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Let's expose Gandhi - the man who normalized Hindu hatred in India


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So, who is Swamy Shraddanand? 


Our country history is full of leaders from dalit background who devoted their life for the work of dalit upliftment. But we found rare persons from no- dalit background but worked for dalit upliftment.

Swami Shraddhanda work from the platform of Aryasamaj. He was isnpired from revolutionary teachings of Swami Dayanand. Swami Dayanand in his magnus opus Satyarth Prakash declared equal rights for all castes. He advocated equal right for education, equl right for reading Vedas. He also advocated to stop all sorts of social discrimination and start intercaste dinning and caste marriage. According to Swami Dayanand any Varna was based on qualities and not on the basis of birth. Aryasamaj propagated the same teaching of Swami Dayanand to eradicate caste system.

Swami Shraddhanand and congress

Since joining politics Swami Shraddhanand ji was continuously motivating Indian national congress to deal with the problem of untouchability at national level with extensive measures. In his chairman address of Amritsar congress (1919) he strongly expressed his feelings as “Is it not true that so many among you who make the loudest noises about the acquisition of political rights, are not able to overcome their feeling of revulsion for those sixty millions of India who are suffering injustice, your brothers whom you regard as untouchable ? How many are there who take these wretched brothers of theirs to their heart?…give deep thought…and consider how your sixty million brothers-broken fragments of your own hearts which you have cut off and thrown away- how these millions of children of mother India can well become the anchor of the ship of a foreign government. I make this one appeal to all of you, brothers and sisters. Purify your hearts with the water of the love of the motherland in this national temple, and promise that these millions will not remain for you untouchables, but become brothers and sisters. Their sons and daughters will study in our schools, their men and women will participate in our societies, in our fight for independence they will stand shoulder-to-shoulder with us, and all of us will join hands to realize the fulfillment of our national goal”

(Quotations from original Hindi texts of the swami’s Amritsar conference address obtained from Gandhi memorial museum, Delhi)

Swami Ji difference with Gandhi Ji increased with the passage of time when he draw attention of the congress towards the harassment of Christian chamars by police in environs of Delhi who had accepted Suddhi and returned back to Hinduism by Aryasamaj. In April 1919 he published a booklet of eighty pages entitled ‘jati ke dinon ko mat tyago’ (do not abandon the poor of our nation). Books first seventy pages dealt with the methods used by Christian missionaries in India. Nearly half of the book was taken up by translations from an article in the theosophist about the nefarious activities of Portuguese missionaries and the inquisition, followed by an indictment of protestant missionary work, in particular that of the Delhi Cambridge mission. Thus nearly ninety percent of the pamphlet was aimed at demonstrating missionaries had always used unfair, immortal and underhand mean. The last ten pages deled with constructive point. Since the untouchables were becoming Christians for other than religious reasons, the way to prevent those happenings was by educating their children, by protecting them from the police, and by helping them to achieve social uplift. Since the orthodox would not take up that task, it had become a duty of the aryas to be a crucial one because the greatest danger of the conversion of the untouchables to Christianity was that they became denationalized and supporters of the raj. The swami wrote “if the seven crores of untouchables of India, exasperated by the attitude of the twice born, become Christian , then our orthodox leaders, supporters of independence, will not be able to do anything, except be very sorry.” (Jati ke dinon ko mat tyago. P-72)

In 1920 Calcutta congress session Swami Ji proposed three-point program with special section on the untouchables, but congress declared consideration of this inopportune.(shraddha 13 august,14,17 sept. 1920). Swami Ji writes in liberator that “even Mahatma Gandhi had not realized its importance and was taken up with his resolution of non-violent non-cooperation resolution had been passed by the khilafat committee and Mahatma Ji threatened to sponsor it outside the congress, if it was not passed there. I thought it to be a misfortune if Mahatma Ji would be obliged to sever his connection with the oldest political movement in India” (INCON-p 121)

