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Mission #WTFadnavis


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Last few years the winner in the game was already decided because the rules of the game were written by  BJP and the rest were playing the game only to lose. For the first time in Maharashtra the game was written by someone else namely Mr Pawar and then BJP played the game only to lose badly. Had the BJP formed the government or had it not formed the government through regular means the business would have gone as usual and nobody would have cared that much  but this fiasco highlighted the double standards and desperation of BJP not only in Maharashtra but before the whole nation.  It doesn't matter if this government survives for  another 6 months or 1 year as BJP lost the moral battle more than the other parties.  Mr Shah wouldn't dare to poke his nose in any other state affairs for a foreseeable time as he had the fcking audacity to override/force governor, president and invoke a special rule at 5 am in the morning without a cabinet approval and that is a talking point in the interest of everything.

Hail the grand old man Mr Pawar. All in all Jhor ka Jatka dere se lagi. And lesson to Mr Shah not to toy as there is a strong regional pride with the states like Maharashtra  and below namely all south Indian states and Orissa and even Bengal. . These states will be a tough cookie to crack unlike the cow belt and gujju politics.

rant over..


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