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Trump and the RNC raised a record $125 million in the third quarter

tacobell fan

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The Republican National Committee and the Trump campaign raised $125 million between July and September, setting a new presidential fundraising record. By comparison, President Obama raised a total of $70 million in the third quarter of 2011.


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In the 2016 campaign, Trump raised $339 million and spent $322 million – a far cry from the $565 million spent by Clinton, according to the latest Federal Election Commission disclosure reports. 

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Russian President Vladimir Putin poked fun at the ongoing political crisis in the US by joking about election meddling Wednesday.

When asked about concerns the Russia might interfere in the 2020 US elections, he replied: "I'll tell you a secret: Yes, we'll definitely do it," Putin said. "Just don't tell anyone," he added, in a stage whisper.
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