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Uninstall china apps


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It’s funny when Indians knock off chinkoo products and apps!

There is one - and only one - platform that is sustainable, scalable, monetizable and vibrant - YOUTUBE.

Everything else (including Vimeo) is like a pimple on a rat’s as$ - they are constrained by available funds and resources and cannot even scale or perform. They have limits and limitations like video length, quotas, etc. All they do is burn investor funds and getting nowhere with speculations. Facebook is ok just for advertising. These platforms run on public networks which are slow. Google built their own private network around the world, runs all their traffic on these private lines including their cloud hosting, gmail, YouTube and all their offerings and it is blazing fast. Google wouldn’t be so successful without their private network. They take their traffic on public networks briefly just when they need to and then back to their own network again. NOTHING can beat google! Period.

People are dumb asses - as dumb as they are on tiktok and as dumb as afdbraja. Why do they need to be on a new platform? Why can’t they just use YouTube and get more success and better results for their efforts??

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