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how I can deal the situation or am I wrong anywhere And need to change my thinking ?


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7 hours ago, Dyud said:

Hi Guys,
I am married for 2 years. Me and wife both are working in IT. Honestly 1st year of our marriage went through very rough patch. Had some major issues and mostly because of financial reasons. But we both decided to keep past aside and move ahead with life.
From Last 6-8 months everything is good.
Now coming towards my problem.... We have purchased new home with joint loan on me and wife. However i am the only one paying loan installments and bearing other household expenses as well. After 1st week of each month I left with hardly couple of thousand in my account but the thing is my wife is reluctant to help financially. And considering previous argument I always avoid to ask for any financial aid from her. However I always had to compromise for very small things due to lack of money. Each time.

Now we are expecting a baby. So I decided to talk to my wife about some financial help if required. But my wifes response is - she is keeping her money for her personal safety and I as a father/husband should be able to manage all the expenses as she might or might not be working in future.

Now I just have 2 questions here

1st question - why she would need personal safety without offering any help for her own house. I think it is bit selfish. I did tried to talk to her that she should not feel this kind of insecurity and i will be there for her always. But her response is same.

2nd questions - need suggestions how I can deal the situation or am I wrong anywhere And need to change my thinking ?”


i sense other major issues that needs to be solved, this money thing is just a side effect

it makes sense to keep some money aside but husband should manage all the expenses is total bullshit .. 

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