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Friend shocked with his NRI Daughter


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He is  not my age friend, chala pedayana. 

He literally shocked to see his Teen NRI Daughter with her BF in his house. 

They went for a tour. and daughter said she has college and they left alone. 

They returned home early than expected and they didnt called her since they thought she will be in college, they opened the door and  

they are making each other while they open the bedroom. what more shocking is there are two boys and two girls in home naked in same bedroom anta. papam. 

Asalu e vishyam evariki chepu kovalo telika nenu aythy evaru madhyalo leru ani naku chepukonadu + nenu aythy chala manchi advice isthanani. 

Nakem chepalo ardam kaledu but told him to read Gita and to leave USA asap !!

Dont look for money when teenagers are around, culture in USA is very strong and can influence all the people around the world.

Those think fake pakodi, its ok you think what you think( ramudu apudu meru leru kabati ramayanam also fake antaru meru, no end for your thoughts meru ala perigaru anthe, common fake pakodis come out I want see your IDS lol 😂 ) 

 but idhi genuine anukonevallu matram nenu chepindhi correct a kado chepandi.  


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Americans: Do crazy dorm sex parties actually happen?

Sorry, I live in Canada and I also live at home, not in the residence of my University. I have heard that some sororities require the girls to be watched by the leaders screwing at least 5 or 6 guys or something as part of their initiation.

EDIT: This isn't necessarily all for Americans, if you're from anywhere else please also share your crazy dorm sex party stories

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Everything you can think of has happened at least once, but most of it hasn't happened very often.


It's not a sex party, but when I lived in the women's resource center with 8 other gals, we had lesbian makeout parties three times a year... and no, I'm not trolling. Nothing helps relieve tension when you're pissed off at a roommate for eating your food or leaving a mess in the living room or whatever like getting schwasted together and then kissing deeply with tongue.


You'll understand if I can't allow myself to believe this, right?


I'd understand, but why choose to live in a world where lesbian makeout parties don't exist?


Pics or it didn't happen.


This was 5 years ago, friend. And we were far too busy swapping spit to be snapping shots. Teehee.


A dorm in my College reportedly used to have nerd orgies in known as "the blob" in the lounge.


Who knows. I can verify that some strip the pledge class to their underwear and use a marker to draw circles around problem areas (aka fat)


I've never heard of it happening from a credible source, and if it does happen it probably only happens to the cool kids.

Edit: Happen, happen, happen


Dude, you never heard of the Saugeen Stripper? Not quite a crazy dorm sex party, but close enough.


I know the guy who filmed it.




That's really all there is to the story. It was filmed, I know the guy who did it. I never saw the tape, but got it on good authority that the story is true.

Sadly, that's the closest to fame I've come so far.


But that was only a striptease... It wasnt like, there were 3 guys and 3 girls all matched up with each other randomly, sexing, with like 15 people watching and cheering or something...


It wasn't like....an orgy?


I've heard of a few girls in my school having a train run on them (a few guys having sex with them in a row), I've seen it happen once too but didn't join in. This is in Canada too btw.

Those dorm dare kind of orgies where there's a few different people having sex occasionally happens, but it's not something I've heard rumors of.


We were having a toga party in a dorm once (yes, cliche I know) and the dorm got set on fire. Good times.


So, were any other Americans sad that other countries expect this of us, yet you never experienced this or even knew this was a thing?

Because I was sad.


Search up dare dorm or college rules on any porn site :P


Yes, because everything that happens in porn totally happens in real life.


Um, well its supposed to be amateur porn so its sorta real... I think...


I live in a dorm with a bunch of engineers. I'm lucky to get girls to come back with me and luckier to even get laid...but it happens. Never seen a dorm sex party, but then again I'm not really in the environment I suppose.


I have heard that some sororities require the girls to be watched by the leaders screwing at least 5 or 6 guys or something as part of their initiation.

I suspect this is mostly nonsense or scare about Panhellenic groups. I doubt any group has, or has ever had, this rule.

That having been said, yes, dorm sex parties do happen. Ten minutes after you left to go back to your room to do homework. Even the fat kid in the Babylon 5 shirt got laid.

Seriously, though, they do happen, but they aren't "everyone in the dorm is screwing" so much as parties where people pair off and hook up, but it's not organized. It's not like you line up and take turns, "Red Rover" style.


I mean, people hook up then going back home to shag happens all the time at clubs and bars and what not... So what you're describing isnt too much different... So nothing like a party thats dedicated to getting people laid, where someone will fuck and then people will stand around and watch and cheer and crap?


