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Karmic diseases can't b cured by Medicatiion


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Firstly there is no word called as karma.

THESE type of diseases are self healing ex: depression, schizo, bipolar...all due to improper childhood, child abuse, narcissistic parents....abuse/ sexual abuse etc.

Nothing related to karma........as the days progress ...biological environmental interplay changes and self healing is achieved,

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2 minutes ago, RoadRomeo said:

Firstly there is no word called as karma.

THESE type of diseases are self healing ex: depression, schizo, bipolar.

Nothing related to karma........as the days progress ...biological environmental interplay changes and self healing is achieved,

debatable but that said this db may nt b for me as folks iq is way differentt than mine wat say @RoadRomeo this is such an intrestng subject n no 1 showing intrest to ltt wat does that mean really struck in same old rotta threds ..

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