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Story of an Indian person with SZ


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May 2015

I do believe that normal people tag us as sz, but some sz do get extraordinary messages from spirit/ soul or God whatever you say, its all same.

Whatever I am going to share with you was just one month paranoid thoughts during first attack (June 2011 in England) and 15 days in India(Nov2012). Apart from this, I never experienced such delusion in past and in present. May be medicine cure my brain…?

Especially during the peak of attack, I have experienced clouds controls at will, rain intensity high or low at will, sunshine. Getting messages through songs, music, mountains, stone structure etc, etc, list are longs.

But I never shared with normal people and family members. Doctor think us as sz and treat us with drug, that is too control dopamine level in brain. So far there is no actual cure for sz even advancement of high research in neuro area. I do respect medicine and it is playing major role in curing people around the world. I got almost normal except during peak hours of attack with these medicine.

I understand that there is some defect in brain chemical levels (neurotransmitter that work at neuron synapse via receptors) and due to this there is loss of ‘’ insight’’ during lapse/relapse of sz. As a cell biologist and having MSc and PhD in Life Science I understand sz biological aspects and research development in this area. Genetic inheritance is true in some cases (but not ture for all) as in my family nobody got it and there is no family history. I got this disease at the age of 38 that is too under due to much extreme stress (due to crisis in personal life), initially diagnosed as delusional disorder and later on sz.

I strongly believe that all great person in the past must have sz’o because all religious book (Bible, Veda, Gita, Kuran, etc, etc) written by the person who got extraordinary vision/messages from God. All these religious manuscripts have these common sayings, messengers of GOD. Except in Hindu view where GOD directly took birth as human beings.

I just want to share my experiences during affected period and want to know how many of sz friends gone through same experiences.

I was getting view from supernatural power that all religion are equal, there is no superior or inferior races, as we are seeing in terms of terrorism and forcing conversion (since last two thousands year). I was worried to see poverty, nuclear arm race, fight over petroleum, racial discrimination everywhere in the world, white vs black skin, corruption, uneven distribution of wealth etc, etc, overexploitation of earth, our mother nature, loss of jungle and world of concrete around the world.
…and it was that good people do really exist like me and all of us can make the world a better place to live. They just want to know what is going inside my thoughts or message from GOD.
It will be mission like no boundary between countries, there will be common language, no army etc.

I was feeling that with my finger and hand movement, there is control of so many things in the world, birth, death and rains, winds, snow fall, heat… all this disappear after taking medicine and I became a normal person like billions in the world. It was not like that I was not under control and doing some unusual behaviour. Just isolated myself from people around me, spent most of the time in my own room and sometime walking on the roads silently aimlessly (for the others), but I was on mission, of course under influence of thoughts.

But now I became mature and smile ( smile, not from my face, but from my heart) at the people, who spend their life runs after money and luxurious life. No one is actually doing anything good for human mankind, everyone is busy with themselves, some doing for name-fame, some are greedy, all commercialization, banking, marketing is just too make us more trapped and fool.

There is GOD in every individual male/female, each soul have capability to go to higher plane.
I left career advancement, all these social status is just for money in any line ( medical, research in space, engineering). marketing, construction, education. There is ofcourse use of computer, mobile, railways, aeroplanes etc making our life comfortable and fast… Is there is any use of sending spacecraft to mars. satellite was just not enough. Cant America, Russia and even now India cant use that money to feed hungry people and to make houses for millions of people who spent their night on streets.

How far we can go and how speed we want to go. I have had clear vision during my peak period that the speed of evolution of earth is less then five minutes (so speed that I cant not express in words, I mean, from melting down to iceage, and evolution of life’s on earth, just happening in five minutes and its a continuous cycle, birth, destruction and rebirth everywhere in the several universe, not only in our galaxy-universe milkyway(akashganga) ( there is no meaning of thousands, million years in actual sense as we give time scale in earth). Earth will go and will evolve again. ITs just not only one planet ‘earth’ having life, there are many…too many. several have gone and are in present and will be coming in future. The several universe is so big and its expansion and contraction, movement in typical pattern…no one can imagine, I have seen just glimpses of it.

There is supernatural power of course yes… but just not only for earth, our solar systems, galxy-milkyway, and our universe, its for very vast life’s exist everywhere in several universe. GOD is nothing it is supernatural power, we can not capture in books, religious thoughts or by any images. Many of these holy books are written to make human beings discipline at individual level and in society.

please discuss openly if you have some view or experiences like this.
kind regards
Dr. Sidgift.

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In brief I am discussing history and background
I am 40 year single man (married but broken from my wife, though not divorced). I had completed my school, college and higher education decades back. I had my PhD in Life science in 2005 from Kolkata, India. Then I moved to united kingdom in 2006 for post doc job. I was doing well in research and published 15 papers in reputed international journal and had two patents (human skin pigmentation).

I had my first symptom in UK in June 2011 with lot of unusual thought and was hospitalised for 24 days. Doctor said that it is delusional disorder ( will discuss about it later on). I was ok after that I again continued my work till may 2012. I decided to return back to my native place India in may 2012 due to personal reason, not going well with wife.

In India I got teaching job in school in Pune, western India and was doing well but was not taking any medicine after return from UK. So my symptom relapsed again in dec 2012 and was again hospitalised for 14 days in Pune India. Doctor said I had paranoid schizophrenia. I was jobless from March 2013 to Jan 2015.

Finally I decided to do something by my own for my livelihood. I own a shop and completed its interior within two months. Its a gift shop and it is running well now. I am feeling happy and doing hard work by my own, like purchasing, selling, accounting and keeping the shop clean. I keep toys, antique items, gift for marriages, birthday, anniversary. customer's are happy with my behaviour and with my gentle nature. No one guess that I am having paranoid sz.

Only sad side of my story is that my wife don't allow me to see the kids after returning from UK in 2012. Even I also don't want to live with her as she is very short tempered and quarrelling in nature. It contributed a lot in developing sz due to stressful 12 year life with her. She live with her parents and working in a school. I want to see my both kids on regular basis, but she don't allow me to see them. whenever I go she start shouting at me at her gate. I had to return without saying single word. My daughter 13 years old now and son is 9 years old now. My wife and kids also live in the same town where I live.My parents, brother and his family are very supportive to me. I had also good friend circle.

I would like to interact with sz people all around the world so that we can share our experiences and to know how good people we are. we are not the person as people tag us and think about us.

We are as normal as others and have every rite to live our life with dignity. P Doctor has reduced my drug to minimal levels after seeing my positive progress. Initially I was on Olanzapine(one year), Risdon plus(two year). (nov 2014-April 2015) only Disval ER500 twice a day. And since last one monthonly on DivaOD250 twice a day. Please reply to my post and share your experiences with me, if you don't mind.
sidgift. (May 2015)

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