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India breeds of dogs are on brinsk of extinction


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Native Indian dog breeds

Indian dog breeds are among the most adaptive in the world. Owing to their unique genetic markup they can adjust to vagaries of weather. But even they aren’t immune to neglect.

Multiple breeds of dogs which were native to India have ceased to exist, while many others are on the brink of extinction due to ignorance and sheer neglect. In the mid-2000s, the Indian Post featured four Indian dog breeds on stamps to raise awareness about them and to honour their special place in Indian history.

1. Rajapalayam

Indian dog breeds Rajapalayam

Also referred to as the Poligar Hound, Rajapalayam were the companions of the royalty and aristocrats in Southern India – Chola dynasty had them as exclusive pets for hunting or as guard dogs.

They are often milk-white, with a pink nose and golden eyes. They have the gait similar to that of a horse and were also used during the Carnatic Wars and Polygar war against the British cavalry. There were also some reports that the Indian Army in Kashmir had them as guard dogs. 

Rajapalayam dog stamp

2. Rampur hound

Found in northern India, in the belt between Bareilly in Uttar Pradesh to Delhi, Rampur hounds were kept by Maharajahs against the threat of jackal and for hunting. Known for their stamina and speed, these dogs can cover great distances.

Rampur Hound stamp

3. Himalayan Sheepdog (Bhutia kukur)

The majestic livestock guardian dog, often referred to as Bhote Kukur for resemblance to Tibetan Mastiff thrives on outdoor lifestyles and is native to the Himalayas. They are devoutly loyal and loving, amazing herd dogs and protector of the livestock.

Bhotia Kukur stamp

4. Mudhol Hound

Also known as Caravan Hound, Mudhol hound is often found as a companion animal in the Deccan Plateau region. They were used for hunting and guarding in and around Mudhol town of Karnataka. In the villages, they are known as ‘Karwani’.

Mudhol hound stamp

5. Kombai/Combai (Indian Terrier)

Combai or Kombai dog breed is found in the hills of Southern India’s western ghats. Kombai means ‘a dense forest’. They are also called Karumoonji and have a black nose with a reddish coloured body. They are fierce guard dogs, good at chasing and hunting.

Kombai dog ~Image courtesy: Hindu

This ancient breed is known for its toughness and loyalty. They are very active, need regular exercise and thrive best raised in large, non-urban settings where they are free to roam and explore.

6. Bully dog (Indian mastiff)

Bully dog shares origins from both India and Pakistan and is predominantly found in the Punjab region. They are the most common choice for guard dogs but unfortunately, many of these dogs are still bred and nurtured for dogfighting purposes.

If you come across any news of a dog being used for dogfighting, please alert the police immediately.

7. Indian pariah dog

Perhaps one of the most primitive and ancient breeds of dog known to humans, Indian Pariah dogs bear resemblance to Australian Dingo or African Basenji, and have no trace of genetic tweaking or modification from the human side. They are best suited for the harshness of Indian tropical climate and thrive at way less as compared to foreign breeds.

Their immunity is way stronger as compared to foreign breeds and they don’t suffer from inb­reeding-related disorders such as hip dysplasia. They also make for amazing pets – easy to maintain and train!

8. Kashmiri Sheep Dog/ Bakharwal

Bakharwal Kashmir dog

These mountain dogs are an ancient breed of working dogs found in the state of Jammu and Kashmir. Scientists believe that these may be amongst the oldest herding dogs having origins in Central Asia. They are bred by nomadic tribes as a livestock guardian dog and settlement protector.

9. Chippiparai / Kanni

Chippiparai dog Kanni dog The Veterinary College and Research Institute, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu has embarked on creating a database of the Chippiparai by implanting microchips in 100 of these dogs.

Chippiparai are easy-to-train dogs from Tamilnadu who were bred by the royal families of Virudhnagar for hunting and to protect their estates. They are a medium-sized dog having a reddish-brown-black tinted coat with limited white markings. One of their distinctive features is a long curved tail.

Depending on their coat colour, they are sometimes also referred to as “Kanni,” which means “pure”.

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