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Blindfolded, gangraped, cut with saw: Horror tales from Kashmiri Pandit exodus


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2 minutes ago, Sachin200 said:

Previous government never bothered about them 

Religious Sadism At Its Peak
  • Killing of Hindus in Jammu and Kashmir by terrorists clearly depicts extreme sadism. All victims have been subjected to extreme torture and terror.
  • Torture deaths have been brought about by such inhuman practices as:
    • Strangulation by using steel wires
    • Hanging
    • Impailing
    • Branding with hot irons
    • Burning alive
    • Lynching
    • Bleeding to death
    • Gouging out of vital organs
    • Dismemberment of Human bodies
    • Drowning alive.
  • Terrorists have frequently indulged in barbaric acts like performing 'death dances' after killing their target.
  • Many a time, dead bodies were not even allowed to be properly cremated.
Fact sheet Of Atrocities On Kashmiri Pandits
Educational Institutions burnt, damaged forcefully occupied  105 
Religious & Cultural Institutions Destroyed/burnt, damaged (Temples/Ashrams/Dharamshalas)  103 
Business houses destablised (Including shops looted/burnt, factories looted/burnt, occupied)  14,430 
Agriculture dependent families deprived of their land and source of income  20,000 
Horticulture dependent families deprived of their resource  12,500 
Houses Burnt  more than 20,000
Houses looted  95%
Torture killings of Kashmiri Pandits in the Valley 

more than 1100

Picchi pook fake stats made by bhakth troll army... number of people Brahmins gave second, third, fourth status and untouchable status one billion plus. Now stfu.

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43 minutes ago, TKWQ said:

People who are familiar with the plight of Kashmiri Hindus or who have had some contacts with the community have known these two incidents and many more for some time now. Finally the community and the atrocities against them are recieving attention. In the end they were reduced to living like refugees in their own country. Sad but seems minority rights  are spoken for  in every state except for Kashmir.

Reduced to living like refugees anta one of the richest community which has three prime ministers so many Supreme Court justices, occupied so much land in Kashmir treated both Hindus and Muslims Kashmiris like crap. Go to Delhi and ask average North Indian hindu what they think of Kashmiri pandoits they will refer to them as snakes.


btw where is congressional committee for daily murders of Dalits due to indian caste system. Right it is the job of India to hide such things and project cock and bull brahmin ( ritually highest community in India) sad stories to world.

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41 minutes ago, TKWQ said:

People who are familiar with the plight of Kashmiri Hindus or who have had some contacts with the community have known these two incidents and many more for some time now. Finally the community and the atrocities against them are recieving attention. In the end they were reduced to living like refugees in their own country. Sad but seems minority rights  are spoken for  in every state except for Kashmir.

Atleast  people can get some freedom post article 370 . Hope modi govt will bring peace in the region of Kashmir in the next couple of years ( not through violence ) . Let's see how things can change after lifting the lockdown 

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6 minutes ago, lovemystate said:

Picchi pook fake stats made by bhakth troll army... number of people Brahmins gave second, third, fourth status and untouchable status one billion plus. Now stfu.

Turaks tweets tho raa , Imran Khan tweets ni appreciate cheskunti brathuku fruit ga

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There is no greater threat to human rights than terrorism: U.S. Commission on Kashmir told

There is no greater threat to human rights and civil liberties than terrorism and radical extremism, a prominent American organisation representing Kashmiri pandits have told a U.S. Congressional Commission, asking it not to be hijacked by politically motivated witnesses.

In a statement for record for Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission, the Kashmiri Overseas Association (KOA) expressed its disappointment that the Commission chose not to reach out to the community members who have been silent victims of human rights over the last 30 years.

The Democratic Party-dominated Commission, a bipartisan Congressional Caucus of the US House of Representatives, held a hearing on the human rights situation in Jammu & Kashmir on Thursday.

This would have elicited far wider response from potential expert witnesses, non-government organisations working in this field and wider public and would have enriched the Commission’s hearing, said the statement submitted by the KOA President Shakun Munshi and Secretary Amrita Kaur.

In the statement of facts, which was released to the press on Friday, the KOA urged the Commission Co-Chairs — Congressmen James McGovern and Christopher Smith — to not let this platform be hijacked by politically motivated witnesses.

The Commission should recognize the unique security challenges faced by India in Jammu & Kashmir due to cross border terrorism and call a spade a spade, it said.

We urge the Commission to call upon Pakistan to end its state policy of sponsoring cross border terrorism in India,” it said, adding that this is a prerequisite to protecting and respecting human rights in Jammu & Kashmir irrespective of religious preferences.

Asserting that the situation in Jammu and Kashmir is a direct product of cross-border terrorism, the KOA said that it is a widely documented fact that Pakistan has created, trained, armed and nurtured terrorist groups as a matter of its state policy in South Asia. This has resulted in the death of over 42,000 civilians in Jammu and Kashmir alone over the last three decades.

