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In the past seven days, about 914,000 doses have been administered daily. If vaccination continues at this same rate, every adult in the US could be fully vaccinated by summer 2022. If vaccination picks up to 1 million shots per day, in line with Biden's promise, that timeline could bump up to spring 2022. To fully vaccinate all adults in the US by the end of the year, the pace would have to increase to about 1.3 million doses administered per day. While vaccinating the full population is ideal, it's likely not necessary to start a return to normalcy. Herd immunity -- when a sufficient proportion of a population is immune to an infectious disease and spread from person to person is unlikely -- would be expected to happen sooner. Estimates for the share of the population that must be protected to reach this threshold vary as more is learned about the coronavirus. Most predictions land in the 60 to 70% range, including those cited by the World Health Organization.


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7 minutes ago, tom bhayya said:

Not getting vaccinated 

You cannot really depend on herd immunity tbf. What if you get it later on in life when your health is actually weak with hypertension/diabetes/heart problems etc? 

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29 minutes ago, DummyVariable said:

You cannot really depend on herd immunity tbf. What if you get it later on in life when your health is actually weak with hypertension/diabetes/heart problems etc? 

2 years down the line a better vaccine vasthundhi ga 

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10 hours ago, DummyVariable said:

You cannot really depend on herd immunity tbf. What if you get it later on in life when your health is actually weak with hypertension/diabetes/heart problems etc? 

It’s always better to eradicate it completely than trusting human health ..

#Vaccinations work 

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