy to know what point I made in response to your idiotic thread. here they are in order:

1. you are a worthless cunt

2. okay, there was a rape, and a lively description of what went on during that rape, so why are implicating other muslims for this rapeee.

3. where the fcuk did british muslim gangs come in this?

4. do you really think muslims share characteristics, inspite of being from different regions?



if you really think 4. is true, how come muslims are divided into so many nations, while Hindus who are 'liberal, and freedom loving" have controlled a billion population and caged them into one nation?

haha.. this point is something that no Hindu bigot/nationalist has ever been able to answer. it is a fact that for all your claims of liberal nature of hindus, the fact that India is one country shows that modern Hindus don't respect diversity of opinion. 

I hereby conclude that muslims are far more liberal, and more awesome than Hindus are.

now don't rant like an idiot without a point. fcuking clown.

1. Says the "genius" who wants to talk to me.

2. OH MY GOD...what did you say..."ok there was rape"...What kind of a monster are you CutDicks?

3. The gangs are all over the world where CutDick lickers like u support them, be it India or UK or Europe.

4. YES...thats exactly what Quran calls for DumbAss


DumbAss, my enemies are not muslims but Islam.

Have you read Quran? It talks of raping and killing of Kaafirs.

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7 minutes ago, crashnburn said:

they are doing where, asshole? every society has rapists, dumbfcuk. are you claiming that hindus don't have rapists among them?

you post all sorts of bullshit links, irrelevant to the discussion moron. who cares what you post.


Arre ChittiKojja, every society has evil, including Hindus, Sikhs, buddhists, muslims etc.


But only in muslims do you find gangs raping girls based on religion.

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5 minutes ago, crashnburn said:

lol. you've never presented any 'facts' moron.


Says the guy who said he won't "talk" to me..

Hey your IQ has been exposed, but then you lot inbred anyway, not much to begin with, right?

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1 minute ago, prasadr said:


Here here.


Muslims gangs are raping non-muslims girls in UK.

Muslims gangs are raping non-muslims girls in India.


This "genius" claims muslims are different in different countries?

Hey Kojja, do muslims in Uk read differnt quran?

Do they have a different prophet?

Do they have a differnt god?

Do their madrassas in UK teach different curriculum?

Do the mosques in UK do Azaan in a different way to India?


When all else fails, these Islamic HalfCut Suckers threaten with police.

Hey DumbAss, be my guest....

you have a very idiotic understanding of people.

99% of those muslims who chant quran don't understand what they are chanting. They do it because its routine for them.

why are you so obsessd about muslims, when your own group - Hindus, are among the poorest groups in the world. literally, worse than subsaharan countries.

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