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Justice and Forgiveness: Brave lady, need to attend this conversation.


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University of California, Berkeley


Justice and Forgiveness: A Conversation on Sexual Assault

February 21, 2019 at 7:00pm

YWCA - Berkeley / Oakland

Rachel Denhollander is a lawyer and former gymnast, widely known as the first woman to publicly accuse Larry Nassar—former team doctor for USA Gymnastics and Michigan State University—of sexual assault. A 15-year-old club gymnast when Nassar first assaulted her, Denhollander went on to study law before coming forward with her accusations in 2016. Her courage inspired an outflow of witnesses, turning Nassar’s case into a nationwide reckoning on power, manipulation, and justice. In 2018, after Nassar had been tried and convicted, Denhollander then pierced the national conscience with an uncompromising testimony at his sentencing hearing. Her speech raised pressing questions for our current cultural moment: What is justice? Who is to be believed? How do mercy and forgiveness relate to justice? Join us as Rachael Denhollander describes her experience as a victim and advocate and the personal and religious forces behind her advocacy.


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