Swami Ji was surprised on hearing Maulana Shaukat Ali’s doings in Calcutta session in hearing of more than 50 persons, while the merits of non-violence were being discussed. Maulana said “Mahatma Gandhi is a shrewd bania. You do not understand his real object. By putting you under discipline, he is preparing you for guerilla warfare. He is not such an out-an-out non-violencist as you all suppose” (INCO P-122) Swami Ji forwarded his message to Gandhi Ji secretary that his motives were being misrepresented by his trusted colleagues. The next year 1921 Nagpur session Swami Ji again noticed the same pranks being played by the big Ali brothers. In Delhi the Aryasamaj had been working for the depressed classes, and the swami tried to get the local congress to allow them access to the wells. But it was in vain………..

Swami Ji reached Delhi on 17th august, 1921 and found that the question of removal of untouchability was becoming very acute. He called a few of chief chaudharies and asked the full story. They gave the following story- “The secretary of the Delhi congress committee called the chaudharies of the chamars and requested them to give to the congress as many as four-Anna paying members as they could. The reply of the elders was that unless their grievance as regards the taking of water from the public wells was removed, they could not induce their brethren to join the congress. The secretary was a choleric man of hasty temper and said they wanted Swarajya at once but the grievance of the chamars could wait and would be removed by and by. One of the young men got up and said-our trouble from which we are suffering for centuries must wait solution, but the laddu of Swarajya must go into your mouth at once! We shall see how you obtain Swarajya immediately!!”

He wrote to Gandhi Ji after Nagpur session in sept. 1921-

“I wired from Lahore that I would apply for financial aid through the Delhi provincial congress committee but on reaching the deli I found that the uplift of the depressed classes through the congress was difficult. The Delhi and Agra chamars simply demand that they be allowed to draw water from wells used by the Hindus and Mohammedans and that water be not served to them through bamboos and leaves. Even that appears impossible for the congress committee to accomplish. Not only this; a Muslim trader of sadar went to the length of saying that even if Hindus allowed (these man) to draw water from common wells, the Muslims would forcibly restrain them from drawing water because they (the chamars) ate carrion. I know that there are thousands of these chamars who do not either drink wine or eat flesh of any kind and few of them who eat carrion are being weaned by the aryasamajists from that filthy habit. But I ask – do Hindu and Muslim meat eaters devour flesh of living cattle? Do they not eat the flesh of the cattle when they are dead?

At Nagpur you laid down that one of the conditions for obtaining Swarajya within 12 months was to give their rights to the depressed classes and without waiting for the accomplishment of their uplift, you have decreed that if there is a complete boycott of foreign cloth up till 30th September, Swarajya will be an accomplished fact on the 1st of October. The extension of the use of Swadeshi cloth is absolutely necessary but as long as six and half crores of our suppressed classes are taking refuge with the British bureaucracy so long will the extension of Swadeshi be impossible”. (INCO.P-134,135)

Swami Ji in his letter dated June 30th 1922 wrote to general secretary of all India congress committee that the following demands of the depressed classes ought to be complied with at once namely that -

1. They are allowed to sit on the same carpet with citizens of other classes

2. They get the right to draw water from common wells and

3. Their children get admission into national schools and colleges and are to mix freely with students drawn from the so-called higher castes.

Swami Ji went to the Lucknow A.I.C.C. meeting of June 1922 especially to push a plan of action for the removal of untouchability. His proposal to appoint a sub-committee on untouchability was accepted, but some parts of it were amended. The sum of two lakhs of rupees was first substituted for the original five lakhs proposed and then even that was watered down by substituting the phrase ‘as much as could be spared’. But misunderstandings kept cropping orally, but when he started preparatory work and asked for some money, he was informed that the working committee had appointed until a report had been received from the sub-committee. It was all a sorry mess, letters came and went, nothing was being done, and the swami resigned in disgust. His postscript to the whole story as follows- The subcommittee did no business in placing the annual report of the congress before its session at Gaya; the secretary simply remarked that no work could be done by the sub-committee as no substitute for Swami Sharddhananda could be found. (INCO.P-181) Swami Sharddhananda did not receive any support from the congress and Mahatma Gandhi for eradicating the sin of untouchability. Instead of that he received the message from Cocanada session of congress in which Maulana Mohammad Ali the president of that session proposed to divide the so-called untouchables in equal halves between Hindus and the Muslims. (INCO.p-188)

