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NSFW - 3 muslims rape Dalit girls, tell her she should be glad it's not 20 raping her


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2 minutes ago, prasadr said:

DumbAss, my enemies are not muslims but Islam.

yeah yeah. but you have no understanding what Islam is.

other than just some random offensive stuff you read in shaka pamphlets.

stop pretending as if you studied Islam, and are now criticizing it.

you are just a political hack out to victimize particular groups so it will promote yours. its obvious there's no group called 'Islam', they are called 'muslims'. and that is what you consider as your enemy, for no good reason, other than half baked reading of the political climate, and delusions about the future of your own worthless religious/nationalist group.

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4 minutes ago, crashnburn said:


i'll tell you a secret.


just like Hindus are not. 


What an equivalence..


Ok, lets debate.


Which book do muslims in India, Pakistan, Uk, Europe, USA etc read? Quran

Which book do Hindus in a single street read?????? Anyone? can anyone tell me one book that is read by all Hindus? we have million books


Who is the prophet of muslims in India, Pakistan, Uk, Europe, USA etc? Muhammad - Does not change with locality

Who is the prophet or in Indian terms guru for Indians?????  Anyone?? we have like million gurus.


Who is the god of muslims in India, Pakistan, Uk, Europe, USA etc? Allah - never changes

Who is the god for Hindus? Vishnu, Siva, Amman, Venkateshwara, Krishna, Perumal, Laxmi, who??


Can an Atheist be a muslim? NO, they get killed by the way

Can an Atheist be a Hindu? Oh yes, many great Hindus have been Atheists.


Guys, this is the final failed argument of Islamic apologists.

They try to equate Hinduim with Islam,

everyone and their mother knows we are at polar opposites

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Just now, crashnburn said:

yeah yeah. but you have no understanding what Islam is.

other than just some random offensive stuff you read in shaka pamphlets.

stop pretending as if you studied Islam, and are now criticizing it.

you are just a political hack out to victimize particular groups so it will promote yours. its obvious there's no group called 'Islam', they are called 'muslims'. and that is what you consider as your enemy, for no good reason, other than half baked reading of the political climate, and delusions about the future of your own worthless religious/nationalist group.


See, poke a HalfDick and the truth "pours out".


Shakas, brahmin hatred, spreading caste hatred. Classic Hindu hating strategy.

Usually it's difficult to expose Kojjas like u.

But you are a DumbAss, probably an inbred one.


Oh I did study Islam as well as Hadiths.


The only victims are the thousands of girls from Hindu, Christian, Sikh & Buddhist communities who are being targeted by these rape gangs.

They even do these girls a favor by NOT Gang raping some them by 20 of them.

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5 minutes ago, prasadr said:


Says the guy who said he won't "talk" to me..

Hey your IQ has been exposed, but then you lot inbred anyway, not much to begin with, right?

my IQ has been exposed how ra, yedhava?

can you make a single point without sounding like a dumbfcuk?

are you saying that i'm muslim? lol. 

you've not presented any facts ra. you may not realise it because you are busy smelling your own farts.

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Just now, prasadr said:

Oh I did study Islam as well as Hadiths.

claims every bigot who's out to prove that Islam is irreparable. as if their own religion is fyne.

all religions are crap asshole. you wasted your time studying (if you did, which I doubt). It would've helped if you took a class in logic 101.

you could've atleast had a handle on what is acceptable to spout as 'fact' in a rational discussion.

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6 minutes ago, prasadr said:


What an equivalence..


Ok, lets debate.


Which book do muslims in India, Pakistan, Uk, Europe, USA etc read? Quran

Which book do Hindus in a single street read?????? Anyone? can anyone tell me one book that is read by all Hindus? we have million books


Who is the prophet of muslims in India, Pakistan, Uk, Europe, USA etc? Muhammad - Does not change with locality

Who is the prophet or in Indian terms guru for Indians?????  Anyone?? we have like million gurus.


Who is the god of muslims in India, Pakistan, Uk, Europe, USA etc? Allah - never changes

Who is the god for Hindus? Vishnu, Siva, Amman, Venkateshwara, Krishna, Perumal, Laxmi, who??


Can an Atheist be a muslim? NO, they get killed by the way

Can an Atheist be a Hindu? Oh yes, many great Hindus have been Atheists.


Guys, this is the final failed argument of Islamic apologists.

They try to equate Hinduim with Islam,

everyone and their mother knows we are at polar opposites

rey insecure asshole. In that particular quote I was referring to how both Muslims, and hindus are not monoliths, but a diverse group with varying characteristics.

you should have looked up the word 'monolith' before you made a fool of yourself, whining about me equating both religions. 

btw, there are probably more atheists among muslims than among Hindus. Its definitely true among my friends. yeah, my atheist friends freely piss on Islam. I wish I could piss on Hinduism too, but I don't know anything about it. so I let it pass.

