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Interesting read about COVID19; Did it really originate in China?


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PS: Found this online and thought it would be interesting to share.


The mapping of the COVID19 genome has been completed. It reveals a very interesting story. I am not a microbiologist, but I choose to believe in science over any sort of speculation not based on facts.

58 haplotypes (genetic determinants located on a single chromosome)of the corona virus have been identified. By analysing the similarities of these haplotypes, the evolution pathway of the virus can be determined. These haplotypes were collated into 5 families, namely Group A,B,C,D and E, with the mutational pathway beginning in Group A towards Group E.

The virus found in patients in China belongs mostly to Group C (found in Hubei, Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Jiangxi) with a much smaller percentage belonging to Group B (found in Sichuan and Yunnan). It has been established that the first patients in Wuhan had no history of being within the vicinity of the now notorious Huanan seafood market. They were infected before the explosion of infection in the seafood market, meaning that human to human infections were already happening in late November or early December 2019 before the virus arrived in the seafood market. Huanan seafood market is definitely a major turning point of the outbreak, but it is not where it all started. It is still unknown where the first patients contracted the virus. The only conclusion that can be drawn is that the Group C corona virus became very virulent in China.

Here’s the kicker: corona viruses belonging to all 5 families are present in samples collected from the US. The fact is the flu season in the US has been going on for quite some time and patients dying from viral idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis have been recorded in US before the outbreak in Wuhan. We cannot rule out the possibility that the COVID19 originated in the US, has never been detected before, and illness caused by it has been attributed to the flu.

Now the following is purely speculation. Who is to say that the virus was not brought into China from the US by participants during the 2019 Military World Games (7th CISM Military World Game) held between October 18 to 27. Have a wild guess where these Games were held. Yes, you guess right, WUHAN in the province of Hubei. Coincidence? Probably not.

My interpretation of the scientific data may be erroneous. If that’s the case, please correct and enlighten me based on science and not your political views.

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