Swami Ji in South India

Swami Ji first tour to south India was between 27 April to 5th June visiting Bangalore, Cochin, Mangalore, Calicut and madras. The main theme of his lecture was untouchability. In Poona he pleaded with the Hindus to abolish immediately the untouchability and raise the depressed classes to the status of kshatriyas or protectors of the Hindu religion (leader, 5 may 1924) he presided Andhra untouchable’s conference at Bangalore and went on to observe Vaikom Satyagraha. He made it clear that he could not personally take part in the struggle as he was not a member of congress. He argued against Gandhi’s directive that the struggle should be kept local, and suggested that a deputation be sent to the Mahatma to see if he could at least allow the committee to receive outside help. If the congress gave up the struggle, he said, it should be continued independently. He offered help and money and even, in that case, to take up the struggle under the auspices of the Hindu sabha. (Leader -12 may 1924)

Vaikom Satyagraha

Aryasamajists working in the area had converted some depressed class members. At first these were allowed to use the roads previously closed to them, but then the authorities, under orthodox pressure, announced that conversion to the Aryasamaj did not take the convert out of the depressed classes,. The Swami and Pt. Rishi ram issued a manifesto of protest, “it means that a member of the depressed classes cannot have his social disabilities removed unless he forsakes the Hindu society and religion.” The manifesto invited the whole of Hindu society and in particular Pt. Madan Mohan Malviya as head of Hindu Mahasabha to take action. (Leader 11, 12 may 1924)

Distressed by the condition of the Hindus of south India he wired Mahatma Gandhi “Kindly propose that every Hindu member of the all India congress committee who can afford should engage at least one servant from among the untouchables for personal service, those not conforming to this rule to vacate office. If even this is impossible then leave the question of the removal of untouchability for the Hindu Mahasabha” (leader 27 June 1924)

Palghat Court Verdict

On 13th Nov. 1925 name of Aryasamaj and swami ji published in all major newspapers of south India. On the opening day of car festival the divisional magistrate promulgated an order prohibiting Aryasamaj converts from entering the orthodox Hindu streets. This led to a public protest meeting, which passed among others the following resolution. That “this meeting begs to express its unqualified condemnation of the utterly illegal procedure and policy of religious interference adopted by the madras government in extending its order of prohibition to the Aryasamaj converts from the depressed classes while such converts to Christianity and Mohammedanism are not so prohibited ” (leader 19.nov,1924)

The leader of 21st Nov., 1925 condemned the intolerant and wholly short sighted attitude of the orthodox Hindus and praised Swami Sharddhananda for taking up their cause and valiantly leading the movement.

Swami Ji in response started a new weekly name liberator in English for special purpose of communicating his views to the intelligentsia of south India where the evil of untouchability existed in most objectionable and inhuman form (leader 5, April 1925) Its aim was strongly stated by swami ji- The uplift of the untouchables and their assimilation in the Hindu polity is the very plinth on which alone the edifice of free India can be constructed. Therefore, the liberator will make the cause of the so-called untouchables its main concern. This doctrine of untouchability is the gangrene of Hindu polity. Diehard vanity, deep- rooted prejudice, degenerating ignorance and doping superstition are the germs that feed this gangrene. Each one of these has to be attacked for getting rid of this gangrene. (Leader 4, April 1926)

Thus we reach a conclusion that the later years of swami ji life were devoted entirely for the upliftment of the depressed Hindus.

INCO- Inside the congress. This book is collection of lectures by Swami Shraddhananda.

Dr Vivek Arya

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19 minutes ago, prasadr said:


No one is forcing anyone to read my posts or reply to them.

