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#ImmigrationReform Bill Updates
HR1177 & S348 officially introduced in house and senate respectively in 117th congress. 

https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/1177 - Introduced by Rep.Linda Sanchez
https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/senate-bill/348?s=1&r=8 - Introduced by Sen.Bob Menendez

We have successfully established relationship with both offices and will continue to work closely to get further updates on the progress of the bill.  

As per the info gathered, the goal is to get minimum 10 Republican senator support and our advocacy efforts would be focused on that in coming days. We have to continue emphasizing on the provisions added to support highly skilled immigrants in the comprehensive bill, and to gain their support to get the bill passed at the earliest.

We have started reaching out to the Republican senator offices of Ohio, Utah, Florida and will consistently focus to expand our reach to other states in coming days. We are looking forward to all your support to work together with us. Let;s keep our hopes high as passing immigration bill is the top priority of the current administration. 


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