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1 hour ago, bhaigan said:

endi bhayya ee pichakuntla link lu computer lo ki virus vachetatlu undi

em bhayya they are good informative links of safety precautions

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tips for improving concentration and memory

get plenty of sleep

tell your doctors about feelings of stress, anxiety, or depression

review your medications with your physician if they might contribute to your attention problems

adhere to heart healthy lifestyle including regular exercise, diets rich in fruits, vegetables,whole grains, lean proteins and low in saturated fats,added sugars and processed foods

limit your intake of caffeine

avoid multitasking

engage multiple senses as you learn new information that is visualise and verbalise whatever new thing you learn

break large pieces of information into smaller ones

use associations to your advantage like using word associations or try to relate the new information to that already existing in your memory

repeat new information

improve your environment like shutting off the television and other distractions

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  • 2 weeks later...

most people think it's 98.6degree F oror 37 degree celcius but cleveland clinic experts say anything between 97 and 99 degree F is normal

keything to remember is temp higher than 100.4 degree F is considered as fever that usually warrants a call for the doctor

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from developing springtime allergies for the first time to realizing that your family cat doesn't cause you the misery it once did, some adults experience a change in allergies as they age .that's because your immune system is constantly changing. so , over time, it's possible to lose your tolerance towards pollen , food , medications, materials or bee stings, or become tolerant to something you once weren't

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the truth about food expiration dates

best by date you see on perishable foods such as meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products isn't actually about food safety- it's about how long manufacturers expect their products to maintain their best quality. if they are handled and stored properly, most foods are safe to eat beyond their best by" dates. just check for signs of spoilage like mold, an unexpected texture, an off smell, or unpleasant taste

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  • 3 months later...

warning signs for worsening heart failure

sudden weight gain [2-3 pounds in one day or 5 pounds in one week]

extra swelling in feet or ankles

swelling or pain in abdomen

shortness of breath not related to exercise

discomfort or trouble breathing while lying flat

waking up feeling short of breath

coughing or wheezing

increased fatigue

mental confusion

loss of appetite

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11 foods that can help lowering cholesterol

1.oatmeal : this whole grain is one of the best sources of soluble fiber, along with barley, start your day with bowl of oatmeal, you can top them with fresh fruits or dried fruits for extra fiber

2.white beans also called navy beans, this variety ranks highest in fiber content

3.avocado not only rich in monosaturated fats, it also contain both soluble and insoluble fibers


5.carrots: raw baby carrot contains decent amount of insoluble fiber

6.almonds:among nuts almonds has highest amount of fiber but walnuts has added advantage of being good source of polyunsaturated fatty acids and plant based omega 3 fatty acids

7.kiwi fruit

8.berries:raspberries and blackberries provide the most but straberries and blueberries are also good source

9.cauliflower: this veggie not only provides fiber but can also be used as substitute for white rice,just shred or swirl in food processor until it resembles white rice then saute with olive oil until tender

10.soy : not only good source of fiber but also rich protein source

11. salmon which is great source for omega 3 fatty acids other good fish options include tuna and sardines

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temporary loss of smell or anosmia is the main neurological symptom and one of the earliest and most commonly reported symptom of covid 19. studies suggests that it better predicts disease than other well known symptoms such as fever and cough.surprisingly it is not the sensory neurons that detect and transmit the sense of smell are not vulnerable to the virus instead ACE 2 receptors which is key for virus entry are present on the cells that provide metabolic and structural support to these neurons so it is good news that there is permenant damage to the neurons you will regain the sense of smell once infection subsides

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drinking coffee is linked to many health benefits such as less weight gain, lower average daily blood pressure, and reduced risk for diabetes and cardiovascular diseases,  a study published in european journal of preventive cardiology found that filtering coffee for example with paper filter not that just boiling ground coffee beans and drinking the water was better for the health particularly for older people. people who are younger than 60 years who drank 1-4 cups of coffee per day particularly filtered have lower rates of artery disease and death. the lower rates of death persisted in people of 60 or older but was lost in people who drank 5 or more cups per day. unfilterd coffee contains diterpenes , compounds that can raise cholesterol

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