But once you reply to them, be ready to receive replies in the same language you post your replies.


I have noticed a lot on DB where people when faced with uncomfortable truths tend to abuse the messenger.


Instead of abusing me for sharing history, why not discuss history and present your opinion.


This generalized posts where you want to equate Hindus = muslims does not hold, since history does not support this claim.

If you think otherwise, please do post the proofs.

ur too stupid to to take an argument forward without making personal remarks on the person who's trying to make a meaningful conversation, i'm a hindu myself but i still find ur posts offensive, just imagine how the other section u're targeting would take them , just quoting random instigating articles will not make u an intellectual , it just proves how misinformed and how out out of touch u r with reality lol

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5 minutes ago, BUDDY said:

ur too stupid to to take an argument forward without making personal remarks on the person who's trying to make a meaningful conversation, i'm a hindu myself but i still find ur posts offensive, just imagine how the other section u're targeting would take them , just quoting random instigating articles will not make u an intellectual , it just proves how misinformed and how out out of touch u r with reality 


Don't care who you are.,

There are lot of Hindu Kojjas who hate themselves and Hinduism. 


As far as you "making a meaningful conversation", why don't you visit your second post?

this is exactly how the assholes from each side try to radicalize people in india , just let them be dude , who cares if gandhi was an asshole , nobody in the younger generation cares about it now....


That's your post.

Let me know how you should be responded after that.


And I am not quoting random articles dumass.

I am quoting Amedkar from book he wrote "Pakistan or Partition of India". Book is available online, why don't read and see if I have quoted wrong?

I am also quoting Anne Besant, from book she wrote called 'The Future of Indian Politics'. Again, check the book and let me know If I have quoted wrong.


My posts are MEANT  TO  BE   OFFENSIVE.

Otherwise, whats the pointing of posting these threads where I am exposing Indian history and our historical figures?


Instead getting all weepy and abusive, use sources to show my claims are false.

Come up with an argument, instead of wailing about radicalization. Hey Dumbo, radicalization has already happened. You are 1200 years too late. 

My only aim is to remove the burkha and show the world how Hindus have been forced to accept a false narrative by False Mahatmas, who made Kojjas our of us.


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3 minutes ago, prasadr said:


Don't care who you are.,

There are lot of Hindu Kojjas who hate themselves and Hinduism. 


As far as you "making a meaningful conversation", why don't you visit your second post?

this is exactly how the assholes from each side try to radicalize people in india , just let them be dude , who cares if gandhi was an asshole , nobody in the younger generation cares about it now....


That's your post.

Let me know how you should be responded after that.


And I am not quoting random articles dumass.

I am quoting Amedkar from book he wrote "Pakistan or Partition of India". Book is available online, why don't read and see if I have quoted wrong?

I am also quoting Anne Besant, from book she wrote called 'The Future of Indian Politics'. Again, check the book and let me know If I have quoted wrong.


My posts are MEANT  TO  BE   OFFENSIVE.

Otherwise, whats the pointing of posting these threads where I am exposing Indian history and our historical figures?


Instead getting all weepy and abusive, use sources to show my claims are false.

Come up with an argument, instead of wailing about radicalization. Hey Dumbo, radicalization has already happened. You are 1200 years too late. 

My only aim is to remove the burkha and show the world how Hindus have been forced to accept a false narrative by False Mahatmas, who made Kojjas our of us.


relax dude , go take a walk lol ,,, u're still stupid enough to even realize that u're proving my point right again , people like u are the exact reason why there's so much unrest in the world


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5 hours ago, prasadr said:

Just to start off, look what this man did to "Raghupati Raghava" song from Nama Ramayana.

Look at the perversion of Gandhi, who could turn one of holiest songs into a distortion,

A question, would he have dared to something similar to Bible or Quran?




This thread will expose the damage caused to Hindus and how he normalized Hindu hatred in India.

emundhilevayya...andharu devullu vunnaaru ..manushulam...

