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Let's expose Gandhi - the man who normalized Hindu hatred in India


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4 minutes ago, prasadr said:


So what?

Does that mean crimes on us should be hidden? 

or they don't matter?


Gandhi has done so much damage to Hindus by simply being non-voilent and adjust even after repeated genocide committed on us.

when muslims kill us - he asks us to get killed

when British kill us -  he asks us to get killed


But he never asked muslims and British to stop killing us.


Define us. 

When you say Hinduism is not a religion, but a way of life....isn't it ironic to compare against other people who call it a religion?

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For all those here...here is the PDF link of book...ambedkar always criticised Hinduism rather logically I should confess...instead going over the flaws pointed out by him...we are hell bent on using his works to criticise others and even ambedkar himself...emunnaru Ra Bhai...

https://www.mea.gov.in › ambPDF
Web results
Babasaheb Dr. BR Ambedkar - The Ministry of External Affairs

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Since an "esteemed member" abused me for not understanding the context of Moplah genocide & refuses to provide the context, let me also do that ->


First, the general tendency to confuse Moplah genocide of Hindus with Malabar rebellion is very intentional.

I think @Gnan_anna can be forgiven for confusing the two.


Moplah genocide did not take place  in a year or a decade. 

It started in 1830's and continued until 1920.


The culmination of Moplah Genocide was the Malabar revolution of Khilafat against the British.

Historians have have clubbed the two, to hide the facts of Khilafat destruction of Hindus for over 90 years in Kerala. They hide this fact with Malabar rebellion done by Khilafat against the British - to term the movement as an independence movement.


BUT, not one of them will address the 90 years where Islamic bigots under Khilafat committed untold atrocities on Hindus.


If it was a freedom movement, why hide the fact of atrocities done on Hindus for 90 years?


More importantly not many want to acknowledge the fact that this was a continuation of what Tipu started, which evolved into Khilafat, that just scythed through Hindu communities in kerala for 90 years.

The mistake Muslims did was to take on British after they were finished with Hindus - which resulted in them getting massacred.


Just because they got massacred by British does not mean all the dastardly acts until then can be forgiven.


and dear @Gnan_anna what is also not forgiven is people NOT PROVIDING FACTS When making personal abuses.

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12 minutes ago, Cation said:

Define us. 

When you say Hinduism is not a religion, but a way of life....isn't it ironic to compare against other people who call it a religion?

This discussion is moot.

You can include "Hindus" as Dharmics, Sikhs, Jains & Buddhits if you wish.

After all, these 4 groups were systematically decimated.


You are more worried on semantics of who a Hindu is than actual Genocide committed - VERY STRANGE

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What is the point of calling someone your religion when you are so different from them in terms of values, culture and environment?  What are you defending when you don't have anything in common? 

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3 hours ago, prasadr said:

Chapter 2 : Mopla massacre of Hindus ->


"Beginning with the year 1920 there occurred in that year in Malabar what is known as the Mopla Rebellion. It was the result of the agitation carried out by two Muslim organizations, the Khuddam-i-Kaba (servants of the Mecca Shrine) and the Central Khilafat Committee. Agitators actually preached the doctrine that India under the British Government was Dar-ul-Harab and that the Muslims must fight against it and if they could not, they must carry out the alternative principle of Hijrat. The Moplas were suddenly carried off their feet by this agitation. The outbreak was essentially a rebellion against the British Government The aim was to establish the kingdom of Islam by overthrowing the British Government. Knives, swords and spears were secretly manufactured, bands of desperadoes collected for an attack on British authority.... But what baffled most was the treatment accorded by the Moplas to the Hindus of Malabar. The Hindus were visited by a dire fate at the hands of the Moplas. Massacres, forcible conversions, desecration of temples, foul outrages upon women, such as ripping open pregnant women, pillage, arson and destruction— in short, all the accompaniments of brutal and unrestrained barbarism, were perpetrated freely by the Moplas upon the Hindus until such time as troops could be hurried to the task of restoring order through a difficult and extensive tract of the country. This was not a Hindu-Moslem riot. This was just a Bartholomew. The number of Hindus who were killed, wounded or converted, is not known. But the number must have been enormous."

