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Halal body organs - China to saudi


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China Killing Muslim Prisoners To Harvest ‘Halal’ Organs For Rich Saudis

A new witness report confirms the "slaughter on-demand" of China's Muslim prisoners to provide "Halal" organs for rich Saudi customers.


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Shopping just got a new meaning, welcome to death trade. Image from Shutterstock.com / Stokkete.

  • A new witness report confirms the “slaughter on-demand” of China’s Muslim prisoners for rich Saudi customers.
  • This is part of the country’s $1 billion death trade in forced organ transplants, described as “extreme wickedness.”
  • Xinjiang has become a hellhole for its Uighur minority.

The extractions were conducted on live victims—the organs had been ordered and paid for in advance. With the paperwork and arrangements in place, the customer traveled from his home in Saudi Arabia to one of a number of hospitals in China. There the operation took place and the transaction was completed.

A surgeon involved has described one such extraction from a young man, a prisoner, who had been sentenced to death but was still breathing. The man was a Muslim, a member of Xinjiang’s Uighur minority. And, in the mind of the Saudi customer, his organs were Halal, religiously appropriate, worth the heavy price paid.

Welcome to the horror of China’s forced organ transplant industry—its $1 billion dollar death trade.

Guilty, Beyond A Reasonable Doubt

Last June, an independent tribunal investigating China’s trade in forced organ harvesting from prisoners published its final judgment. China’s guilt was judged to be “beyond a reasonable doubt.” The tribunal decided unanimously that

forced organ harvesting from prisoners of conscience has been practiced for a substantial period of time involving a very substantial number of victims.

The tribunal also found that religious minorities had been targeted for these forced organ “donations.” Falun Gong practitioners and Uighur Muslims were the most likely to be persecuted—prisoners of conscience, guilty of no regular crime.

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1 hour ago, Mirage said:

I wonder if these people are human beings at all. They lack the basic human compassion

china is doing to their own minorities what japan did to china during world war 2

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18 minutes ago, Kool_SRG said:

Edhemi prapamcham raa aaya veelladhi     :3D_Smiles:

eppudu cheppu uncle ... other countries lo minorities ela treat chesthunaro ...mana india lo minorities ni ela treat chesthunaro .... the only country who has equal rights for minorities in the world is india ....   over to @TrollBait @siru @kathanayaka @Ismail bhai

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