About 130 terrorists and 25 terrorist groups listed and sanctioned by the United Nations Security Council for association with Al-Qaida, ISIS and associated terrorist groups are still based in Pakistan. It is no surprise that Osama Bin Laden, the mastermind behind 9/11 that took nearly 3,000 American lives, was found by the US intelligence to be residing mere miles from a Pakistani military base, the KOA said in its statement of fact.

KOA said that over the last two decades, UN-designated terrorist groups such as Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Muhammad based in Pakistan have carried out numerous terrorist attacks in Jammu and Kashmir and across India, including the 2008 Mumbai terrorist attacks in which innocent American civilians were among those killed.

Over three decades of cross-border terrorism has not only disrupted normal life in Jammu and Kashmir, it has deprived its youth and women of economic opportunities, the KOA said, supporting the abolition of Article 370 and Article 35 A of the Indian constitution by the Indian government in August.

Our hope is that this step creates an opportunity and conducive environment for the return of Kashmir Pandits to their roots. This can only happen if and when groups protecting human rights of innocent citizens of any country, such as your commission, will send a clear message of zero tolerance to the countries, like Pakistan, the KOA said.

The changes are, of course, opposed by Pakistan and its proxies in the region who are making efforts to radicalize the youth and propagate violent extremism, the organisation told the Commission.

Given Pakistan’s record regarding the treatment of its own minority citizens including Ahmadi Muslims, Shia Hazaras, Christians, Sikhs and Hindus, the country’s professed concern for Kashmiris is a politically motivated sham, it said.

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15 minutes ago, Sachin200 said:

Turaks tweets tho raa , Imran Khan tweets ni appreciate cheskunti brathuku fruit ga

Nenu cheppevi facts ani evvadaina ikkada chaduvuthunnavadu grahusthadu. Nuvvu okka bhakth vintha.

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13 minutes ago, lovemystate said:

Nenu cheppevi facts ani evvadaina ikkada chaduvuthunnavadu grahusthadu. Nuvvu okka bhakth vintha.

Nuvvu cheppevi Pakistan lo facts leraa bujju 

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2 hours ago, lovemystate said:

Nenu cheppevi facts ani evvadaina ikkada chaduvuthunnavadu grahusthadu. Nuvvu okka bhakth vintha.

I remember you posted fake facts saying Kashmir is more advanced than Gujarat. Stop posting fake facts

The problem with people like you is , you are blinded by religious fanaticism. Recently many women from peaceful yazidi  minorities were taken away as sex slaves  , their husbands and other men killed by ISIS. The same exact thing happened several hundred years ago when Muslim invaders first started attacking Hindu kingdoms from western asia.

Why no other religion does that?   Kashmir was a Hindu kingdom for thousands of years before Muslims came and colonized the place and took over the power by deceit. Muslims are the aggressors here not Hindus. get your facts right. 

Kashmir will and should remain a secular place. But terrorists want to make it a Islamic country. We will not allow that to happen. Remember Kashmir separatists are aggressors not India. Given a chance These Kashmir Terrorists will make a Kashmir a safe haven for terror groups who often fantasize conquering the whole of India .

We don't want that to happen. Terrorists are responsible for most of the deaths. Where is your outrage when terrorists are killing innocent farm workers in apple orchards? When they are killing Kashmir Muslim traders?


Most of the conflicts in this world are due to your religion as they cant coexist peacefully with any other religion.  

You don't see that because you are brainwashed with your religion. Stop   thinking others are fools.

We know what Taqiyya means. We know what Dar-al-harb or Dar-al-Islam means.

We know that you believe Sharia is more important than Democracy. I have a suggestion - move to one of those countries where Sharia is implemented. Not gonna happen in India

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A crucial distinction made in Islamic theology is that between Dar al-Harb and Dar al-Islam. What do these terms mean and how does it influence and affect Muslim nations and extremists? These are important questions to ask and understand given the turbulent world we live in today.

What Do Dar al-Harb and Dar al-Islam Mean?

To put it simply, Dar al-Harb is understood as "territory of war or chaos." This is the name for the regions where Islam does not dominate and where divine will is not observed. It is, therefore, where continuing strife is the norm.

By contrast, Dar al-Islam is a "territory of peace." This is the name for those territories where Islam does dominate and where submission to God is observed. It is where peace and tranquility reign.


The Political and Religious Complications

The distinction is not quite as simple as it may appear at first. For one thing, the division is regarded as legal rather than theological. Dar al-Harb is not separated from Dar al-Islam by things like the popularity of Islam or divine grace. Rather, it is separated by the nature of the governments which have control over a territory.


A Muslim-majority nation not ruled by Islamic law is still Dar al-Harb. A Muslim-minority nation ruled by Islamic law could qualify as being part of Dar al-Islam.


Wherever Muslims are in charge and enforce Islamic law, there is also Dar al-Islam. It doesn't matter so much what people believe or have faith in, what matters is how people behave. Islam is a religion focused more upon proper conduct (orthopraxy) than on proper beliefs and faith (orthodoxy).


