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Filmmaker Vivek Agnihotri exposes how Kunal Kamra binned an interview because his and Congress’ lies on Rohith Vemula got exposed


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Filmmaker Vivek Agnihotri exposes how Kunal Kamra binned an interview because his and Congress’ lies on Rohith Vemula got exposed


The shocking part of this entire narration by filmmaker Vivek Agnihotri is not just the fact that Kunal Kamra seems to have binned an interview because his and Congress' lies were exposed, but that he even agreed that the propaganda around Rohith Vemula's suicide was the greatest fake news peddled by the ecosystem to bring PM Modi down.

JANUARY 29, 2020
Filmmaker Vivek Agnihotri exposes how Kunal Kamra binned an interview because his and Congress' lies on Rohith Vemula got exposed Kunal Kamra, Vivek Agnihotri

Yesterday, propagandist and un-funny comedian Kunal Kamra took Twitter by storm after trying to make a virtue out of heckling and abusing senior journalist Arnab Goswami on a flight to Lucknow, saying that he was doing it for ‘Rohith Vemula’s mother’. What was followed was Indigo putting him on the no-fly list for 6 months and Air India banning him from flying with them until further notice. With several fellow propagandists including senior journalists defending Kamra, filmmaker Vivek Agnihotri tweeted a thread that exposed how Kunal Kamra binned an interview because it exposed his and Congress’ lies on Rohith Vemula.

Filmmaker Vivek Agnihotri said he was exposing Kunal Kamra because he was pretending to be the warrior of truth after the Arnab Goswami episode, however, he was an ‘opportunist liar’.


Ok friends, today let me tell you a secret about Mr. @kunalkamra88 which I never ever told anyone. Despite Mr. Kunal Kamra making filthy, indecent tweets on me.

I am doing it is because Kamra is trying to be the warrior of truth.

Let me expose this most opportunist liar. 1/n https://twitter.com/kunalkamra88/status/1222138667239534592 


2 yrs ago, Kamra chased me to do a video interview. He asked me to help him get @ARanganathan72 or @rahulroushan to be with me. I helped him and he confirmed that Anand will be with me.

Then he called and said why dilute, it will be my solo interview. I said ok. 2/n

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Vivek Agnihotri said that two years ago, Kunal Kamra had approached him for an interview and was insistent on getting Dr Anand Ranganathan or Rahul Roushan of Opindia feature in the interview as well. After Vivek agreed and confirmed that Dr Ranganathan would accompany him, Kamra said that it might dilute the interview and it would be better if it were only Vivek Agnihotri with Kunal Kamra on the show.


Last minute, he told me that Sanjay Jha would be part of the interview. I wondered why Jha? Which I learnt later.

I realised that both work as a team n they wanted to corner me in the interview.

But they couldn’t. As I exposed their nexus. What happens next will shock you. 3/n

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In the interview, when asked by Kamra “Which is the most effective fake news”, I said ‘Rohith Vemula’.

Kamra agreed and said, ‘but it worked against Modi. And how.”
“You’d sell suicide of a student to beat Modi? I asked.
“Why not? It’s all fair in politics.” Kamra said.

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Vivek then says that at the last minute, Kunal Kamra told him that Sanjay Jha, Congress spokesperson would be joining the interview. While that decision surprised Vivek, he says that he later realised that Kamra and Jha work as a team in tandem and were trying to ‘corner’ him.

In the interview itself, Kunal Kamra asked Agnihotri “which was the most effective fake news”. To that, Vivek Agnihotri said “Rohith Vemula”.

Read: HCU student leader quits SFI, blames leftists for using Rohith Vemula’s death for political gains

Shockingly, Kunal Kamra, who was heckling and abusing Arnab in the name of Rohith Vemula agreed that it indeed was fake news but, “it worked against Modi, and how”. Being asking whether he would sell the suicide of a student to beat Modi, Kamra apparently said: “why not, it’s all fair in politics”.


This is when I thrashed both and exposed the sinister Dalit+Islamist politics of Congress @ #UrbanNaxals.

“Have you ever had a meal in a Dalit house? Have you ever visited any village of India?” I asked. Both were left answer less.

This is when Kamra ended the I/v abruptly. 5/n

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The interview was never released. I asked him few times and he said they were editing.

Finally, when cornered on Twitter he made the excuse that he lost tapes.

In my 20 yrs of TV experience I have never seen any recording getting lost as there are many instant back ups. 6/n

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According to Vivek Agnihotri, Kamra ended the interview abruptly when he was confronted by him. Agnihotri exposed the Dalit-Islamist nexus and asked them both if they had ever visited the villages of India and shared a meal in a Dalit household.

Read: Rohith’s suicide note: What the leftists don’t want to read

Shockingly, this interview was never aired by Kunal Kamra. Vivek asked Kamra a few times about the release of the interview, and Kamra repeatedly said that it was being edited. Finally, when asked on Twitter, Kamra said that the “tapes were lost”. “In my 20 yrs of TV experience I have never seen any recording getting lost as there are many instant backups”, said Agnihotri.


‘Lost the hard disc’ is the biggest lie as he texted me while editing, quoting my one liners.

Then he wanted his interview with @rahulroushan of @OpIndia_com at any cost, which I tried.

Last he said, he sent tapes to someone in Delhi for approval.

The I/v was never shown 7/n

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This is when Kamra decided to go after me with his filthy jokes to save himself from getting exposed.

I kept humouring him. Last month when I was in London, he wanted to take a photo with me to get SM eyeballs.

There are two Kunals. One on SM and one behind it. 8/n

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Shockingly, Vivek Agnihotri exposes that the ‘tapes being lost’ was a lie since, in their last communication, Kamra had said that he had sent the tapes to Delhi for approval. Nobody knows at this point whose approval was being sought. The suspicion, of course, is that since his and Congress’ lies on Rohith Vemula were exposed, the interview was unceremoniously binned and never aired.

Read: ‘Mentally unstable’ Kunal Kamra abuses and heckles Arnab Goswami on a flight to Lucknow: Here is what actually happened

After this fiasco, Kunal Kamra kept making “filthy jokes” and insulting Vivek Agnihotri and yet, was humoured for a while.

Last month, Vivek says, Kunal wanted to take a photo with Vivek in London, to get some Social Media traction.


Sometime back, I asked him if he’d like to do an unedited I/v with me on Comedy, he agreed, confirmed time/place but never turned up.

This is just to give you an idea about the real Kunal Kamra - a paid stooge of Congress, managed by Jha, and a member of #UrbanNaxals gang. 9/10


I’d never ever do this but I am deeply hurt that he used Rohith Vemula’s tragic suicide.

Lot of #UrbanNaxals have milked Rohith. This must stop.

Kamra’s behaviour must be condemned and he must be exposed. Because by defeating filthy pawns, we can defeat #UrbanNaxals



In fact, Vivek Agnihotri even asked Kunal Kamra for an unedited interview with him, to which Kamra agreed but never turned up.

Read: After Indigo, Air India also bars propagandist Kunal Kamra from flying until further notice for his unruly behaviour onboard Mumbai-Lucknow flight

The shocking part of this entire narration by filmmaker Vivek Agnihotri is not just the fact that Kunal Kamra seems to have binned an interview because his and Congress’ lies were exposed, but that he even agreed that the propaganda around Rohith Vemula’s suicide was the greatest fake news peddled by the ecosystem to bring PM Modi down. Even after this admittance, Kamra used the tragic suicide of a student to justify his abuse and heckling of Arnab Goswami on the Lucknow-bound flight. This only goes to show that propagandists like Kunal Kamra don’t mind peddling a lie if it helps meet their political objectives.

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