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Amazon electric truck rivian stealing Tesla trade seceretes.


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Rivian's R1T truck.

Tesla has sued competitor Rivian for theft of trade secrets. Tesla says that around 70 people have left Tesla for Rivian—including 22 in the last four months. And Tesla claims that several of those employees took confidential documents with them on their way out the door.

Rivian has emerged as perhaps Tesla's most formidable rival among electric vehicle startups. The company announced a $2.5 billion round of fundraising earlier this month—on top of $2.85 billion raised last year. The company is working on a pickup truck, an SUV, and a delivery truck for corporate customers—all powered by batteries. Amazon, a Rivian investor, has already ordered 100,000 of Rivian's delivery trucks

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U you could simply put the gist of that entire lawsuit here

Apparently rican wants to setup their own version of supercharger network  and trying to steal tesla's ip


LOL let's see what's the outcome of this 


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2 hours ago, MRI said:

nothing will happen.. both US companies.. paisal tini andaru koorchuntaru madhyalo..

Amazon rivian no konesthdhi in future..he will be using network of prime  driveless rivian delivery vans

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9 minutes ago, kakatiya said:

Amazon rivian no konesthdhi in future..he will be using network of prime  driveless rivian delivery vans

Haha 😂 u seem to be too confident  that rivian will solve  self drive technology 

Tesla ke time pattesthundhi even after billions of miles of data

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On 7/25/2020 at 9:24 PM, sattipandu said:

Haha 😂 u seem to be too confident  that rivian will solve  self drive technology 

Tesla ke time pattesthundhi even after billions of miles of data

Rivian won't..amazon will..he is pumping money..reverse engeering with Chinese engineers..he will 

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