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Trump's visit to the CDC is back on

White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham just said that President Trump's visit to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — which was canceled earlier today — is now back on and scheduled for this afternoon.

There will "probably be a tour" she said when asked what would be on the itinerary.

Explaining the on-off nature of the trip she said: "What the President said is true." 

Earlier today, Trump explained that the reason for his canceled trip was because of a potential case of novel coronavirus on site.

“We may go. They thought there was a problem at CDC, somebody that had the virus, it turned out negative,” Trump told reporters in the Diplomatic Reception Room.

A CDC member was suspected to have contracted coronavirus and they did not think they would get the test results in time before the President's trip so "out of an abundance of caution", she said, it was postponed for the safety of everyone involved and to allow the CDC to prevent any further spread. 

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