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Trollbait bro come here


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13 minutes ago, TrollBait said:

to me, everyone is bad. and I wish destruction upon the world.

dreaming of the day that superintelligent AI kills all humans.


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3 minutes ago, BeautyQueen said:


so there is no love, only selfish people around you and I don’t mind bringing everyone including parents, friends into this.. (at least for me)

Although I do not keep high expectations from any one of them, it is out of my control to balance my emotions and let go. 

Some people just make things complicated and being nice just doesn’t seem to work anymore. We are no longer humans, I feel at times, more like robots 😒 


I can bet you $1000 that if I show you a group of unselfish people, you'll get frustrated of them very soon.

people have agendas, and the challenge is to work past the agendas and stay alive while doing it.

don't be so helpless.. whatever this 'humanity' is, it is overrated.

you have to be part of a system. any system. and be a robot within it. if you dreamt of a nice quiet life somewhere, you'll still need a system to help you survive, and it has to work, and for it to work, you'll need to be robot like.

the faster you adapt to your reality, the higher chances of survival.

life is not cruel. because life, by itself, is meaningless. Its just like the universe is rearranging its pieces. and we are pawns in the game.

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7 minutes ago, BeautyQueen said:


can you eat whatever you want, live anyway you want, and not expect to die of heart failure by 40?

same with other aspects of life. you need a basic plan. small targets

if love doesn't work on people, try somethin that works. hehe..

if nothing works, fcuk them. find a new group.  in any group, you still have to do your share to be respected.

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9 minutes ago, BeautyQueen said:

No matter what I do and how nice I am, just isn’t working right now. Worst, cannot even vent out my anger 😂 

love and hate are embedded.. I am unable to control them 😂 

disengage, and do the absolute minimum to protect yourself. or retaliate and show your anger.

make the calculations before you do any of these. lol.

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14 minutes ago, BeautyQueen said:

No matter what I do and how nice I am, just isn’t working right now. Worst, cannot even vent out my anger 😂 

love and hate are embedded.. I am unable to control them 😂 

lower your expectations, disengage and try to get out of this situation with minimal damage to your ego.

then when you are alone, learn from this experience and make a realistic plan for your life that doesn't involve the people who you don't want to engage with too much anymore.

all bad phases pass... 

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28 minutes ago, TrollBait said:

always remember, everything you do is useless, pointless, and will most likely 99.999999% fail, and will make no difference to anyone's life ever.

but still do it. because what else is there to do.




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59 minutes ago, BeautyQueen said:

Why love, trying to be nice to others, having good intentions in heart, trying not to hurt others, just being NICE ... doesn’t work? 

It looks like the bad people always have upperhand than the good ones.. life isn’t a fairy tale .. reality sucks big time..

do you know why? Share ur thoughts @~`

What's not working? In what sense?? 

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17 minutes ago, TrollBait said:

I can bet you $1000 that if I show you a group of unselfish people, you'll get frustrated of them very soon.

people have agendas, and the challenge is to work past the agendas and stay alive while doing it.

don't be so helpless.. whatever this 'humanity' is, it is overrated.

you have to be part of a system. any system. and be a robot within it. if you dreamt of a nice quiet life somewhere, you'll still need a system to help you survive, and it has to work, and for it to work, you'll need to be robot like.

the faster you adapt to your reality, the higher chances of survival.

life is not cruel. because life, by itself, is meaningless. Its just like the universe is rearranging its pieces. and we are pawns in the game.

Awesome, very deep but I get your point 😇😇😇

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16 minutes ago, TrollBait said:

can you eat whatever you want, live anyway you want, and not expect to die of heart failure by 40?

same with other aspects of life. you need a basic plan. small targets

if love doesn't work on people, try somethin that works. hehe..

if nothing works, fcuk them. find a new group.  in any group, you still have to do your share to be respected.


Love is the only thing that connects people, if that doesn’t work I do not know what else :D 

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10 minutes ago, TrollBait said:

lower your expectations, disengage and try to get out of this situation with minimal damage to your ego.

then when you are alone, learn from this experience and make a realistic plan for your life that doesn't involve the people who you don't want to engage with too much anymore.

all bad phases pass... 

I want to be alone and peaceful for some days .. just bombarded with so much sheeet and selfish people around me that isn’t making me any good ... gosh hoping this phase passes soon 😑

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8 minutes ago, ChinnaBhasha said:

What's not working? In what sense?? 

When people prioritize responsibilities and do not care about anything else 😑 

no matter how hard you try, you will end up seeing selfishness than love (no understanding)

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7 minutes ago, BeautyQueen said:


Love is the only thing that connects people, if that doesn’t work I do not know what else :D 

no. love makes people miserable. it is probably the cause of your misery (your need for love), not other people's selfishness. be honest to yourself. its possibly you that are being selfish here. hehe..

need connects people in much more meaningful ways.

whatever love that is born out of this connection through need, though small, is more lasting than plain unselfish love.


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okay. think about it like this.

you giving people lots of love.. okay.. but is it love tht they want? 

can you give what they want? so you can get love back? hmmm??

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7 minutes ago, TrollBait said:

no. love makes people miserable. it is probably the cause of your misery (your need for love), not other people's selfishness. be honest to yourself. its possibly you that are being selfish here. hehe..

need connects people in much more meaningful ways.

whatever love that is born out of this connection through need, though small, is more lasting than plain unselfish love.



need is selfish and love out of selfish is fake. There is no plain unselfish love 🤯

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7 minutes ago, TrollBait said:

okay. think about it like this.

you giving people lots of love.. okay.. but is it love tht they want? 

can you give what they want? so you can get love back? hmmm??

Nope not really. They do not care about my love :( 

yes, If I give them what they want, I wuld get love back .. but this isn’t business.. these are emotions .. :( 

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