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Alcohol problem


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1 hour ago, lovemystate said:

Dont be such a pussy ..noody gets addicted with one drink or two especially if you are above 25. This is like another of those posts "i only make 250k and worried about future"

If possible suggest some solution otherwise shut up...

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7 hours ago, NYCpal said:

I was an occasional drinker but last year I have decided to  give up completely and never missed it until now ...may be coz I’m having hard time at work (full overtime and intuki vachi  koda I’m working ) so now I feel like having a beer or vodka to get some kinda of relief ...but a thought ey bayam vestunhi Coz I’m a big time emotional eater ,so now emotional drinking koda add ayitedemmo emmo ani ...

i tried having coffee , hot water ,coconut water nothing helps ...in still craving for a drink ...

every time you feel like drinking.. go and get a cold shower..

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6 hours ago, Rendu said:

I'm just like you brother..  I dont drink at all .... But I smoke... How can I quit smoking?? I started with 2-3 cigs a day.... Now 10 cigs to a pack/day.... Suggest me how to quit

redirect and postpone

first use nicotine patches.. whenever you crave for smoke.. postpone it by 15 mins..if you still remember. go for it

smoking when using patch gets you a nasty feeling..remove the patch while sleeping

meditation can give you same or similar comfortable feel like the one you get when you smoke.. so get addicted to meditation like 3-4 times a day for 10 mins each

21 days is what one need to be sober, it will become a habit after 21 days

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