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"We started our relationship on very clear terms. It would just be sexual until we are around each other and then we would stop. We would not at any point convert the relationship to marriage. We went around for 2 years and have almost everyday had sex. Now when it is time to separate she wants me to marry her. She is behaving very crazy now days. Why Why Why is she like this. She is now making me feel guilty that I had sex with her regularly and now she cannot marry anyone else as she is now emotionally attached.
What do I do?"

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Sashank Poduval Irrespective of gender, people do get attached to their sexual partners. She must have given you plenty of signs during the last two years of being emotionally attached dude. You either failed to pickup the signs or ignored them on purpose to suit your convenience. That was the time to have an honest conversation and call it quits on friendly terms. Unfortunately now, this won't end well.
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Sukrut Jog American Game with Indian players... As far as i know our indian girls, your lady had feelings for you from the beginning and must've been happy to see you Happy. Besides she had you with her. When you say you had sex with her almost every day for 2 years, you must've taken her out at least a few times right? Like for dinner, movie, an outing? That was enough for her. But now when you spoke about moving on, she is just expressing her years old feelings.
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