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YOL : So this embarrassing thing happened to me today. I am working from onsite now.I am not sure if it is a generic thing in west but here in US urinals dont have partition between them.
So i went to the restroom, my manager was standing at one of the urinals, doing his business and the one next to him was available to use(by the way there are just two urinals in the bathroom). I went and occupied the available one. I thought I was holding it straight aiming at the urinal but somehow, the pee decided to come out towards my manager. Maybe i was not paying enough attention. Next thing i know, his pants were drenched in my piss. He screamed something like 'wat the hell'. I was still not done emptying my bladder and i started apologizing while still standing at the urinal while he left.
I dont know how to go in front of him or talk to him and thinking about how many ppl he would have told about it!! Well will have to face it one day. So going to apologize to him again and then will take him out for some drinks in the evening. Itna to banta hain if you piss on someone!!"

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