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What are some ways of disrespecting programmers?


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In the US at least, we have a problem with treating the workplace like an adult daycare center. This is especially annoying to programmers in my experience (or at least it is to me). Job descriptions always include things like “comply with all time and attendance policies” and “attend all required meetings” or “complete all duties as assigned by supervisor”. What is this? 1950?

Also “manage multiple and shifting priorities required”. No crap. It’s a job. We’re adults.

Or the constant struggle to get a work from home day. This is 2019, why does it still give 90% of managers a heart attack when I want to work from home without some kind of family emergency to justify it? Am I delivering results or not?

If Corporate America worked half as hard at investing in good employees as they do worrying about where they are, how long their lunch break is, what they’re wearing, and whether they’re complying with <<latest arbitrary policy>>, they’d unleash vast amounts of untapped value.

Instead, programmers (and most smart employees) spend their days growing more cynical and less productive.

These are some of the ways I feel disrespected as a programmer.

  • So you finished everything that was assigned to you. Looks like you are under capacity, here’s a bunch of more work.
  • Oh, there’s no programming work left to do? How about some spreadsheet work?
  • If your career is important to you, you should be open to diversifying your skill set. Now go get me coffee.
  • In an agile team, every member contributes to the overall progress of the team. So how about making these sales calls?
  • You said you’ll finish this in 3 hours. It’s 4 hours already. Why isn’t it done?
  • Why do you keep getting up from your desk and walking about? You need to focus. - <this was verbatim>
  • So, it has come to my attention that the dev team is doing things on the computer other than work-related stuff (referring to my Star Wars wallpaper)……
  • “If you go home every day at 5 and play video games, you will never hold a job as a developer. You have to constantly learn “new technologies”.”
  • “Just hack and make that third header appear. It doesn’t matter if it’s a React app. Just use some jQuery and get it done by this afternoon”
  • This should only take a day or two, at most
  • When I used to do this, it was a few dozen lines of code
  • This is no different than the last project, really, so there’s no problem
  • You told me an estimate of one day and it is it not ready after one day. You must be slacking off.
  • No, you were not invited to that planning meeting. Get on with your work
  • What do you mean you don’t know how this new technology works? You’re supposed to be the expert at all this
  • I don’t care it is not possible to do that requirement - or so you say. That’s your problem, not mine.
  • That new contractor said you were no good at your job - after you had asked him to make changes to his work. He just complained to me. You’d better sort yourself out or consider your future with this company.

Are some favourite mash-ups from my career. Except the last one.

  • Calling them Code Monkeys.
  • Saying that code must “Just be Good Enough”
  • Creating an application architecture template that makes them only needed to fill in the dots
  • Offshoring
  • Not allowing them to explore new technologies (this is not even disrespecting, it is intellectual abuse)
  • point out their overengineering
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