B. R. Ambedkar, Ambedkar, Bhimrao. Pakistan or the Partition of India. Chapter 7

"They murdered and plundered abundantly, and killed or drove away all Hindus who would not apostatize. Somewhere about a lakh of people were driven from their homes with nothing but the clothes they had on, stripped of everything. Malabar has taught us what Islamic rule still means, and we do not want to see another specimen of the Khilafat Raj in India."

Besant, Annie. The Future of Indian Politics: A Contribution To The Understanding Of Present-Day Problems P252. Kessinger Publishing, LLC


"Shortly after the worst of all riots between Moslems and Hindus, when the Moplah Mohammedans butchered hundreds of unarmed Hindus and offered their prepuces as a covenant to Allah, these same Moslems were stricken with famine; Gandhi collected funds for them from all India, and, with no regard for the best precedents, forwarded every anna, without deduction for "overhead," to the starving enemy."

Will Durant, Our Oriental heritage


"The communal Mappila outrage of 1921 in Malabar could be easily traced to the forcible mass conversion and related Islamic atrocities of Tipu Sultan during his cruel military regime from 1783 to 1792. It is doubtful whether the Hindus of Kerala had ever suffered so much devastation and atrocities since the reclamation of Kerala by the mythological Lord Parasurama in a previous Era. Many thousands of Hindus were forcibly converted into Muhammadan faith."

K. Madhava Nair, on page 14 of his famous book, Malabar Kalapam (Mappila outrage). Quoted in Goel S.R. (Ed.) Tipu Sultan: Villain or hero? : an anthology. (1993).


Know what Gandhi said?

"[They are] brave God-fearing people who were fighting for what they consider as religion, and in a manner which they consider as religious."

Mahatma Gandhi, quoted in Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar, Pakistan or the Partition of India, Education Department of Maharashtra, Mumbia, 1990(originally 1945), p.158. Quoted from Hinduism and Judaism compilation


Reactions for this comment from Gandhi:

The blood-curdling atrocities committed by the Moplas in Malabar against the Hindus were indescribable. All over Southern India, a wave of horrified feeling had spread among the Hindus of every shade of opinion, which was intensified when certain Khilafat leaders were so misguided as to pass resolutions of " congratulations to the Moplas on the brave fight they were conducting for the sake of religion". Any person could have said that this was too heavy a price for Hindu-Moslem unity. But Mr. Gandhi was so much obsessed by the necessity of establishing Hindu-Moslem unity that he was prepared to make light of the doings of the Moplas and the Khilafats who were congratulating them. He spoke of the Moplas as the " brave God-fearing Moplas who were fighting for what they consider as religion and in a manner which they consider as religious ". Speaking of the Muslim silence over the Mopla atrocities Mr. Gandhi told the Hindus:
" The Hindus must have the courage and the faith to feel that they can protect their religion in spite of such fanatical eruptions. A verbal disapproval by the Mussalmans of Mopla madness is no test of Mussalman friendship. The Mussalmans must naturally feel the shame and humiliation of the Mopla conduct about forcible conversions and looting, and they must work away so silently and effectively that such a thing might become impossible even on the part of the most fanatical among them. My belief is that the Hindus as a body have received the Mopla madness with equanimity and that the cultured Mussalmans are sincerely sorry of the Mopla's perversion of the teaching of the Prophet"