I've heard of a few girls in my school having a train run on them (a few guys having sex with them in a row), I've seen it happen once too but didn't join in. This is in Canada too btw.

Those dorm dare kind of orgies where there's a few different people having sex occasionally happens, but it's not something I've heard rumors of.

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Do orgies really happen when your in college ?

Like if you live in the dorms or are part of the greek life and in a frat or sorority???? have you ever experienced something like this???...Show more


Christie3 years ago

do not believe what you see in porn movies. but yes orgies do happen in college. does it go on all the time, i doubt it and i do not know how often , because its been a while since i was in college. when i went to college they would happen once or twice every other month. as far as today, i have no idea how often they would happen. you might want to ask a college student of professor....Show more


Artemisc8 years ago

They happen, but they are rare. Just make sure that none of the when involved are drunk to the point where they may not be making rational decisions. That can lead to a rape charge. And they aren't as cool as you think they will be. Jealousy abounds. It can be emotionally damaging....Show more


Anonymous8 years ago

my first college party, I showed up entirely sober and got dragged into a threesome within ten minutes of showing up with two girls... I wasn't even trying to hook up with anyone! so to answer your question... yes...Show more


Anonymous8 years ago

They happen at my college.

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Students Tell Us About Their Dorm Sex Lives


Keep the semen off the washing machine, kids.

May 24 2016, 6:12pm

Everyone deserves to get kinky in a dorm at least once in their lives. All photos by author


For most people who had to jump through the mental gymnastics clusterfuck of sneaking people into their parent's house during their teenage years, dorm sex can seem like a big step up. Gone are the days of trying to finesse a hook-up across town—now you can simply take an elevator to a different floor or walk down the hall and start hitting it up with your crush.

But it's not all fun and games—*** while living in a building full of hundreds of horny students can be tough. Thin walls, rumours, shitty roommates and the ability of a nasty STI to wipe out an entire floor all make quick dorm hook-ups a bit of a minefield. Now that the university school year is officially over, we asked some students across Canada about the best and worst of their sex life from inside school residences this past year.


Kendra, 23, University of Windsor

Now that you're done university, how do you feel looking back on banging in a dorm?
I *** loved it. I kind of get off on other people knowing I'm having sex. [laughs]


Are you a voyeurist?
I think. Maybe? I don't know. I don't want to have public sex or anything, but I'll leave the door open a crack, or, you know, just talk about sex kind of openly. It's not an obnoxious thing, although I know it can come off that way.

How did other people feel about you broadcasting your sex life?
I think it wears on some people, but [that's] not my problem. If somebody's upset with you making your sex life known, they're probably not getting enough. I know because I used to be like that.

Has your sex life died down since you moved out of residence?
I'd say it's normalized. The one thing that was tough was not banging too many people in the building because it becomes a [tense] thing. I have to be a little more selective and put in a bit more work now.

Daniel, 20, Ryerson University

What was your living situation like in residence? Did you have roommates?
During both of my years [in residence] I was blessed to be living alone. I definitely enjoyed the privacy.


Did you ever have any uncomfortable sex while dorming?
Totally, and I'd be surprised to hear if anyone didn't. [laughs] I think the biggest thing was just how sloppy everyone was when the weekend or even late evenings rolled around. Floorcest [author's note: *** people on the same floor is considered taboo and kind of sloppy, for reasons that only be summarized as not shitting where you eat] became more and more frequent, and as a result, I remember there being a lot of constant tension between myself and others.

Do you think there are any rules people should follow when it comes to etiquette for sex in residence?
Noise. That's definitely the biggest thing. In [that building] especially, sound travels like you wouldn't believe. By the end of the year everyone knows your business and everyone has heard who you've slept with.

How did your sex life change when you became a residence assistant?
Well as a student I'd definitely say I felt as though I was kinda free to do whatever I wanted. There was certainly more sleeping around, drinking, partying, all that kinda stuff. As staff, of course it's a totally different experience because we [can't] make that kind of connection with our students. What really sucked was how we all knew who we were bringing into the buildings. It made secret or regretful hookups really difficult to pull off.

What's the most **-up sex you heard about/saw in residence?
Sex in laundry rooms. We used to always have to check behind closed doors to make sure students weren't in there getting it on or smoking or whatever. I luckily never witnessed it myself, but I've heard all the horror stories of RAs walking in to find students pants down and ready to go. I guess their beds were too far away? Apparently students would also pee in the washers which is absolutely disgusting.

