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This is what I feel in general


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But the thing is, I don't think world has ever been sane. the current insanity is not unique to this age at all.

What is new is how complex the systems humans live under have become. with everyone confused/insecure about their position.

It has nothing to do with religion, or even caste. But the culprit here is nation.

Everybody wants to claim that they are the nationalists. Both the guys that protest the govt, and the guys who support it. 

Its a tussle that will always have some losers, who will live under the boot of the winners. There's simply no other way.

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people rejecting  caste, religion, sign on to a much bigger, more complex and terrifying evil called Nation.

under this evil thing called Nation, you have no option of declaring yourself as an atheist, or a caste neutral person. You are forced to promise loyalty to that beast, or be thrown in prison or hanged. 

Every nationalist is either dumb or evil.

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instead of protesting against the govt. in favour of/against some policy, its better to simply stop recognizing the govt wherever possible.

evade taxes, cheat the govt, steal from it, give no respect to its officers, and start using cryptocurrencies.. do it smartly and feign ignorance when caught. use lawyers to sue the govt, and shock the govt into some kind of limbo. 

ofcourse, this means all the govt guaranteed protections like property, law and order will go for a toss.. duh! that's the idea. It has to. 

overthrow the govt through deceit and underhanded tactics.

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ofcourse, always try to avoid the prison. lie, bribe the judge, or do whatever.

don't waste even one sec inside a jail. 

whoever invened this prison system should be brought back from the dead and be tortured to death again. Just that one person who came up with the idea to put humans away for life.He/she is the most disgusting human to have ever walked this earth.

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run scams against the govt. destroy its tax collection network, its surveillance network or even better use the surveillance network to blackmail its officers. 

fcuking get rid of these nasty things that call themselves 'nations'.

what formed as simply a governance unit, has morphed into a territory hogging, loyalty demanding disgusting monster. applies to every fcuking nation on earth.

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But is bringing down the govt enough to bring down the nation? No.

because we are not bringing down the govt. we are simply ignoring it, and actively avoiding it, and weakening it, while our independent networks get stronger.

at the end, there won't be a nation. whether govt will continue to exist after that, nobody would care.

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what if a neighbouring country invades in the meantime.. haha..

great news. once your country loses, you can openly do terrorism against your new 'masters', and the public will approve of it. 

if your country wins.. your bad luck, because you'll have an even stronger enemy to defeat, and the public will be on the side of the govt.

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But all this is not practical, no? how can you cheat the govt when it has eyes and ears everywhere?

ans: first, your govt is dumb. people who work for the govt are mostly dumb. They study for years to clear some bullshit exam to get to work for the govt like fcuking dumbos, or run election campaigns and seek donations/votes like beggars. They are dumb.

second. its almost impossible to cheat without eventually getting caught. So don't cheat, if you don't have the skill to cheat. Just help in whatever way possible to those who are skilled. because, remember again, govt is dumb. dumb things deserve to die.

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Well, my leader is doing well. He/She has turned around my state. may be I should wait for a decade to see what he can do to my state.

ans: fcuking loser. fcuk off from my sight.you are disgusting scum if you think some leader is doing it right. you are an enemy of people.

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