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Nigredo- Purpose of Alchemy( Carl jung)


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The purpose of Alchemy is to liberate the whole individual which is hidden in the darkness, threatened by the rational and correct conduct of life, consequently experiencing themselves as hindered and on the wrong path (Jung,  Vol. 13,par. 433).



Nigredo is the stage of deep introspection. This stage usually manifests in the mid-life, although today we frequently encounter much younger people reaching this point, when individuals start to feel dissatisfied or unhappy and they are unable to identify what the problem is. Sometimes there is an element of dysfunction in either their relatedness to others or to themselves. Certain habits or defense mechanisms that were developed in early years are no longer aiding the individual, but instead hampering them in their ability to lead meaningful and fulfilling lives. It is at this stage that individuals become depressed, melancholic or deeply restless.

Jung realized that this is the precursor to the transmutation of self.  The impulse towards leading a soul-filled life is an archetypal dynamic that the majority of individuals face at some stage in their individuation journey.

This work is a calling to all those who experience the following:

  • a desire to live life more fully and authentically
  • feeling stuck or trapped
  • feeling fragmented
  • trying to make sense of a loss or trauma
  • a desire to individuate
  • distress at not understanding why you keep repeating the same behaviour patterns
  • feeling helpless about always being confronted by the same situations
  • a desire to become more self-aware
  • a desire to be more effective in engaging with other people
  • feeling that there is something fundamentally wrong with the world
  • tired of attracting the same type of people into your life
  • a longing to reconnect with yourself and know yourself
  • feeling spiritually exhausted and confused
  • dissatisfaction at your inability to move beyond a particular challenge
  • a desire to lead a more meaningful life
  • knowing that you need to move or shift but unsure of where you need to go
  • deep frustration with yourself
  • inability to get in touch with your creative, spiritual self
  • challenging relationship patterns
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wow, I can really relate to this. Is there a book or something related to this?

8 minutes ago, Beardman said:

The purpose of Alchemy is to liberate the whole individual which is hidden in the darkness, threatened by the rational and correct conduct of life, consequently experiencing themselves as hindered and on the wrong path (Jung,  Vol. 13,par. 433).



Nigredo is the stage of deep introspection. This stage usually manifests in the mid-life, although today we frequently encounter much younger people reaching this point, when individuals start to feel dissatisfied or unhappy and they are unable to identify what the problem is. Sometimes there is an element of dysfunction in either their relatedness to others or to themselves. Certain habits or defense mechanisms that were developed in early years are no longer aiding the individual, but instead hampering them in their ability to lead meaningful and fulfilling lives. It is at this stage that individuals become depressed, melancholic or deeply restless.

Jung realized that this is the precursor to the transmutation of self.  The impulse towards leading a soul-filled life is an archetypal dynamic that the majority of individuals face at some stage in their individuation journey.

This work is a calling to all those who experience the following:

  • a desire to live life more fully and authentically
  • feeling stuck or trapped
  • feeling fragmented
  • trying to make sense of a loss or trauma
  • a desire to individuate
  • distress at not understanding why you keep repeating the same behaviour patterns
  • feeling helpless about always being confronted by the same situations
  • a desire to become more self-aware
  • a desire to be more effective in engaging with other people
  • feeling that there is something fundamentally wrong with the world
  • tired of attracting the same type of people into your life
  • a longing to reconnect with yourself and know yourself
  • feeling spiritually exhausted and confused
  • dissatisfaction at your inability to move beyond a particular challenge
  • a desire to lead a more meaningful life
  • knowing that you need to move or shift but unsure of where you need to go
  • deep frustration with yourself
  • inability to get in touch with your creative, spiritual self
  • challenging relationship patterns


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Just now, jajjanaka_jandri said:

wow, I can really relate to this. Is there a book or something related to this?


I invite you to join secret society. Give me your date of birth details, place, time. PM me

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The nigredo, albedo and rubedo of no defense

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Any framework (model, theory, map, perspective) is a filter for exploring the world, and each one brings certain aspects out (and is blind to other aspects.)

So here is a basic alchemical take on defense and no defense, of that feeling of having to defend (or not) a particular identity.