Read more: A Look Inside the Fridges of Toronto Students

Sandra, 22, McGill University


You had a year-long relationship with a roommate in your four-person dorm apartment. Tell me about this, please.
Yeah, when we moved in, we were kind of flirty with each other. He was really my type—tan, has that light South American accent, funny. We ended up banging, kind of idiotically, a few days into frosh, and we fell in love for a bit.

What was your sex life like?
We ** pretty much every day, except sometimes I would come home and be tired and, y'know... I think there's that expectation that, if you live with your significant other, you're going to fuck more—which we did do—but this also really wasn't our choice. If I had the choice to have seen him and not been living together, I would have chose that.

How did your other roommates feel?
The two other girls who lived with us—one is a lesbian and the other was very studious—didn't care too much, but I think there was some passive-aggressiveness in the apartment. Our sex was kind of loud and we stopped to care so much once it became normal.

But you guys broke up. Did residence have any affect on that?
It was honestly just a very bad place to do anything sex or relationship wise. You're living with people who are not mature or put together as people, and you're doing all of this in close proximity of people partying, ***, everything. It's very distracting. You have these social factors on your relationship that you wouldn't normally have.

Callum, 21, Toronto, Ryerson University


Did you ever have sex in your dorm?
Does Adele Sing "Hello"? Yes, the answer is yes.

What's your take on floorcest? Any taboos that are off-limits when dorming with people?
I won't deny that I hooked up with people on my floor. You're taking a bunch of [freshly-minted] teenagers and putting them into one building, what else would you expect?

As [a floor manager], I was totally against it. You get this older sibling/parent vibe going, and no parent wants to know about their kids' sex life. I think it was just a common theme to try not to sleep with someone who [your friend] has already slept with. Of course, it happens, but I remember how awkward it makes things when you realize that both you and your friend had your things in the same place, if you know what I mean.

How do you think residence affected your ability to get laid?
I lived in a single and thank god for that! At first I was so mad because I really wanted an apartment, but man, you have so much more freedom in a single. I for one don't really want people to know who I'm sleeping with or how much I'm sleeping around. Not that there's ever an issue with that, sex is great and if you like it, do it. I'm just an awkward person and feel, if I [didn't] have a single bedroom then my bed probably would have seen a lot less action.

Got any notable stories of dorm banging?
Honestly, my floor in first-year was so sex-positive. We had a wall in which we tallied how much sex we all had in residence and by the end of the year that board was pretty full. I just remember a couple of times coming home and hearing sex echoing [down the halls].


I do remember at one point four of my friends and myself had hooked up with the same person, and that was just a little weird for all of us. Another weird experience was, as a [floor manager], after having sex and leaving my room to go out and having my students see me and the person leave. Giving you that walk of shame look. Residence walls are way too thin, man.

Brie, 20, Dalhousie University

You mentioned to me that you had sex in the common room on your floor. Can you tell me about that?
Sure. It was on reading week and most people were gone. Me and this girl were really, really into each other—we'd been spending the whole week together. We got pretty high this one afternoon, and the building was pretty empty, so we just kind of started *** around everywhere. In the bathrooms, behind buildings, in the hallways, and then in the common room.

Narrow down "*** around" for me.
Making out, fingering each other—lightly—not like full on scissoring. We just were kind of eating at each other, if that makes any sense.

I'm going to assume you mean that figuratively and literally. What do you think of people who sleep around a lot in dorms?
It can be fun, for sure, but build a connection with people first. I can't count the amount of people I know who have done with sketch ass people they never met again. STIs, rape, stuff like that is hella scary and really not worth it for a quick **. If you want to fuck somebody, take the time to get to know them. If that means you have to masturbate to get those feelings out of your body, do it. Just don't take that K right away.

Marcus, 18, University of British Columbia

Describe dorm room sex to me in one sentence.
Um, lots of moans in a place that looks like prison.


Nice. What's the most embarrassing sexual experience you had in residence?
I actually got walked in on while I was getting head.

By who?
Cleaning staff. I was in our [apartment] living room and they just came in—I guess it was the day to do that and I didn't know. They freaked out and told my floor manager, but I denied it. There wasn't much I could do except get a slap on the wrist and take a charge on my account.

What? They made you pay?
Yeah, I think it's indecent exposure or something because we were doing that in the shared living room. I don't know. My parents paid for it. They didn't know what the charge was for.

Follow Jake Kivanc on Twitter.

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