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How to handle fear of social pressure - serious replies plz


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3 hours ago, dasara_bullodu1 said:

People judging our lifestyle

offering help even when not needed

trying to stalk our daily activities

trying to 'correct'

how to handle such situations when no escape route is available physically ?

this usually happens when we give out too much information about ourselves or our life. Stay away from those guys, hi bye relation is the best, even if you socialize, talk about movies, cricket, NFL, technology in general, but never reveal instances/incidents of your life during those discussions, that leads to judging and "willing to correct". 

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4 hours ago, dasara_bullodu1 said:

People judging our lifestyle

offering help even when not needed

trying to stalk our daily activities

trying to 'correct'

how to handle such situations when no escape route is available physically ?

I just agree what they say in the conversation. And do whatever shiet I want to do.

That is the fast way to end conversation on unwanted topic and change the subject easily.

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4 hours ago, dasara_bullodu1 said:

People judging our lifestyle. How do you know that they are judging your life style? 

offering help even when not needed. This is actually a good thing , imho , you never know when you need help so politely decline or accept if it helps you

trying to stalk our daily activities. You have given them too much space in your daily routine , Immerse yourself into other activities or act busy for them , eventually most of them will get a hint if they have some commonsense

trying to 'correct'. What does this mean? Examples ?

how to handle such situations when no escape route is available physically ?  Do not get close to anyone at work place , most of the folks are your competitors so concentrate on your work and reduce the breaks/interactions you have with your colleagues  , Keep it strictly professional , don't participate in any gossip groups , you can not avoid neighbors altogether but you can act busy as mentioned earlier 


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