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The Bilderberg plan involves creating a global corporation which would effectively own the world. The world would, in effect, become a large "company town" wholly owned by the corporation. The corporation would own everything: The land, The air, The water, The vegetation and animals and even, perhaps, the human genetic code. It would be impossible to exist in the world except at the pleasure of the corporation. The directors of the corporation would be the global elite, the same aristocrats who run the world today from behind the scenes. Your existence and right to exist would be at the pleasure of the corporation.

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When President Truman received the report of the success of the first atomic bomb ever used in actual war, he was absolutely thrilled. "Do it again", he commanded. "Pepper the place with nukes!" They did "do it again", but, after that, Truman suddenly changed and ordered the bombs stopped saying simply, "We can't do this any more". Why the sudden and unexpected reversal? This is an example of an intervention. The planet Earth is under constant surveillance from two major sources. One is the Astral plane whose inhabitants can directly observe this world anytime they please. The second is other civilizations in the physical universe. Both of these groups, under extreme circumstances, are allowed to break standard protocol and directly intervene in Earth's internal affairs. Truman could have been pulled out of his body overnight and taken into the Astral world. Alternately, he could have been paid a visit by "ET". In either case, he was convinced that he could not challenge beings with powers far beyond his comprehension. Therefore, he quickly had a change of heart and no one has used a nuclear weapon in war since. Every day, beings from the Astral world come to the Earth. While here, they use temporary human looking bodies which they create. They dissolve the bodies when they return home to the Astral world. If you are sensitive enough to detect them, they will not harm you. However, don't expect them to be overly friendly either. So, this begs the question: Even though the Bilderberg "new world order" planners theoretically have the technology and the desire to deliberately kill 90+% of the human population of the Earth, would such a plan be allowed to go forward or would there be an intervention to put a stop to this madness

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We live in a created environment. Matter, be it the gross matter of the physical plane or the finer matter of the Astral plane, is constantly changing or in a state of flux and is, therefore, essentially unreal. The only stable form of matter is energy or non matter. Consequently, the Spiritual worlds, which are not material, are not subject to creation and dissolution. The material worlds in which we live are created by a modification of some of this eternal energy. Dissolution returns matter to its natural state of unmodified energy. We, as Souls, are essentially energy and our natural home is in the unmodified space where we all originated. To seek to return to this state is the goal of all legitimate Spiritual schools. Dissolutions can be minor or grand. Minor dissolutions are of more immediate concern because it is this type the people living today are likely to experience during their lifetime. This is the dissolution that removes the physical universe and the Astral universe or planes from the creation. This is the type of dissolution described in the Book of Revelations in the statement, "I saw a new Heaven and a new Earth, as the old Heaven and Earth had passed away". This event is not some kind of "makeover" where the Earth remains intact but just gets "spruced up" to look new. It is clear from the Biblical text that it first ceases to exist and later returns to existence. The reference to Heaven is a reference to the Astral world. Because most people go to the Astral world between physical lifetimes, they believe it is Heaven. Actual "Heaven", of course, is in the Spiritual planes which are not subject to dissolution. Dissolution does not mean that the Earth will explode, burn up or start cracking into pieces as proposed in the latest "2012" movie. Dissolution means exactly what the term implies. Matter is deconstructed and simply ceases to exist. If you are living in the physical or Astral universe at the time of a dissolution, you will no longer have access to a physical or Astral body because those levels of matter have been removed from the creation. However, you will have your Soul. which is imperishable, as well as access to your mental and causal bodies. However, anyone who is not Spiritually mature enough to function at the higher density or vibratory level of at least the Causal plane will essentially become unconscious or asleep and will remain in that state until a new environment is created [new Heaven and new Earth] where they can again become conscious. These people [Souls], called "the meek" in the Christian Bible, will "inherit" the new Earth at the beginning of the next cycle. The alert Souls will likely complete their development on the higher material planes and then leave the created worlds for their real home in the Spiritual worlds. So, you could compare these events to a type of graduation. Those who passed move up and on and those who did not make the grade are held back to repeat it.

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You will, no doubt, recognize this as Timothy Leary's mantra from the 1960's when the population was introduced to LSD and the instant and often scary revelation that other dimensions did exist. Leary's message is important for all generations, however, because it is a basic road map for what we need to do to escape from this place. First, we need to realize that, while human life can often be fun, we are much more than physical bodies and this place is not our true home. Having passed that hurdle, we need to "tune in" to higher vibrational states and begin to experience existence in the other dimensions or planes. As Souls, we all have the right to do this. In fact, it is our duty. It is pretty useless to describe even Astral scenes because they really must be seen to be believed. However, once you experience higher dimensions for yourself, you will realize just how dismal this place is and then you will be ready to "drop out" and move on to better things. Dissolutions remove the option of choice from the equation. Either you prepare yourself to leave this dimension or you get held over in a state of consciousless suspense.

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