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so don't give me bullshit that your enemy is Islam.

your invective is against muslims, and in particular about safeguarding non-muslim women from muslim gangs.

this makes you a ethnofascist religious nutcase. Not someone with a high minded purpose of criticizing Islam.

in fact to criticize Islam, you should know what it says.

see, how I don't criticize hinduism, even if I've never followed it, because I don't want to make a fool of myself criticizing it.

looks like you have no such sense of shame.

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This is bullshit ra, prasadr.

if you want a better and a more provocative statemtent, I'll give it to you.

don't accuse me of abusing hinduism. its lame. I don't abuse Hinduism. I don't have to.

i directly abuse the Indian state, the Indian army. and the bunch of slaves who worship that army.

go complain to your shaka, and track my ip. fcukface.

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I mean criticizing Hinduism is something i did when I was 15. it was fun, while discussing with religious minded friends, and pissing them off.

now that I'm in my 30s, its too boring. and I've become too self reflective.

I now only sh1t on the state. the police, the army, the IAS assholes, the ones controlling the healthcare.

what's the point in criticizin hinduism? it looks like some sadhus follow it. nobody else does, apart from using it to spread climate of political bigotry.

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there are some good things happening. I'm listening more and more non-Indians refer to Hindus as fascists. which is very welcome.

the llast week I heard 3 podcasts which openly stated that Hindus as fascist mongering group, and one of them was a survivalist podcast, that doesn't have even a tinge of liberal tone to it.

I'm glad that the world is waking up to the fact that Hindus have lied for so long that they are calm and peace loving people, which they are definitely not.

prasadr is an example of that. that hindu society is hurtling towards a wall at breakneck speed. the impact will not be fun to watch. the insanity in that group is  mildly irritating to down dangerous now.

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1 hour ago, crashnburn said:

my IQ has been exposed how ra, yedhava?

can you make a single point without sounding like a dumbfcuk?

are you saying that i'm muslim? lol. 

you've not presented any facts ra. you may not realise it because you are busy smelling your own farts.


Orey HalfCut,

Yendukura nee brain ki ivanni?


You are just too dumb..

1 hour ago, crashnburn said:

rey insecure asshole. In that particular quote I was referring to how both Muslims, and hindus are not monoliths, but a diverse group with varying characteristics.

you should have looked up the word 'monolith' before you made a fool of yourself, whining about me equating both religions. 

btw, there are probably more atheists among muslims than among Hindus. Its definitely true among my friends. yeah, my atheist friends freely piss on Islam. I wish I could piss on Hinduism too, but I don't know anything about it. so I let it pass.


Now you are sounding like Zakir Naik...

Hindus are not Monoliths,

Muslims are Monoliths.


DumbAss HalfCut, do you even know what a monolith is?

Judaism, Christianity and Islam, the three major monotheistic religions, all originated in what is known today as the Arab World. Monotheism literally means "the belief in only one God". The central values of family, charity, and respect for others are shared by these three religions.


Above quote is not mine, its from below.



Now go and claim, it's ALSO NOT A PROOF.


Yentra nuvvu?

Balayya babu yemanna karichada yenti?

Vaadi kanna dumb ga vunnav?


You are probably the ONLY person on this planet who says Islam is not monolithic.


Arey, nijam cheppara chitti Kanna...Balayya babu yemanna karichadra?

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Another incredibly sad news,

Another Dalit Hindu girl raped,

Same modus operandi, gang raped and video taken.


Rapists are Naved and Abdul.


But all HalfCut supporters claim there is no pattern.

Hey, ever known any muslim gangs raping muslim girls and video taping them?

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10 minutes ago, prasadr said:

Hindus are not Monoliths,

Muslims are Monoliths.

since muslims in UK read quran, just like muslims in India, they are the same anedhi nee argument. lol.

so one particular muslim group engagin in a criminal activity in the name of religion, should automatically implicate the entire muslim world, avuna?

is this how you argue? lol. first. the word 'monolith' was used in the political sense fcukface, not a religious one. politically muslims are much more diverse than Hindus. They literally have hundreds of separate countries, and thousands of tribes following Islam. They all don't act in a similar way. If they were monolithic, they would be all living under one big political/economic union.

Even Hindus are not monolithic, but fuckups like you are trying to make them out as such, by pushing ultranationalism on Indian Hindus.

10 minutes ago, prasadr said:
udaism, Christianity and Islam, the three major monotheistic religions, all originated in what is known today as the Arab World. Monotheism literally means "the belief in only one God". The central values of family, charity, and respect for others are shared by these three religions.

again, you keep making political points, and when pushed, come up with lame cultural/religious markers to justify them. Do you understand what politics is, fcukface? 

Hindu, even with the existence of a superstructure called India, is not a political monolith. 


if your idiotic argument is that criminal activity in the name of religion comes under culture/religion, and not under politics, you are dumber than I gave you credit for. lol.


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you are simply confusing people by using Islam and muslim a dozen times in every reply, and hope I don't catch the hollowness of what you are saying.

you neither have facts, nor have the ability to make an argument. but that's not surprising because you are a hindutva dumbfcuk.

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