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Facebook Remove AI-Powered Fake Accounts


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Facebook said on the 20th that they removed hundreds of accounts associated with Epoch Media Group.
These accounts, including pages, groups, and Instagram streams, use artificial intelligence to generate fake profile photos. Computer scientists have long feared that artificial intelligence could be used to launch large-scale false information campaigns. Now they say that this technology has been exploited on the Facebook platform, a phenomenon that is worrying.
610 Facebook accounts, 89 Facebook pages, 156 groups, and 72 Instagram accounts posted political content about the US, including President Trump impeachment, conservative ideology, political candidates, trade and religion, and other political news And issues. It is understood that Epoch Times is the parent company of The Epoch Times, a conservative media related to Falun Gong.
Graham Brookie, director of the Atlantic Council's Digital Forensic Research Lab, said: "This is a large, unscrupulous network of fakes, with different levels of fake accounts and automated operations. , Systematically published content with two ideological priorities: support Donald Trump, against the Chinese government. "
According to a Facebook post: "An artificial intelligence called Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) is used on Facebook. This artificial intelligence can create realistic facial images through network materials." These accounts cover their activities by using real and fake accounts. These events are inseparable from a media called "Beautiful Life". On the 20th, Facebook has banned the social network of Beautiful Life.
However, Epoch Media Group in an e-mail to the New York Times denied that it was related to the network targeted by Facebook and said that Facebook had not contacted the company before publishing its conclusions. At the same time, The Epoch Times and Beautiful Life have denied their relationship. But Facebook said it has discovered that the network collaborates with Epoch Media Group and individuals working on its behalf in Vietnam to post untrue content.
Back in August, Facebook blocked the Epoch Times ad after NBC reported that the Epoch Times had masked its connection to Facebook ads promoting President Trump and conspiracy theories.

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