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What's with Macron?


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@chanchala supports macron as a fellow liberal. France is the birth place of western liberalism and our db liberal representative will die for liberalism

What is astonishing is most so called leftist liberals support islamic extremists and their tantrums.

I did not know to laugh or to cry when i saw banners of "Gays for Islam" banners in NY. If islam ever became the dominant religion in US or any other western country, they will start stoning gays or will throw them of buildings. These western liberals should try living in Iran or syria. 

Macron was correct, islam does need a Renaissance. There is bad language supporting slavery, stoning etc in all Abrahamic religions

 Christians stopped following every line in bible literally. For ex: as per bible one can sell their wives or daughters. 

But most muslims follow the Quran literally. What ISIS follows is the real literal islam. Muslims do need a mellowed form of islam. 



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11 hours ago, siru said:

Nice try lol.  Macron is fighting for liberal rights. French freedom of expression.  


first ee laude @siru gadini pampandi iran,syria appudu thelusthadi akkada liberalism 

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