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Massacre in the mountains They thought they'd be safe at a church. Then the soldiers arrived


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They're among thousands of civilians believed to have been killed since November, when Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2019 for resolving a long-running conflict with neighboring Eritrea, launched a major military operation against the political party that governs the Tigray region. He accused the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF), which ruled Ethiopia for nearly three decades before Abiy took office in 2018, of attacking a government military base and trying to steal weapons. The TPLF denies the claim.
The conflict is the culmination of escalating tensions between the two sides, and the most dire of several recent ethno-nationalist clashes in Africa's second-most populous country.
After seizing control of Tigray's main cities in late November, Abiy declared victory and maintained that no civilians were harmed in the offensive. Abiy has also denied that soldiers from Eritrea crossed into Tigray to support Ethiopian forces.
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But the fighting has raged on in rural and mountainous areas where the TPLF and its armed supporters are reportedly hiding out, resisting Abiy's drive to consolidate power. The violence has spilled over into local communities, catching civilians in the crossfire and triggering what the United Nations refugee agency has called the worst flight of refugees from the region in two decades.
The UN special adviser on genocide prevention said in early February that the organization had received multiple reports of "extrajudicial killings, sexual violence, looting, mass executions and impeded humanitarian access."
Many of those abuses have been blamed on Eritrean soldiers, whose presence on the ground suggests that Abiy's much-lauded peace deal with Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki set the stage for the two sides to wage war against the TPLF -- their mutual enemy.
The US State Department, in a statement to CNN, called for Eritrean forces to be "withdrawn from Tigray immediately," citing credible reports of their involvement in "deeply troubling conduct." In response to CNN's findings, the spokesperson said "reports of a massacre at Maryam Dengelat are gravely concerning and demand an independent investigation."
Ethiopia responded to CNN's request for comment with a statement that did not directly address the attack in Dengelat. The government said it would "continue bringing all perpetrators to justice following thorough investigations into alleged crimes in the region," but gave no details about those investigations.


"They were taking them barefoot and killing them in front of their mothers"

CNN has reached out for comment to Eritrea, which has yet to respond. On Friday, the government vehemently denied its soldiers had committed atrocities during another massacre in Tigray reported by Amnesty International.
CNN has also reached out to TPLF for comment.
Still, the situation inside the country remains opaque. Ethiopia's government has severely restricted access to journalists and prevented most aid from reaching areas beyond the government's control, making it challenging to verify accounts from survivors. And an intermittent communications blackout during the fighting has effectively blocked the war from the world's eyes.
Now that curtain is being pulled back, as witnesses fleeing parts of Tigray reach internet access and phone lines are restored. They detail a disastrous conflict that has given rise to ethnic violence, including attacks on churches and mosques.
For months, rumors spread of a grisly assault on an Orthodox church in Dengelat. A list of the dead began circulating on social media in early December, shared among the Tigrayan diaspora. Then photos of the deceased, including young children, started cropping up online.
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