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Is social media the beginning of the end of reality?


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6 days ago

In the quantum world, there is not objective truth. Two observers can look at the same particles and the particles can react differently for each observer. Or the same.

Slit light experiment demonstrates particles respond by us simply observing them. It's interesting to consider whether we direct the particles or the particles direct themselves based on our presence.

Falun Gong, Christians, and the Hopi religions all share the story of a Great Flood that was meant to wipe out all but a handful of people. All 3 stories confirm some members groups meant to be destroyed survived the flood.

Falun Gong and other sects of buddhism discuss a concept of a third eye. Falun Gong claims that the two eyes we have are really just shields and the third eye allows you to see in other dimensions. Falun Gong claims that individuals with the ability to use their third eye can see things in the future and on other dimensions. Siddhartha supposedly knew that man wouldn't understand his laws or teachings today.

A Falun Gong teacher spoke in the mid 1990s to share the religion with the world. He said why do we need plains when we can levitate?

Falun Gong is not the only religion that has these types of views. Christian denominations/sects also believe in spiritual healing and the idea that emitting positive energy changes things (heals, brings wealth).

Groups that teach these concepts are usually targeted for destruction.

So in a weird way, some religious groups do view this world as a type of simulation. With the destruction of ancient knowledge, humanity is stuck in a society where they rely on technology. But humans don't need technology.

If people can heal each other, then there's no need for doctors. If people can pray for wealth and receive it, they don't need to rely on government.

Falun Gong is subject to genocide in China. China has attacked buddhism and slaughtered monks for decades for teaching these things. Mainstream christian churches (RCC, Methodists) don't really embrace concept that anyone can be jesus (ie, perform healing and miracles).

So there's a lot of religions all over the world that essentially think ancient knowledge, ie the teachings to elevate your mind/become enlightened, has been destroyed or withheld and humanity is subject to tyrant rulers who use technology and science to provide a watered down version of what true faith and virtue can provide.

Quantum physics is consistently proving that our conception of reality is wrong. There's plenty of medical studies showing patients are more likely to recover from disease when they're happy. Holistic medicine is embraced by major hospitals, including Cleveland Clinic.

Humanity misunderstands technology. Humans use very little of their brain power (I think roughly 30%). Things like the internet can cause behavioral addictions and changes to brain chemistry (think of addiction like classical conditioning but with neurotransmitters). So if you get a big portion of society to become dependent on things like the internet and social media, you can easily control a population. Not only to get you all the data for free (which is a valuable asset), you can understand how people react to marketing content/propaganda.

People begin to feel emotional connections to digital relationships. People suddenly have a digital persona and a persona based in the "real world." The incentive is engagement. The likes/shared serve as a positive reward for posting content.

The average user probably isn't aware that a lot of people pay for likes/shares/engagements. There's people who probably use social media because they want to go "viral."

The digital world then begins to influence the physical one. The digital world isnt tangible. It's as real as people choose to make it. You have no idea if another reddit user is a real person or a bot. But a lot of people have been conditioned to believe the digital world is real and authentic. Their emotions are impacted by how many likes they get.

The commonality of threats on social media is a negative reinforcement. If you post something offensive, that behavior needs corrected and users can easily blast you with death threats.

The problem is that conditioning stays with people in the real world. Social media and the press can make something insignificant seem life or death. Then these conditioned social media addicted people obsess over it. And people are focusing more on their emotions and debates than in developing their intellect/self. It's a way to, in a buddhism sense, impede progress to enlightenment. It's hard to understand the truth of the world if you spend most of your free time on facebook or instagram or tiktok.

In a non religious sense, it's like a bunch of people are volunteering to be subjects in a conditioning experiment controlled by a few billionaires who make money on ads and data. Companies sell addictive products daily (alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine, etc). And they're living in a simulation because an intangible, heavily controlled digital world is controlling their behavior in the physical world. And they're largely unaware that the digital world is controlled and manufactured.

In closing, I'm not saying what various religions think or teach is true or not. but if the Falun Gong teachers are truly right, and us humans forgot how to use our third eye, than we are living in a simulation because we're operating at a level far beneath what we're capable of. A blind person can't see the physical world and it impacts their ability to interact with it. If we are only seeing a fraction of what exists, we are in a dumbed down reality simulation. We're only allowed to see a fraction of the world and are conditioned to believe we need technology to see more. When in fact technology conditions us to be even dumber and embrace a fabricated and controlled digital landscape.


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