B. R. Ambedkar, Ambedkar, Bhimrao. Pakistan or the Partition of India. Chapter 7

"It would be well if Mr. Gandhi be taken into Malabar to see with his own eyes the ghastly horror which have been created by his preaching and of his “loved brothers” Mohammed and Shaukal Ali. Mr. Gandhi asked the Moderates to compel the Government to suspend hostilities, i.e. to let loose the wolves to destroy what lives are left. The Murderers, the looters, the ravishers have put into practice the teachings of paralyzing the Government by making war on the Government in their own way. How does Mr. Gandhi like the Mopla spirit, as shown by one of the prisoners in the hospital, who was dying from the results of asphyxiation? He asked the surgeon, if he was going to die and the surgeon answered that he feared he would not recover. “Well, I am glad that I killed 14 infidels” said the ‘Brave, God-fearing Mopla’, whom Mr. Gandhi so much admires who “are fighting for what they consider” as religion, and in a manner they consider as religious”. Men who consider it “religious” to murder, rape, loot, to kill women and little children, cutting down whole families, have to be put under restraint in any civilized society. Mr. Gandhi was shocked when some Parsi ladies had their saris torn on, and very properly, yet the God fearing hooligans had been taught that it was sinful to wear foreign cloth, and doubtless felt they were doing a religious act; can he not feel a little sympathy for thousands of women left with only rage, driven from home, for little children born of the dying mothers on roads in refugee camps ? The misery is beyond description. Girl wives, pretty and sweet, with eyes half blind with weeping, distraught with terror, women who have seen their husbands backed to pieces before their eyes, in the way “Moplas consider as religious”, old women tottering, whose faces become written with anguish and who cry at a gentle touch and a kind look waking out of a stupor of misery only to weep, men who have lost all – hopeless, crushed, desperate. I have walked among thousands of them in the refuge camps, and some times heavy eyes would lift as a cloth was laid gently on the bare shoulder and a faint watery smile of surprise would make the face even more piteous than the stupor. Eyes full of appeal, of agonized despair, of hopeless entreaty, of helpless anguish, thousands of them camp after camp, “Shameful inhumanity proceeding in Malabar “says Mr. Gandhi Shameful inhumanity indeed. Wrought by the Moplas, and where are the victims, saved from extermination by British and India swords. For be it remembered the Moplas began the whole home business; the Government intervened to save their victims and these thousands have been saved. Mr. Gandhi would have hostility suspended – so that the Moplas may sweep down on the refugee camps, and finish their work”. Let me finish within beautiful story told to me. Two Pulayas the lowest of the submerged classes, were captured with others and given the choice between Islam and Death. These, the outcast of Hinduism, the untouchables, so loved the Hinduism which had been so unkind a step-mother to them, that they chose to die Hindus rather than to live Muslim. May the God of both, Muslim and Hindus send his messengers to these heroic souls, and give them rebirth into the faith for which they died.”

Annie Besant: Malabar’s Agony – Annie Besant writes on Gandhiji’s ‘Mappila brothers’ – New India, 29 November 1921


The propagation of non-violence and Gandhi's mentality right from childhood has turned most kids into coward , violence fearing adults.

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4 minutes ago, prasadr said:

Since an "esteemed member" abused me for not understanding the context of Moplah genocide & refuses to provide the context, let me also do that ->


First, the general tendency to confuse Moplah genocide of Hindus with Malabar rebellion is very intentional.

I think @Gnan_anna can be forgiven for confusing the two.


Moplah genocide did not take place  in a year or a decade. 

It started in 1830's and continued until 1920.


The culmination of Moplah Genocide was the Malabar revolution of Khilafat against the British.

Historians have have clubbed the two, to hide the facts of Khilafat destruction of Hindus for over 90 years in Kerala. They hide this fact with Malabar rebellion done by Khilafat against the British - to term the movement as an independence movement.


BUT, not one of them will address the 90 years where Islamic bigots under Khilafat committed untold atrocities on Hindus.


If it was a freedom movement, why hide the fact of atrocities done on Hindus for 90 years?


More importantly not many want to acknowledge the fact that this was a continuation of what Tipu started, which evolved into Khilafat, that just scythed through Hindu communities in kerala for 90 years.

The mistake Muslims did was to take on British after they were finished with Hindus - which resulted in them getting massacred.


Just because they got massacred by British does not mean all the dastardly acts until then can be forgiven.


and dear @Gnan_anna what is also not forgiven is people NOT PROVIDING FACTS When making personal abuses.

