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4 hours ago, Meowmeow said:

Y not

just curious, does that reasonable standard for personal behaviour apply to groups of people too? for eg. countries.

or are they allowed to run riot by gloating about occupying territories where people are resistant to them?

for eg. India's occupation of kashmir?

or does it make it okay for India to do it, because China is doing it..

and would that relaxation of standards for 'going with the flow' for countries, apply to individuals who you have already deemed as stupid because they show off?

so many questions, cattie. I don't think you ask enough questions to yourself before you ask it to others.

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1 minute ago, TrollBait said:

just curious, does that reasonable standard for personal behaviour apply to groups of people too? for eg. countries.

or are they allowed to run riot by gloating about occupying territories where people are resistant to them?

for eg. India's occupation of kashmir?

or does it make it okay for India to do it, because China is doing it..

and would that relaxation of standards for 'going with the flow' for countries, apply to individuals who you have already deemed as stupid because they show off?

so many questions, cattie. I don't think you ask enough questions to yourself before you ask it to others.

Offtopic hun

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4 hours ago, Scada said:

But dummy > brahmi and meow Is not sridevi 

dude, don't insult meow by comparing with that vacant worthless idiot Dummy.

the guy gets his pants on twist whenever he has to address me. like he's scared of some serious ass whooping .

at best, he's a silly diva of sorts who expects an online db to be his high school debate club. his brain is stuck at 16 too. 

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2 minutes ago, Meowmeow said:

Offtopic hun

so countries have different standards then..

so what does it make people who are wedded to the idea of a country, then?


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2 minutes ago, TrollBait said:

so countries have different standards then..

so what does it make people who are wedded to the idea of a country, then?


You say a person is "from" a country., you never say a person "belongs" to a country. Well, unless you talk about CCP China or North Korea, most people have the freedom to choose. 

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5 minutes ago, Meowmeow said:

Offtopic hun

anyway, you are underestimating the power of social acceptance, and the dollars it makes. That's the economy you live in.

the people who are showing off now, are as stupid as the people who married and settled down by 25 in the 80s because the society deemed it acceptable.

In short, they are not stupid. They just found the shortest path to success. and if they are bad at it, they can always get back to being their old boring self absorbed selves.

people test boundaries all the time. This social showing off also comes under that.

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3 minutes ago, Meowmeow said:

You say a person is "from" a country., you never say a person "belongs" to a country. Well, unless you talk about CCP China or North Korea, most people have the freedom to choose. 

haha...you say a daily labourer in India has the freedom to choose? don't be silly.

the rich in all countries have the freedom to choose. CCP controlled china is no different. North Korea is not in the same league as china. North Korea is a dictatorship. China has functioning markets where people are free to trade. more free than even the US.

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2 minutes ago, TrollBait said:

anyway, you are underestimating the power of social acceptance, and the dollars it makes. That's the economy you live in.

the people who are showing off now, are as stupid as the people who married and settled down by 25 in the 80s because the society deemed it acceptable.

In short, they are not stupid. They just found the shortest path to success. and if they are bad at it, they can always get back to being their old boring self absorbed selves.

people test boundaries all the time. This social showing off also comes under that.

Ofcourse, they're the reason the economy flourishes. As long as stupidity prevails in the world, we can go against the tide to make money. 

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1 minute ago, TrollBait said:

haha...you say a daily labourer in India has the freedom to choose? don't be silly.

the rich in all countries have the freedom to choose. CCP controlled china is no different. North Korea is not in the same league as china. North Korea is a dictatorship. China has functioning markets where people are free to trade. more free than even the US.

Yes, people travel so freely from China to the rest of the world, that they could cause a pandemic. Oh wait, they did. 

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1 minute ago, Meowmeow said:

Ofcourse, they're the reason the economy flourishes. As long as stupidity prevails in the world, we can go against the tide to make money. 

you can't make money by going against the tide. why do you think I rant like a moron in this db? I hate all social media freaks first and foremost, but I don't think they are stupid. They are of above avg intelligence who know exactly what they are doing within the framework they live in. and they will fight hard against those that try to demolish their world. to death.

There's literally no one who made money by going against the tide. Don't list piffly salaries people make working for some schmuck company., working on 'things they love'.

without this army of self obsessed social media freaks (current tide), there won't be a company for that introverted genius to make a fortune out of.

and that's not going against the tide. but surfing on it.


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5 minutes ago, Meowmeow said:

Yes, people travel so freely from China to the rest of the world, that they could cause a pandemic. Oh wait, they did. 


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The Joneses movie you refer to is a nice one. but you make the wrong connection.

the social media freaks you see on youtube, tiktok etc are not the gullible neighboursin the movie, but they are The Joneses.

the people who watch those videos - they are the dumbasses. Not the ones making them.

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lets commoditize science @Meowmeow 

make every component easily accessible, opensource all designs, free access to super computing, cancel all patent protections, and watch another army of gloating science nerds hit the internet.

Its all a question of access dude.

the gloaters will always be there. Its part of human nature. Its not the part that bothers me. The thing that bothers me is the choices society makes about which army to promote. Society(the ones in power) always promote the ones that challenge them the least.

you seem to be bothered by the gloaters. but they will always exist in every generation, whenever some commodity is made freely accessible. People will find unique ways to use that commodity. something that a single brain can't comprehend, and I love all the possibilities such gloating brings.

yeah, I dream of this science utopia. That's my anarchy.  Not this mangled border based inhuman mess that we are stuck in now. 

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46 minutes ago, TrollBait said:

dude, don't insult meow by comparing with that vacant worthless idiot Dummy.

the guy gets his pants on twist whenever he has to address me. like he's scared of some serious ass whooping .

at best, he's a silly diva of sorts who expects an online db to be his high school debate club. his brain is stuck at 16 too. 

Address the forum retard who is having a meltdown on his own all the time? CITI_c$y


Go fight with your own shadow like you always do ya flid.

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3 minutes ago, DummyVariable said:

Address the forum retard who is having a meltdown on his own all the time? 

Go fight with your own shadow like you always do ya flid.

dude, awesome. I was trying to see if you would respond if I didn't tag you.

you really read everything that I write. I want to say that its flattering, but it's actually sad :( 

I don't have a comeback for you, though. keep reading the sh1t I post. lol.

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