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Chaos vs. Order: The Root of Ideology


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Those among us, who crave "equality" as a means of closure. Such a craving is dangerous because it insists that all be dumbed down to the same docile and obedient level, as set by a self appointed group of expert guidance councilors. On the opposite side, are those who say: "Let Nature take it's course! Let those who have the talent rise above all the rest, they deserve that higher status; they have earn all by way of their their greater abilities." Either extreme has it's draw-backs, and consequences, but in the end, we all prefer order, over chaos. It is just a matter of which order.

"Chaos" is ideas,creativity, and variety, but to much chaos it would get overwhelming to understand and order comes in to keep tabs on chaos and chaos has to keep tabs on order to. like they say "they benefit from each other". to much chaos leads to confusion, to much order leads to absolute nothingess or you might call it "The Void". See chaos and order are either good or evil "Order" is balance, clarity, and harmony

The ancient Greeks understood that the Universe was made up of Chaos, and Order, and that life was an eternal struggle for order over chaos. The "God" concept does nothing but dampen human consciousness, and dumb the brain down. There is no such thing as "pure evil"; there exist neither angels, nor demons' all suffering comes directly out of disorder. A criminal is a person with a disordered mind. A genius is an example of higher order!

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