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54 minutes ago, BUDDY said:

relax dude , go take a walk lol ,,, u're still stupid enough to even realize that u're proving my point right again , people like u are the exact reason why there's so much unrest in the world



So, as per you Jews are part of the problem why they got massacred by Hitler?


Let me know which among these groups have been involved in bombings/shootings/vehicle rampage in US, Canda, Europe, UK, Australia

1. Hindus

2. Buddhists

3. Jains

4. Jews


Want to know which groups have been involved in bombings/knifings/shootings/vehicle rampage in all these areas?

1. Muslims.


When you understand the above 2 facts, your whole lies are exposed,


People like you want to hide the fact that it's just one group that has been shitting on humanity for a long time now.

And when people like me point to these facts by providing proofs, you abuse us to silence us.




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41 minutes ago, BUDDY said:


also to add to this , jobless idiots like u might have all the time in the world to read irrelevant books and articles and quote not so significant parts from them to instigate other people , unlike u others have a lot of personal life , no one in this forum is as jobless as u r to read ur irrelevant articles and analyze them ..... if u're going to spew venom on a particular community based on ur understanding from a couple of books and articles , just fuckk off ... just writing long paragraphs as replies doesnt make u an intellectual , anyone who reads them can figure out that u're  dumb as a brick ...


Wait Wait,

Did this moron just call books written by Ambedkar and Anne Besant as irrelevant?!!


Worse, he makes light of facts quoted by these 2  to hide the state sanctioned atrocities committed by Muslims.


Problem for bigots like you is that current generation has little appetite for your lies and are willing to learn the truth and form their own opinion.

All I am doing is present the facts - people like you want to hide the facts.


Instead of abusing me,

why not just address the facts I have mentioned and prove me as liar.


All you say I am this and that...just address the facts and let us see your own proofs showing me as liar.

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43 minutes ago, Mr Mirchi said:

emundhilevayya...andharu devullu vunnaaru ..manushulam...



Why not change bible verses and Quran verses by injecting Ram and Siva and preach it in mosques and churches.


If you are alive, we can discuss this "andharu devullu" concept.

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3 hours ago, prasadr said:

Chapter 2 : Mopla massacre of Hindus ->


"Beginning with the year 1920 there occurred in that year in Malabar what is known as the Mopla Rebellion. It was the result of the agitation carried out by two Muslim organizations, the Khuddam-i-Kaba (servants of the Mecca Shrine) and the Central Khilafat Committee. Agitators actually preached the doctrine that India under the British Government was Dar-ul-Harab and that the Muslims must fight against it and if they could not, they must carry out the alternative principle of Hijrat. The Moplas were suddenly carried off their feet by this agitation. The outbreak was essentially a rebellion against the British Government The aim was to establish the kingdom of Islam by overthrowing the British Government. Knives, swords and spears were secretly manufactured, bands of desperadoes collected for an attack on British authority.... But what baffled most was the treatment accorded by the Moplas to the Hindus of Malabar. The Hindus were visited by a dire fate at the hands of the Moplas. Massacres, forcible conversions, desecration of temples, foul outrages upon women, such as ripping open pregnant women, pillage, arson and destruction— in short, all the accompaniments of brutal and unrestrained barbarism, were perpetrated freely by the Moplas upon the Hindus until such time as troops could be hurried to the task of restoring order through a difficult and extensive tract of the country. This was not a Hindu-Moslem riot. This was just a Bartholomew. The number of Hindus who were killed, wounded or converted, is not known. But the number must have been enormous."

B. R. Ambedkar, Ambedkar, Bhimrao. Pakistan or the Partition of India. Chapter 7

"They murdered and plundered abundantly, and killed or drove away all Hindus who would not apostatize. Somewhere about a lakh of people were driven from their homes with nothing but the clothes they had on, stripped of everything. Malabar has taught us what Islamic rule still means, and we do not want to see another specimen of the Khilafat Raj in India."