Try to read everything from the text brother....it provides us the various factors leading to that revolt...nu.cheppina communal angle undhi...atlaney economic angle kuda undhi...atlaney Hindu landlords opressing the Muslim peasents Anna angle kuda undhi..

Selective outrage is as venemous as the complete outrage with genocidal overtones....manam kuda itla chesthey edhuti vallaki Manaki Theda undadhu brother...


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3 hours ago, BUDDY said:

this is exactly how the assholes from each side try to radicalize people in india , just let them be dude , who cares if gandhi was an asshole , nobody in the younger generation cares about it now....

But preaching non-violence right from childhood to kids and teaching it as a noble virtue is turning many into imbecile cowards. 

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16 minutes ago, prasadr said:

This discussion is moot.

You can include "Hindus" as Dharmics, Sikhs, Jains & Buddhits if you wish.

After all, these 4 groups were systematically decimated.


You are more worried on semantics of who a Hindu is than actual Genocide committed - VERY STRANGE

Yes, because what is the point of defending something that is not even defined properly?

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10 minutes ago, Gnan_anna said:

For all those here...here is the PDF link of book...ambedkar always criticised Hinduism rather logically I should confess...instead going over the flaws pointed out by him...we are hell bent on using his works to criticise others and even ambedkar himself...emunnaru Ra Bhai...

https://www.mea.gov.in › ambPDF
Web results
Babasaheb Dr. BR Ambedkar - The Ministry of External Affairs


Oh please,

none of us are hiding the facts of what Hindus did to Dalits. We discuss it openly, every day of the week.

We are paying for it in form of reservations to Dalits as well as SC/ST act.

We don't deny the part of history where we have mistreated and committed atrocities on Dalits



We don't do the same with Islamic atrocities on Hindus, RIGHT?


Ambedkar is probably only person in Indian history who called a spade a spade.

He called out Caste atrocities done by Hindus.

he also called out Islamic fanatism.


Point being, you are ok with Ambedkar being critical of Hinduism

BUT you profess selectiveness when I quote Ambedkar on Islam.


Even Ambedkar would have slapped you silly for your duplicity.

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16 minutes ago, Tyler_durden said:

But preaching non-violence right from childhood to kids and teaching it as a noble virtue is turning many into imbecile cowards. 


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19 minutes ago, Gnan_anna said:

Try to read everything from the text brother....it provides us the various factors leading to that revolt...nu.cheppina communal angle undhi...atlaney economic angle kuda undhi...atlaney Hindu landlords opressing the Muslim peasents Anna angle kuda undhi..

Selective outrage is as venemous as the complete outrage with genocidal overtones....manam kuda itla chesthey edhuti vallaki Manaki Theda undadhu brother...



Huh, it's the same excuse Hitler gave while happily killing millions of them.

He used Jews greed as an excuse to cull them.


Where you are partly right though is the social constra at that time.

What you are not right though is that Khilafats cared naught for these conditions, Like I said, this is a continuation of what Tipu started and nothing to do with Social Construct at that time.


PROOF is in the pudding.

During these 90 years, Muslims offered one thing to Hindus, Convert or die.

Wonder what "convert or die" has got anything to do with Landlords oppressing anyone? 


IF some one is oppressing you, fighting them makes sense but "converting them" makes little sense.

Here is what Dr Ambedkar observes in his book and pin points Moplah explicitly and takes on Gandhi's duplicity.


Unless of course you think Ambedkar's observations are WRONG on Moplah - Do you think he is wrong?

If you think I am lying about Ambedkar - do quote the correction.


WHat I don't want is people diverting from what Ambedkar said on Moplah and Gandhi to some other topic.

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7 hours ago, prasadr said:

Just to start off, look what this man did to "Raghupati Raghava" song from Nama Ramayana.

Look at the perversion of Gandhi, who could turn one of holiest songs into a distortion,

A question, would he have dared to something similar to Bible or Quran?




This thread will expose the damage caused to Hindus and how he normalized Hindu hatred in India.



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