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Hi Friends ,

Going through a difficult situation. Ours was a love cum arranged marriage and we married with the acceptance of both the families. We are of same age. We married at 25. Am a single daughter to my parents . Was innocent , couldnt read the mind of inlaws and my husband before marraige.
After marriage , my mil was so possessive on his son that she kept on funding faults inwhat ever i do and project the same to my husband 
1. She is cooking more and wasted
2. Cook less - She doesnt know the limit at all
3. Call my mom and says 1 pm did not even keep rasam but fact is i would swept the floor, mob the floor, washed clothes. She was very orthodox that she did not appoint maid and she did not allow me to use mob for 3 years...Hand wiping of floors
4. Will not allow to use the towel used by husband even by mistake - says he ll catch infection
5. Midnight she ll come and say - have this mosquito repellent, i know he wont wear besheets properly , mosquito ll bite his blood group alone
6. compare of everything from 10th , 12 th marks , even while playing games and says he is the best 
She has a daughter . She always feels son first, then her daughter and then me ...She exploited me 

We constructed house and moved up and she stayed down ..In my absence , she goes to the house and looks for all private things we have . She never discloses.Somewhere in the mid of the conversation, i ll be able to find that she went.

Only after 2 yrs , i got conceived , within this period , if periods delay, she ll buy P test kit and i not conceived , she ll decide am infertile. Unwated stress and went to doctors, underwent painful tests and finally one day conceived normally

After kid, she tried to instigate the kid against me. Feels only boy side is varisu and they are alone grand parents and she refused to invite my parents for my childs first birthday. She was taking care of the kid - but i should cook the food from morning till evening , give dress , water and afternoon i used to come feed my kid , make her sleep and go.
Went through severe ppd, Many suicidal thoughts. The husband who was supportive earlier turned against me . His mom acted double game. Was not in physical relationship with him husband due to over work load and this lady did not allow maids at all.

Inbetween often my parents fell sick. At one point in time , i went to mothers house...Took psychiatric treatment for depression for three months. Within a month, he started threatening me on divorce and later we moved nuclear

Now , its been 3 years , he only has the attitude to revenge
1. Any medical illness for me say fever where am unable to get up also, i should go alone to doctor.
2. Doesnt bear any of the expenses in the house except for maintenance and electricity which togther comes to Rs 2000 per month
3. He is not in touch with my parents and i am not in touch with thier parents
4. I am not allowed to take my daughter to my moms house...He somehow takes the daughter to his sister and mom and keeps on lying , shouts
5. Now three months , he cooks on his own , takes care of child , even if i care on him on his health, he says who are you to do this

My office is demanding me to relocate from chennai to X area and i definitely lost interest in him and wanted to proceed with my career.

1. He never has physical contact with me and i completely lost interest on him
2. I dont want to divorce for the sake of my daughter but wanted to lead an independant life.
3. My mom is going to undergo a major surgery, pls pray for her . She is always the first and last hopr for me 
4. This guy is not relocating though he has a office . I just wanted to know the pre cautions to be followed when we stay alone . He always lies ...
5. Always threatens me to separate me from my kid..How shall i overcome this?

Please dont judge me ...Have underwent enough.

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2 minutes ago, LadiesTailor said:

Move to chennai and divorce him... fight for kid and file a case in court...


14 minutes ago, kevinUsa said:

2. I dont want to divorce for the sake of my daughter but wanted to lead an independant life.

conflict ba..

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16 minutes ago, kevinUsa said:

I dont want to divorce for the sake of my daughter but wanted to lead an independant life.

make sure that your daughter has the least psychological effect on her when she is young. eventually when she grows old, she will learn things slowly, she will support you and you will be an inspiration to her in fighting the odds.

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