Besant, Annie. The Future of Indian Politics: A Contribution To The Understanding Of Present-Day Problems P252. Kessinger Publishing, LLC


"Shortly after the worst of all riots between Moslems and Hindus, when the Moplah Mohammedans butchered hundreds of unarmed Hindus and offered their prepuces as a covenant to Allah, these same Moslems were stricken with famine; Gandhi collected funds for them from all India, and, with no regard for the best precedents, forwarded every anna, without deduction for "overhead," to the starving enemy."

Will Durant, Our Oriental heritage


"The communal Mappila outrage of 1921 in Malabar could be easily traced to the forcible mass conversion and related Islamic atrocities of Tipu Sultan during his cruel military regime from 1783 to 1792. It is doubtful whether the Hindus of Kerala had ever suffered so much devastation and atrocities since the reclamation of Kerala by the mythological Lord Parasurama in a previous Era. Many thousands of Hindus were forcibly converted into Muhammadan faith."

K. Madhava Nair, on page 14 of his famous book, Malabar Kalapam (Mappila outrage). Quoted in Goel S.R. (Ed.) Tipu Sultan: Villain or hero? : an anthology. (1993).


Know what Gandhi said?

"[They are] brave God-fearing people who were fighting for what they consider as religion, and in a manner which they consider as religious."

Mahatma Gandhi, quoted in Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar, Pakistan or the Partition of India, Education Department of Maharashtra, Mumbia, 1990(originally 1945), p.158. Quoted from Hinduism and Judaism compilation


Reactions for this comment from Gandhi:

The blood-curdling atrocities committed by the Moplas in Malabar against the Hindus were indescribable. All over Southern India, a wave of horrified feeling had spread among the Hindus of every shade of opinion, which was intensified when certain Khilafat leaders were so misguided as to pass resolutions of " congratulations to the Moplas on the brave fight they were conducting for the sake of religion". Any person could have said that this was too heavy a price for Hindu-Moslem unity. But Mr. Gandhi was so much obsessed by the necessity of establishing Hindu-Moslem unity that he was prepared to make light of the doings of the Moplas and the Khilafats who were congratulating them. He spoke of the Moplas as the " brave God-fearing Moplas who were fighting for what they consider as religion and in a manner which they consider as religious ". Speaking of the Muslim silence over the Mopla atrocities Mr. Gandhi told the Hindus:
" The Hindus must have the courage and the faith to feel that they can protect their religion in spite of such fanatical eruptions. A verbal disapproval by the Mussalmans of Mopla madness is no test of Mussalman friendship. The Mussalmans must naturally feel the shame and humiliation of the Mopla conduct about forcible conversions and looting, and they must work away so silently and effectively that such a thing might become impossible even on the part of the most fanatical among them. My belief is that the Hindus as a body have received the Mopla madness with equanimity and that the cultured Mussalmans are sincerely sorry of the Mopla's perversion of the teaching of the Prophet"

