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When brahmins threw dung and rocks at lady for education girl child


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1 minute ago, pottipotato said:

be scientific. u can't defeat these crazy religious hindu/nationalist nuts through using religious language.

u can never own their religion, wrest control of that religion from the brahmins. It will never happen.

reject religion. mock it. piss on it. watch their power fade when more people do it.

I am in a position to find a foundation based on faith which is absolutely not fair.

But any other atlernative?


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5 minutes ago, Beardman said:

I am in a position to find a foundation based on faith which is absolutely not fair.

But any other atlernative?


if u mean faith as in religion, then its a no brainer. that kind of faith always demands intermediaries and worthless cunts are usually eager to assume the mantle of being the link btwn god and man.

but if u mean faith as some kind of mind controlling tool (which religion is not, for people with IQ higher than 85).  like for eg. blind faith in an economic system like capitalism that awards loans to people purely through lottery.

if u can convince people to put their faith in the above system, world would be a million times better, than having to listen to assholes claimng they have merit talk down others.

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18 minutes ago, Beardman said:

I am in a position to find a foundation based on faith which is absolutely not fair.

But any other atlernative?


if u mean faith as in buddhism (probably the only decent and uncontroversial religion in the entire world), then it is not enough.

humans don't live in the spiritual plane to get their bellies filled with self actualization. They have to find ways to exist in the real world.


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2 minutes ago, pottipotato said:

if u mean faith as in buddhism (probably the only decent and uncontroversial religion in the entire world), then it is not enough.

humans don't live in the spiritual plane to get their bellies filled with self actualization. They have to find ways to exist in the real world.


I agree, that is the reason i choose to live like lao tzu, 

for me no intermediary between god and me.

self realization is a way of life. Not to be deceived by a religion, ancestors and all.

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20 minutes ago, Beardman said:

I choose to live like LAO TZU in current generation, Based on his philosophy. 


I don't even know who that is.

did u watch that korean movie 'Parasite'? 

I used to tell my cousin that I'm scared of the underclass violence spilling into my neighbourhood/home. It looks like that movie was made just to help me point out the possibilities to my cousin. who thinks no one can touch me because I'm too rich, and I'm needlessly nice to those who are below me in the economic ladder.

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Just now, Beardman said:

I agree, that is the reason i choose to live like lao tzu, 

for me no intermediary between god and me.

self realization is a way of life. Not to be deceived by a religion, ancestors and all.

it doesn't work as a system. It will be coopted by crazies like in burma and srilanka to kill minorities.

do u think buddhist extremism doesn't exist? why do u think it does? any kind of extremism? Its not because those particular humans are the worst of humans (all humans are equally scum)

you provide a model for people to aspire to. start low, reach higher levels of achievement as a way to pass their wretched life as a person in this universe. When u sell this model, and humans cannot move into higher levels as easily as their parents could, they become terrorists or bigots (like in India).

no spiritualist movement can stop that. most people reject spirituality, and want tangible benefit that they were promised.

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9 minutes ago, pottipotato said:

it doesn't work as a system. It will be coopted by crazies like in burma and srilanka to kill minorities.

do u think buddhist extremism doesn't exist? why do u think it does? any kind of extremism? Its not because those particular humans are the worst of humans (all humans are equally scum)

you provide a model for people to aspire to. start low, reach higher levels of achievement as a way to pass their wretched life as a person in this universe. When u sell this model, and humans cannot move into higher levels as easily as their parents could, they become terrorists or bigots (like in India).

no spiritualist movement can stop that. most people reject spirituality, and want tangible benefit that they were promised.

Why choose a particular system?

Are we not free spirits?


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instead u model the system based on truth. the truth that life is just a game of chance, which can be sometimes overcome through sheer will. But that its better to focus on what u are blessed with, without a sense of achievement or pride, other than mild satisfaction of living a live well lived. exploring life and matter around u, and contributing to the knowledge base of humans.

right now, this game is rigged. destroy it. wipe that smug smile off the face of those winners who were handed wins they didn't deserve.


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14 minutes ago, pottipotato said:

I don't even know who that is.

did u watch that korean movie 'Parasite'? 

I used to tell my cousin that I'm scared of the underclass violence spilling into my neighbourhood/home. It looks like that movie was made just to help me point out the possibilities to my cousin. who thinks no one can touch me because I'm too rich, and I'm needlessly nice to those who are below me in the economic ladder.

No i didn't. I will have to watch it

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Just now, Beardman said:

Why choose a particular system?

Are we not free spirits?


no. free spirits don't achieve jack . humans are social beings, and need some kind of system to achieve even their personal needs.

The system can be fluid, but it has to exist to make life easier for humans, instead of going back to days where humans hunted for food.

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life is a game of chance. It has been appropriated by a few to make sure their kids and their kids are always at the top of the hierarchy.

yes, internet changes things. and I hope the dominoes fall.

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3 minutes ago, pottipotato said:

no. free spirits don't achieve jack . humans are social beings, and need some kind of system to achieve even their personal needs.

The system can be fluid, but it has to exist to make life easier for humans, instead of going back to days where humans hunted for food.


If it doesnt exist , i will create one.


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4 minutes ago, pottipotato said:

no. free spirits don't achieve jack . humans are social beings, and need some kind of system to achieve even their personal needs.

The system can be fluid, but it has to exist to make life easier for humans, instead of going back to days where humans hunted for food.

I dont want to achieve anything , other than breathing air. 

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