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Koncham help cheyandi bhayya


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may be he is too confident that she will not call police.. 

tell him that patience has limits and his life is done as soon as she thinks that his torture is not worth enough.. 

many people are stuck in violent relationships bcoz they are scared of society and do not have the confidence to lead life on their own... throw in kids and parents to this mix... they become indecisive.. 

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On 6/20/2020 at 12:37 AM, Democraticcompulsion said:

Nope. She needs to press charges. He may be arrested but will be let go as the victim doesn't press charges. That is the law. Many many women go through this every year. Read this up. Evidence, case matter. 


Dude, did you even read that article? Where does it say the victim has to press charges? It states exactly what I said. Here is what it says -

Even when the victim retracts their first statement and says that they made it up the prosecutor will usually continue to prosecute the case saying the first statements are the spontaneous and contemporaneous and therefore truthful. Why would a victim make up a story about what happened? Even if the victim makes small contradictory statements, usually only large inconsistencies can damage a victim’s credibility.

There is no law that victim has to press charges. Even a neighbor can call cops on you for a fight between you and your spouse. Even if she does not press charges, the DA can press charges. What if he already killed the victim? There is NO victim in case of a murder to press charges right? The victim is already DEAD. But the investigation, charges and prosecution are carried out by the DA. In criminal cases, it is “People of State” vs Defendant in the legal proceedings - not the victim.

i have literally seen 2 cases where the wife did not press charges but the husband got charged and convicted anyway. That’s how the system works in the US. Don’t post your assumptions and mislead people on this forum that can get them into trouble.

if your half baked knowledge is from watching silly TV shows, here is a perfect one that I’ll bust those myths -


List of deportable offenses -


DV and CIMT and many other crimes are deportable.

It also matters if the crime happened within the first 5 years of entering US which is deportable.

Ignorance and not knowing the law is not an excuse to commit crime. Since the guy is hitting her without knowing the consequences, informing him the laws would make him stop his behavior. Calling 911 is the last resort when you want him deported. Someone calls 911 on him and - he - is - DONE !!

They need to go couple counseling to save the marriage.

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20 hours ago, Spartan said:

:giggle:  never go inbetween wife and husband issues...

anta idi ga unte...anonymous 911 call chesi cheppu...

ante gani nuvvu cheppinav anuko.me cousin ki....na pellam guirnchi cheppadnaiki nuvvevar ra ....ani akrama sambandham kattina kadtadu...

@Spartan inta la cheppinav ante 

Any experience??


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21 hours ago, Pandubabu said:

One of my cousins here in US is beating his wife . It is making me sick .he is usually a nice guy. He has empathy for others. He is 4-5 years elder than me. Not sure how I can explain him that he is messing up his family and what he doing is Criminal in nature   .It is quite common between wife and husband to have differences . Both their parents have boundary issues just like all Indians have and this is bringing lot of differences and end up in this violence.  Ela explain cheyalo cheppandi bhayya .I think it is just his Male ego kicking in .

simple answer . its none of your business unless personally effecting you. manavata drukhpadam BS keep aside

If you wanna complaint keep proofs and call cops. else ignore and move on

their life and they will decide what to do. 

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