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Joe Biden's lies are legendary. He's still the same dishonest plagiarist he was 33 years ago | Watch 1988 Joe Biden Plagiarize Famous Speeches Nonstop | The Majority Report w/ Sam Seder


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Man...1988 Joe Biden lied a lot. Michael Brooks and the Majority Report crew discuss this.

Joe Biden's lies are legendary. As the last year has proved, he's still the same dishonest plagiarist he was 33 years ago.

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39 minutes ago, Gaali_Gottam_Govinda said:

Trump gaade cheppali lies and distortion goorinchi.......... Picking a politician is about who is less worse, not who's the best.



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Look, you've all gotten Trump wrong and got carried away with the smear job the Democrat mafia has orchestrated over the course of these past 4 years, to prevent him from getting anything done. They're afraid he will undo the decades of crooked policies they put in, that hollowed out the nation's middle class and morally bankrupted the nation. 

Trump is not a career politician. Never was. He's just an egotist. In fact prior to 2016, he supported & donated to many politicians' campaigns before - even some Democrats including the Clintons.

He's a boastful but savvy NY businessman who's figured out that the Presidency is a clown show and he'd never forgive himself if he didn't run in 2016. So he ran.

 He ran against a total of 16 other major Republican candidates who were all mostly seasoned lifetime politicians - Governors, Senators, Mayors etc. - and clinched the nomination because people were sick of the dog and pony show American politics has become. 

On the other hand, Biden is a lying Mick, who will do more damage to the country, hands down than Trump ever can. Career politicians always have baggage from the years spent in politics. And it will soon show for Biden. 

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35 minutes ago, Curs0r said:

Look, you've all gotten Trump wrong and got carried away with the smear job the Democrat mafia has orchestrated over the course of these past 4 years, to prevent him from getting anything done. They're afraid he will undo the decades of crooked policies they put in, that hollowed out the nation's middle class and morally bankrupted the nation. 

Trump is not a career politician. Never was. He's just an egotist. In fact prior to 2016, he supported & donated to many politicians' campaigns before - even some Democrats including the Clintons.

He's a boastful but savvy NY businessman who's figured out that the Presidency is a clown show and he'd never forgive himself if he didn't run in 2016. So he ran.

 He ran against a total of 16 other major Republican candidates who were all mostly seasoned lifetime politicians - Governors, Senators, Mayors etc. - and clinched the nomination because people were sick of the dog and pony show American politics has become. 

On the other hand, Biden is a lying Mick, who will do more damage to the country, hands down than Trump ever can. Career politicians always have baggage from the years spent in politics. And it will soon show for Biden. 

This is the narrative that is being pushed now..any standing president would show what he has done so far to reclaim the presidency, but here we are where we do the opposite

The ego president talks about economy which is solely the stock market for him, where 90% is owned by the top 10% of the country. We have millions of people who are facing a uncertain future and job losses..is that not a damage to the country?

No one talks about the debt because it's your guy who is at the helm. Look at how debt has soared since 2016. That is not damage to the country

He cut taxes for the rich which benefited again the top 5% of the population and increased the deficit..that is not damage to the country

Not to forget the croonies he has in his administration who have made millions during this pandemic in the name of aid and operation warp speed..that is not damage to the country. I have a ton more...

Damage to the country is all relative and is all based on which aisle do you sit and what lenses do you have

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And you strongly reek of a person with has an agenda to push the narrative with your posts targeted at influencing this community towards one particular political party

No wonder all your recent posts have followed a pattern

And before you call me out, I'm not a democrat. I just laid out a few facts for comparison

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Republican voters saw alternative in Trump and chose him.

Democratic party had 4 years to chose a fresh , relatively outsider who can appeal to younger generation. 

They chose 77 year old Biden. No excuses of of they are going to lose

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Pete Buttegig , Tulsi Gubbard , Anddrew Yang , Bett Rourke were the youngest of all in the lot

Choosing anyone would have been suicidal. I like Pete but i think the country is open to the idea of a gay leading the nation ( don't know why his sexual orientation is a obstacle )

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