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Chinese ban question


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20 minutes ago, Ellen said:

And this is practical?

to some extent yes. At least, do not use their e-commerce, other smaller merchandise with Made in china on it. 

Companies also can majorly contribute and some of them are doing it.

US-China trade way resulted in $35Bn loss to China last year. If Indian junta stop using their products, it will effect them surely. Its a multifront war.

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Online merchandise should have the option to sort by country of origin. Should be allowed to choose to option of goods not made in a given country. Also should have new online merchandise website for products not made in China. 

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India's largest trade partners with their total trade (sum of imports and exports) in billions of US dollars for the financial year 2017–18 were as follows:[7]

Rank Country Exports Imports Total Trade Trade Balance
1 23px-Flag_of_the_People%27s_Republic_of_ China 16.34 68.06 84.4 -51.72
2 23px-Flag_of_the_United_States.svg.png United States 48.6 25.7 74.3 22.9
3 23px-Flag_of_the_United_Arab_Emirates.sv United Arab Emirates 30.29 19.45 49.74 10.84
4 23px-Flag_of_Saudi_Arabia.svg.png Saudi Arabia 6.39 20.32 26.72 -13.93
5 16px-Flag_of_Switzerland.svg.png  Switzerland 0.98 19.30 20.28 -18.32
6 23px-Flag_of_Germany.svg.png Germany 7.09 12.09 20.33 -5.25
7 23px-Flag_of_Hong_Kong.svg.png Hong Kong 13.7 20.34 34.04 -6.64
8 23px-Flag_of_Indonesia.svg.png Indonesia 2.82 13.13 19.05 -10.96
9 23px-Flag_of_South_Korea.svg.png South Korea 3.52 13.05 18.13 -8.93
10 23px-Flag_of_Malaysia.svg.png Malaysia 3.71 9.08 16.93 -5.30
11 23px-Flag_of_Singapore.svg.png Singapore 7.72 7.31 16.93 2.68
12 23px-Flag_of_Nigeria.svg.png Nigeria 2.22 9.95 16.36 -11.00
13 23px-Flag_of_Belgium_%28civil%29.svg.png Belgium 5.03 8.26 16.33 -5.29
14 23px-Flag_of_Qatar.svg.png Qatar 0.90 9.02 15.66 -13.55
15 23px-Flag_of_Japan.svg.png Japan 4.66 9.85 15.52 -4.75
16 23px-Flag_of_Iraq.svg.png Iraq 1.00 10.84 15.08 -13.42
17 23px-Flag_of_Kuwait.svg.png Kuwait 1.25 4.97 14.58 -12.18
18 23px-Flag_of_the_United_Kingdom.svg.png United Kingdom 8.83 5.19 14.34 4.30
19 23px-Flag_of_Iran.svg.png Iran 2.78 6.28 13.13 -4.78
20 23px-Flag_of_Australia_%28converted%29.s Australia 3.26 8.90 13.03 -7.47
21 23px-Flag_of_Venezuela.svg.png Venezuela 0.13 5.70 11.99 -11.47
22 23px-Flag_of_South_Africa.svg.png South Africa 3.59 5.95 11.72 -3.40
- Remaining Countries 126.78 104.92 231.70 21.86
India's Total 262.29 381.01 758.30 -137.63
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China is India's largest trading partner.

Chinese imports from India amounted to $16.4 billion or 0.8% of its overall imports, and 4.2% of India's overall exports in 2014. The 10 major commodities exported from India to China were:[139][140]

  1. Cotton: $3.2 billion
  2. Gems, precious metals, coins: $2.5 billion
  3. Copper: $2.3 billion
  4. Ores, slag, ash: $1.3 billion
  5. Organic chemicals: $1.1 billion
  6. Salt, sulphur, stone, cement: $958.7 million
  7. Machines, engines, pumps: $639.7lmillion
  8. Plastics: $499.7 million
  9. Electronic equipment: $440 million
  10. Raw hides excluding furskins: $432.7 million

Chinese exports to India amounted to $58.4 billion or 2.3% of its overall exports, and 12.6% of India's overall imports in 2014. The 10 major commodities exported from China to India were:[140][141]

  1. Electronic equipment: $16 billion
  2. Machines, engines, pumps: $9.8 billion
  3. Organic chemicals: $6.3 billion
  4. Fertilizers: $2.7 billion
  5. Iron and steel: $2.3 billion
  6. Plastics: $1.7 billion
  7. Iron or steel products: $1.4 billion
  8. Gems, precious metals, coins: $1.3 billion
  9. Ships, boats: $1.3 billion
  10. Medical, technical equipment: $1.2 billion
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