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How Did this Non-Founder lad with No CS Degree & No Real Leadership Flair, End Up the CEO of a multinational tech co like Google? In other words ask yourself this - would this man be picked for a similar position in any other country...


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1 hour ago, nijamena said:

He had vision. 

He started chrome, chrome OS and took Android(made it popular mobile OS).

He was reporting to Merissa meyer, when she left Google she was reporting to Pichai.

People don't go places by chance. I strongly believe it is a mixture of luck and talent.

I really want to believe this but looking at the way Google operates I think they just wanted a milquetoast guy who steps on the fewest feet of diversity hires, PoC and others who run a political agenda within Google's four walls. 

The whole James Damore & ideological echo chamber episode reaffirmed this for many who already suspected this.


All I'm saying is that I wouldn't be surprised if that's only real motivation besides ensuring the guy can run the "trains on time" kinda like what Tim Cook did before he was enlisted for the top spot at Apple. Cook - and it remains to be seen what kind of legacy he will leave behind - was never really a visionary like Jobs was. Not cut from the same cloth. 



I'm not saying that Pichai is the sole recipient of this sort of treatment either. Just that his case stands in more stark contrast than some others.

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4 hours ago, Curs0r said:



... say in the UK, Germany, Sweden or in East Asia or any other place outside of SV, even within the US ?

Are his leadership skills - if any - transferable?

Is he just a placeholder with the real power lying with someone else like Larry or Sergey or the Alphabet Board of Directors? 

We all know Andy Rubin effed his chances but still. Pichai is such a life-less ordinary.










Yes I trained pichi guy

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