Nigredo: the misery

Whenever there is this sense of having to defend a particular identity, role, belief, view, perspective, there is also a certain amount of misery. Will do they attack me? What types of attacks can I expect in this situation? What if they are right? How can I fight back most effectively? How can I shoot down their perspective? It is endless.

Even when there is a certain enjoyment in the battle, of maybe feeling more alive, of the possibility of winning or the appearance of winning, of strengthening and supporting a habitual or desired identity, even then, there is a certain amount of misery there.

A lot of energy goes into preparing for battle, strategizing, fighting the battle, and licking the wounds afterwards. There is reactivity, which a part of us is not comfortable with. We may feel stuck in old and sometimes unwanted patterns. And there is a basic sense of a split here between myself and others, which is only reinforced by the battle, and this too gives a sense of misery.

In alchemical terms, this is the nigredo, the misery that nudges us to look for a resolution, and this time not (only) by changing the rest of the world, but changing something in ourselves.

Albedo: the work

The albedo, the whitening, the clarification, is the work we do on ourselves.

In terms of having an identity to defend, we can work on it in many different ways. The Work is one, allowing us to release our grip on a particular belief, view and identity. The 3-2-1 Shadow Process is another, where we also find in ourselves what we initially only saw in the other. We can simply be with our experiences, which similarly tends to loosen any grip we have on anything arising, including our beliefs, fixed views, and identities. We can use active imagination, other forms of self-inquiry, or anything else. And we can use any combinations of whatever is available to us.

This is a process of bringing attention to our habitual patterns (calcinatio), of differentiation (separatio), of dissolution of rigid and habitual patterns and views (solutio), and of shifting into and becoming familiar with new patterns (coagulatio), which together and over time brings a clarification (sublimatio.)

Rubedo: the resolution

Eventually, after some work, there may be a release of defensiveness in certain areas, and then other areas, and ultimately, if we keep going, in all areas and situations in our life. Instead of feeling that we need to defend certain identities, we welcome whatever comes our way as a reminder that yes, I am that too, and that, and that. 

Somebody tells me, one way or another, that I am stupid, and yes, I can find that in myself. That is part of my identity. Or that I am wrong, and yes, that too is there. Or that I am arrogant, yes, that too. Or insensitive, yes. Or boring, yes, absolutely. Or fun, yes, that too. Or a bad friend, yes. Or a good friend, yes… Or smart, yes. Or right, yes. Or sincere, yes.

It is all there. I am familiar with all of this, and it is all right here. And if someone says something that I haven’t explored yet, then I can find that too.

There is nothing to defend. Just ease, clarity, simplicity.

Woven together and in cycles

Over time, we may be able to see this general pattern, from nigredo (that was the time I didn’t see this at all, and also all the times I fall into defense in general), to albedo (that was when I started becoming conscious of all of this and started working on it), and rubedo (that is the general sense of ease that came out of all the work, and also all the glimpses of release and peace throughout the process.)

But they are all also woven together, especially clearly so in the middle of the overall process. There is defensiveness and misery, then some work on it, then some release, then back to defensiveness, work, release, over and over, within the same issue, and across different issues.

Nothing to defend, yet also taking care of myself and others

Eventually there is a general sense of nothing to defend, of ease, peace, even in the midst of daily life and interactions with others. There is no particular identity, or viewpoint, or belief to defend. Only a fluidity among numerous views, perspectives, identities, theories, maps. Whatever works in the situation is what comes up and is used, without any need to hold onto it.

At the same time, there is the ordinary taking care of myself and others. If a cougar attacks me, I’ll try to defend myself. And I’ll take care of my own health and well being. And I’ll defend others if they are in need of it, including defending their identity if it is attacked and they feel hurt.

There is no fixed identity to defend, and also the ordinary taking care of myself and others. And the fluidity of identities, views and perspectives is what allows me to take care of myself and others with more ease, and in more effective and effortless ways

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On 2/9/2020 at 3:29 PM, Beardman said:

I invite you to join secret society. Give me your date of birth details, place, time. PM me

I am just joking, even iam curious about alchemy...exploring. 

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