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US announces $2.9 million support to India

The US government, through the US Agency for International Development (USAID), has announced $2.9 million to support India in its response to the novel coronavirus disease, COVID-19. In a statement, the US embassy has said, "This builds on a foundation of more than $1.4 billion in health assistance, and nearly $3 billion in total assistance, that the United States has provided to India over the last 20 years."

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Nurse at Aurangabad hospital tests positive

A 38-year-old male nurse at Government Medical College & Hospital (GMCH), Aurangabad has tested positive for coronavirus. He has been shifted to District Civil Hospital, said GMCH Dean Dr Kanan Yelikar.

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AIIMS Delhi writes to PM over 'targeting of doctor'

Resident Doctor's Association (RDA) of All India Institute Of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Delhi on Sunday wrote a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi over 'targeting of doctors for raising genuine concerns related to COVID19 preparedness'.



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The health ministry on Monday said that 693 new coronavirus cases have been reported in the last 24 hours, taking the total number to 4,067 in India out of which 1,445 cases are related to Tablighi Jamaat congregation held in Delhi on 13 March.

"76 percent cases have been reported in men and 24 percent in women," said Lav Aggarwal, Joint Secretary, Health Ministry.

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Chhattisgarh health minister TS Singh Deo on Monday said that the ninth patient of coronavirus, of a total of 10, in the state has fully recovered. "So now there is only one person in Chhattisgarh who has COVID-19 and he is being looked after by a team of expert doctors, all other patients have been cured."

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Bollywood producer Karim Morani’s daughter Shaza Morani has tested positive for coronavirus. She has been admitted to Mumbai's Nanavati Hospital. Karim Morani, who has been part of films such as Ra.One and Chennai Express, had sent a text message to his friends before admitting his daughter to the hospital.

“My daughter Shaza has not mingled with any foreign travellers and had no COVID-19 symptoms at all. It is my duty to inform you as we are law-abiding citizens. We are admitting her in Nanavati Hospital to be kept under isolation. The municipal authorities will be here tomorrow at 10:30 pm,” a report in SpotboyE had quoted him as saying.

The Moranis are in self-quarantine at their Juhu residence.

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Assam Health Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma on Monday said that the government will take action against all those who had attended Tablighi Jamaat event in Delhi's Nizabackn Markaz and test positive for COVID-19.

"As per the lists we received from Centre and local info, we've names of 831 people from Assam who attended the Tablighi Jamaat event. 491 samples have been collected. We've contacted Mosque Committees to identify remaining people and collect their samples," said Sarma.

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Over 25,000 Tablighi Jamaat workers quarantined, says MHA

Home affairs ministry joint secretary Punya Salila Srivastava said that the Centre has quarantined over 25,000 Tablighi Jamaat workers and their contacts. She added that five villages in Haryana have been sealed.

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COVID-19 deaths in India stand at 109, says Centre

The number of COVID-19 deaths stand at 109, with 30 people succumbing to it on Sunday, the Union health ministry said. The statement added that 63 percent of the deaths have been reported among people over 60 years age, 30 percent in age bracket of 40 to 60 years and 7 percent victims were below 40 years age.


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Attempt to murder charge for COVID-19 patient who 'spit on someone'

"If a coronavirus positive person spits on any person, then, he/she will be charged with attempt to murder. If the person who has been spat upon dies, the coronavirus positive person will be charged with murder," said Himachal Pradesh DGP SR Mardi.


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One more Tablighi event returnee tests positive in Himachal Pradesh

The Himachal Pradesh Police on Monday said that one more local attendee of the Tablighi Jamaat event in Delhi has tested positive in the hilly state, and advised those who travelled from Delhi in state transport buses on 18 March and 4 pm and 9.30 pm, to self quarantine themselves after three other patients had taken the same route.

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ICMR orders 5 lakh testing kits

ICMR's R Gangakhedkar said that an order has been placed for 5 lakh testing kits for the novel corona virus. He added that 2.5 lakhs kits to be delivered between 8 and 9 April.

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3 more tested Covid-19 positive in Kashmir, taking tally to 109

Three more tested positive for Covid-19 in Kashmir, taking tally to 109.


Three new positive cases of Covid-19 were reported tested in Kashmir on Monday, taking the Union Territory's total case tally to 109. Out of the 109 cases, 85 are in Kashmir, while, 18 are in Jammu. 103 out of the 109 Covid-19 cases in Jammu and Kashmir are currently active.

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42 doctors, 50 medical staff at Maharashtra hospital under quarantine

A doctor at DY Patil Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre in Maharashtra said: "Total 42 doctors and 50 other medical staff of the hospital have been put under quarantine after an accident patient here was tested positive for Covid-19."



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