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Tesla - pre-order worth $10B???


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tesla is going to rule the auto industry for a long time to come. ev ante tesla ..no competition in that market space and it has fully captured the mind share of the ev car buyer and by day it is eating away BWM's Audi's, Merc's and Prius's lunch money. Tesla started making 100k car, then 70k and then 35k. It took years to operationalize the ev car, the competitors are starting now and they neither have the expertise nor the will. All the EV cars lined up for release are DOA right out of the door because of pricing, to match Tesla's range and specs they will have to spend 30-40% more and their distribution network makes it costly further by another 10-15%. Tesla's Self driving and Super charger network are cherry on top

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8 minutes ago, hyperbole said:

tesla is going to rule the auto industry for a long time to come. ev ante tesla ..no competition in that market space and it has fully captured the mind share of the ev car buyer and by day it is eating away BWM's Audi's, Merc's and Prius's lunch money. Tesla started making 100k car, then 70k and then 35k. It took years to operationalize the ev car, the competitors are starting now and they neither have the expertise nor the will. All the EV cars lined up for release are DOA right out of the door because of pricing, to match Tesla's range and specs they will have to spend 30-40% more and their distribution network makes it costly further by another 10-15%. Tesla's Self driving and Super charger network are cherry on top


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