Islam is also a religion that has never had an ideological or theoretical place for a separation between the political and the religious spheres. In orthodox Islam, the two are fundamentally and necessarily linked. That's why this division between Dar al-Harb and Dar al-Islam is defined by political control rather than religious popularity.


What is Meant by "Territory of War"?

The nature of Dar al-Harb, which literally means "territory of war," needs to be explained in a bit more detail. For one thing, its identification as a region of war is based on the premise that strife and conflict are necessary consequences of people failing to follow God's will. In theory, at least, when everyone is consistent in their adherence to the rules set down by God, then peace and harmony will result.


More importantly, perhaps, is the fact that "war" is also descriptive of the relationship between Dar al-Harb and Dar al-Islam. Muslims are expected to bring God's word and will to all of humanity and do so by force if absolutely necessary. Further, attempts by the regions in Dar al-Harb to resist or fight back must be met with a similar amount of force.


While the general condition of conflict between the two may stem from the Islamic mission to convert, specific instances of warfare are believed to be due to the immoral and disordered nature of Dar al-Harb regions.


The governments that control Dar al-Harb are technically not legitimate powers because they do not derive their authority from God. No matter what the actual political system is in any individual case, it is regarded as fundamentally and necessarily invalid. However, that doesn't mean that Islamic governments cannot enter into temporary peace treaties with them in order to facilitate things like commerce or even to protect Dar al-Islam from attack by other Dar al-Harb nations.


This, at least, represents the basic theological position of Islam when it comes to the relations between Islamic lands in Dar al-Islam and the infidels in Dar al-Harb. Fortunately, not all Muslims actually act upon such premises in their normal relations with non-Muslims - otherwise, the world would probably be in a much worse state than it is.


At the same time, these theories and ideas themselves have never actually been repudiated and dismissed as relics of the past. They remain just as authoritative and forceful as ever, even when they aren't being acted upon.


Modern Implications in Muslim Nations

This is, in fact, one of the most serious problems facing Islam and its ability to coexist peacefully with other cultures and religions. There continues to be too much "dead weight," ideas, and doctrines which really aren't so different from how other religions also acted in the past. Yet, other religions have by and large repudiated and abandoned these.


Islam, however, hasn't done that yet. This creates serious dangers not only for non-Muslims but also for Muslims themselves.


These dangers are a product of Islamic extremists who take those old ideas and doctrines much more literally and seriously than the average Muslim. For them, modern secular governments in the Middle East are not sufficiently Islamic to be considered a part of Dar al-Islam (remember, it doesn't matter what most people believe, but rather the existence of Islam as the guiding force of government and law). Therefore, it is incumbent upon them to use force in order to remove the infidels from power and restore Islamic governance to the population.


This attitude is exacerbated by the belief that if any territory that was once a part of Dar al-Islam comes under the control of Dar al-Harb, then that represents an attack on Islam. It is, therefore, the obligation of all Muslims to fight in order to retrieve the lost land.


This idea motivates the fanaticism not only in the opposition to secular Arab governments but also the very existence of the state of Israel. For extremists, Israel is an intrusion of Dar al-Harb upon territory that properly belongs to Dar al-Islam. As such, nothing short of restoring Islamic rule to the land is acceptable.


The Consequences

Yes, people will die - including even Muslims, children, and various noncombatants. But the reality is that Muslim ethics is an ethics of duty, not consequences. Ethical behavior is that which is in accordance with God's rules and which obeys God's will. Unethical behavior is that which ignores or disobeys God.


Terrible consequences may be unfortunate, but they cannot serve as a criterion for evaluating the behavior itself. Only when the behavior is explicitly condemned by God must a Muslim refrain from doing it. Of course, even then, clever re-interpretation can often provide extremists with a way to get what they want out of the text of the Qur'an.

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Based on above theology  people like 'lovemystate' believe - Kashmir  is Dar-al-Harb. The terrorists want to make it Dar-al-Islam. 'lovemystate' thinks that terrorists are correct

That is the problem

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2 hours ago, lovemystate said:

Nenu cheppevi facts ani evvadaina ikkada chaduvuthunnavadu grahusthadu. Nuvvu okka bhakth vintha.

Rey @crashnburn gaa enni saarlu moddhukovali nuvvu ee id create chesindhi to appease me and praise CBN. Stick to that purpose.  Id lu mix chesi post cheyyaku. 

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5 hours ago, lovemystate said:

Nenu cheppevi facts ani evvadaina ikkada chaduvuthunnavadu grahusthadu. Nuvvu okka bhakth vintha.

Nuvvu matha pitchi  tho, Kashmir terrorists ni support cheyyadam manuko.

Eduti vallanu Bhakt ane mundara  nuvvu matham pitchi tagginchuko

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@lovemystate gaaadu gaayab..... CITI_c$y

picha fookesh gaadu....guddh@lu yegesukoni vasthaadu Hindus/Modi meedhante - arey koosintha Burnol raasukoni paduko 2024 dhaaka.. 

ippatidhaaka bujjaginchatam baaga alavatu paddaav - ippudu adhi kudharatam ledhu..:giggle: 

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