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2 hours ago, TruthTruth said:

Karma nijama 

Karma lo chala types vuntai.. 

everything is result of past karmas and future.

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First, karma is not a eye-for-eye theory. It is a law of cause-effect in nature, covering three dimension (3 worlds of nature, out of 7 worlds of nature), and it revolves around the soul. It is the soul that is subject to karma. It works in the physical, emotional and mental planes, because a soul cannot exist in a higher world of nature. Actually, soul is an illusion brought about by limitations in consciousness. The effects (or karma) are much more pronounced in the emotional plane (feelings) and several times more in the mental plane (thoughts or intentions). The effects produced are not a **-for-tat, but effects are produced by the modification of tendencies of the individual actors and by changes in circumstances that happen as a result of a cause. Every action causes a perturbation in nature, and then nature tends to restore a balance. But, the restoration of balance also becomes a cause and creates further perturbation. This continues indefinitely.

That is to say, there can be no effect (or even a cause) without a yet another preceding cause and effect. It is all too closely inter-related. Let me explain it by a hypothetical analogy.

Assume a billiard table of infinite size and zero friction, with countless billiard balls hitting each other. This will cause an infinite set of rebounds or cause-effects, which will never end. While from an individual billiard ball’s point of view, its actions are well-calculated and can be seen to follow cause-effect (laws of physics), the ball has actually no control as to which direction it will hit. That’s because something has hit the ball in a particular way, which in turn makes it hit another ball.

Karma is like that. Cause(s) create effect(s), and these effect(s) set in motion a new set of cause(s). So a person committing a suicide, while being a new action is actually the result of its own past. It was bound to happen in that set of circumstances, and th set of circumstances were also to be created at exactly that point in time.

This brings us to a set of interesting conclusions. First, there is no free-will – absolutely no free-will. It is because what one will do in a particular set of circumstances depend upon one’s own past, and even the circumstances depend upon the past set of circumstances that has given rise to the present circumstances. Second, if this is true the next logical question is, if we really have no free-will is it all pre-determined? YES, it is all predetermined, not from our perspective, but from a very high standpoint. Third, if everything is predetermined, why do we apply choice in life? Now, whatever choice you apply in life is also predetermined!

If all these are true, then how can we live intelligently?Do we not have freedom?

YES, we all have freedom. It is not contradictory to say that on one had there is absolutely o free-will and on the other had to say that we have total freedom.

Here comes the concepts of consciousness and concepts of the worlds of nature. Presently our consciousness is limited to the terrestrial world. This makes us like separate beings, while in reality we are all one single being, one single and mighty consciousness. The sense of separateness is itself an illusion because of limitations in our consciousness. Now, for the total consciousness there is harmony, balance and freedom, but within the separate consciousness there is this law of cause-effect and complete absence of free-will.

So karma will exist to operate automatically and uncontrollably at a micro level, while at the macro level there is no karma. We can walk out of karma instantly when our consciousness rises above the field of karma, which happens upon enlightenment.

Now do you get your answers?

1. There is no sin; nothing is a sin. There is only cause-effect. Sin is an invention of the limited human mind. It is not a sin, but an action. A person committing suicide has done so because of his own past tendencies, because of which he might have developed suicidal tendencies working out in such a way that he commits suicide. This is a result of cause-effect. He will also suffer the consequences of his suicide as yet another result of the action to commit suicide. It is not reward and punishment, but cause-effect.

2. Murdering a person is a result of the tendencies of the murderer generated because of his own past. The act of murder will result in its karmic effects. But the person who is murdered has also suffered because of his past actions. It is the result of some cause, and the act of dying in that circumstances creates yet another karma too, even if one dies. (Billiard ball example). Murder is NOT a sin. It is an action.

3. If someone met with an accident, it’s a result of his past. Whether you will or will not help is also a result of your past. In either case you both create a new set of causes and circumstances. Even they are predetermined actions, and will result in further causes and effects.

4. Whether you will hurt your loved ones or leave them or teach them a lesson will also depend on your past tendencies and the circumstances. You will ultimately do exactly what your causes set in motion will make you do in that set of circumstances. You may think (or imagine) it is your free-will, but that free-will itself is a result of the past. You have thrust that free-will upon yourself as a result of your past.

5. Who said soul is not affected by anything? This is a total misconception. The soul itself is a result of karma. Karma keeps on modifying the soul. You suffer karma because your consciousness is trapped in the illusion of soul. Your soul is simple your causal body. It’s a body of cause-effect, and therefore it “suffers” the good and bad of karma.

I am wondering, how much of all this has been understood? Many of us have such fixed ideas and misconceptions about “karma”, “free-will” and “soul”, it becomes difficult when someone (like me) points out to something that may be totally contrary to what we may have known or believed.

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