B. R. Ambedkar, Ambedkar, Bhimrao. Pakistan or the Partition of India. Chapter 7

"It would be well if Mr. Gandhi be taken into Malabar to see with his own eyes the ghastly horror which have been created by his preaching and of his “loved brothers” Mohammed and Shaukal Ali. Mr. Gandhi asked the Moderates to compel the Government to suspend hostilities, i.e. to let loose the wolves to destroy what lives are left. The Murderers, the looters, the ravishers have put into practice the teachings of paralyzing the Government by making war on the Government in their own way. How does Mr. Gandhi like the Mopla spirit, as shown by one of the prisoners in the hospital, who was dying from the results of asphyxiation? He asked the surgeon, if he was going to die and the surgeon answered that he feared he would not recover. “Well, I am glad that I killed 14 infidels” said the ‘Brave, God-fearing Mopla’, whom Mr. Gandhi so much admires who “are fighting for what they consider” as religion, and in a manner they consider as religious”. Men who consider it “religious” to murder, rape, loot, to kill women and little children, cutting down whole families, have to be put under restraint in any civilized society. Mr. Gandhi was shocked when some Parsi ladies had their saris torn on, and very properly, yet the God fearing hooligans had been taught that it was sinful to wear foreign cloth, and doubtless felt they were doing a religious act; can he not feel a little sympathy for thousands of women left with only rage, driven from home, for little children born of the dying mothers on roads in refugee camps ? The misery is beyond description. Girl wives, pretty and sweet, with eyes half blind with weeping, distraught with terror, women who have seen their husbands backed to pieces before their eyes, in the way “Moplas consider as religious”, old women tottering, whose faces become written with anguish and who cry at a gentle touch and a kind look waking out of a stupor of misery only to weep, men who have lost all – hopeless, crushed, desperate. I have walked among thousands of them in the refuge camps, and some times heavy eyes would lift as a cloth was laid gently on the bare shoulder and a faint watery smile of surprise would make the face even more piteous than the stupor. Eyes full of appeal, of agonized despair, of hopeless entreaty, of helpless anguish, thousands of them camp after camp, “Shameful inhumanity proceeding in Malabar “says Mr. Gandhi Shameful inhumanity indeed. Wrought by the Moplas, and where are the victims, saved from extermination by British and India swords. For be it remembered the Moplas began the whole home business; the Government intervened to save their victims and these thousands have been saved. Mr. Gandhi would have hostility suspended – so that the Moplas may sweep down on the refugee camps, and finish their work”. Let me finish within beautiful story told to me. Two Pulayas the lowest of the submerged classes, were captured with others and given the choice between Islam and Death. These, the outcast of Hinduism, the untouchables, so loved the Hinduism which had been so unkind a step-mother to them, that they chose to die Hindus rather than to live Muslim. May the God of both, Muslim and Hindus send his messengers to these heroic souls, and give them rebirth into the faith for which they died.”

Annie Besant: Malabar’s Agony – Annie Besant writes on Gandhiji’s ‘Mappila brothers’ – New India, 29 November 1921


I have told in some other thread that...the bjp supporting guys are much more tolerable...no I retract my statement @crashnburn @lovemystate...converting facts to suit your statements...nuvvu vesina posts chusi konchemaina respect undedhi ..chi jeevitham...asalu mooplah rebellion context thelusa ...edho matladuthunnaru...context thelusukoni matladaaley....Goebbels kantey ekkuva thayarainaru...and by the way ambedkar on partition book lo selective ga bayataki theeyaku statements ni...complete chapter pettu dhairyamuntey...

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2 minutes ago, Cation said:

What's the point? Hinduism is not a religion anyway


So what?

Does that mean crimes on us should be hidden? 

or they don't matter?


Gandhi has done so much damage to Hindus by simply being non-voilent and adjust even after repeated genocide committed on us.

when muslims kill us - he asks us to get killed

when British kill us -  he asks us to get killed


But he never asked muslims and British to stop killing us.


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7 minutes ago, Gnan_anna said:

I have told in some other thread that...the bjp supporting guys are much more tolerable...no I retract my statement @crashnburn @lovemystate...converting facts to suit your statements...nuvvu vesina posts chusi konchemaina respect undedhi ..chi jeevitham...asalu mooplah rebellion context thelusa ...edho matladuthunnaru...context thelusukoni matladaaley....Goebbels kantey ekkuva thayarainaru...and by the way ambedkar on partition book lo selective ga bayataki theeyaku statements ni...complete chapter pettu dhairyamuntey...


Sure, let us all know the context.


I thought some one would at least give us the background & I am glad you have brought it up.


So, please give the context & connect that CONTEXT to the genocide done on Hindus during Moplah "riots" & why Gandhi was Ok with Hindus getting killed.

Btw, If I have selectively quoted Ambedkar, why not post that selectiveness?


The way I see it,

I am the only one quoting and posting with proofs.

All I am seeing from other end is abuses on me. Not one person has provided a single proof.


AND I am not even talking about Gandhi calling Abdul Rashid, murderer of Swamy as a brother.

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