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Adolf Hitler


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Here are the complete happenings in Germany under the regime of Adolf Hitler that shaped the Indian Independence. It’s a bit long but bear me a little to See things in context, not in isolation.

In 1919, Germany surprisingly surrendered in WWI after which they had to face a humiliating Treaty of Versailles. Approximately, about 420 of its about 450 clauses were solely focused on punishing Germany for causing the war, but in reality, it was not just Germany who caused the war but the British, French, Serbians and others were equally responsible.

Germany was snatched of its resources and quite a lot of its territories. The French army used to enter into the German Territory any time they wanted and treated the local Germans as if they were their slaves. German Economy was made as poor as any present-day African nation. People died hungry. Mothers had to kill their children cause they were simply unable to feed their little ones. Crime had reached its peak since nothing else was left to them.

The once proud German nation, once one of the powerhouses of Europe had suddenly turned into a beggar state. To add to all these woes, Berlin, the capital of Germany had become the most famous Red Light city on the planet. The sole reason being German having no money conversely young women had to sell their bodies in order to feed their families and to add to the anger of the German people most of the customers in Berlin's Red Light Industry were the victors i.e. the British and the French. It had become a matter of shame to be a German by then. To multiply all these woes, came the Great Depression after which the already injured German economy was left to nothing. A loaf of bread cost a thousand marks (German currency).

One of the world's worst deflation had struck the Germans. It was at that time that Adolf Hitler rose. He promised to BRING THE GERMAN PRIDE BACK. He promised to raise Germany from the ruins to a Global Superpower. He promised that he will take revenge for everything that the British and especially the French have given them. He promised that he will eradicate communism completely from his sacred land as Communists and their *bullshit* Communistic Economic Ideas too were one of the reasons causing extra damage to the Germans. He in short promised to make Germany heaven again.

He came to power in 1933 and became the self-appointed Fuhrer of the Germans in 1934. In 1933, the Unemployment rate was 70%. By the beginning of WW2, it had dropped to 1% from 1933 to 1939, he created an entire network of road networks throughout his country so much that even today 70% of Germany's roads were laid out during those 6 yrs In 1933. His country was in complete shambles with no future. But in 1936, his country is completely prepared to cope up with the financial burden of hosting the Olympic Games and it was one of the largest and most successful games till then. The pride of being a German was so much instilled into the people by him that his athletes who till 1933 had nothing to eat in 1936 they win the Olympics by winning the most number of Gold medals leaving the UK and USA far behind. In 1933, his country had no money to feed its citizens but by 1935 the workers and the labors of Germany were given free holiday trips to Italy.


In 1933, his country had no money to buy or manufacture ammunitions but by 1939 they prepare such a strong large well equipped and modern army that they capture half of Poland in less than a month capture France in 2 months capture Paris in 2 weeks capture almost every European country in a span of 3 yrs reach the gates of Moscow, St.Petersburg and Stalingrad within a year of starting their campaign in the Soviet Union. Bomb the entire ** out of London and most importantly. He captured those countries, who had captured the entire world.

He had struck into the heart of the colonialists. France had numerous colonies in Africa and Asia including our very own Puducherry but this man captures the entire of France all by himself and that too in 2 months. The British had colonies extending from India to Canada and had tortured and looted from all of its colonies but this man strikes London the Capital of the biggest Empire in the World. He attacks London every morning and evening and scares the off our ex-masters. He makes his country so damn powerful in just 6 yrs that he's strong enough to fight against the entire world for the next 6 yrs.

Though he lost the war to Russia but what did he give us..?

If you're thinking that the answer is Independence, then its absolutely RIGHT. Because he had crippled the entire economy of the British and the French Empires. He had made the colonialists soo damn weak, that they were no more capable to hold on to such a large empire. Though I'm never belittling that our freedom fighters had no credit OF COURSE WITHOUT their sacrifices, we wouldn't have been the way we are today, but if Hitler hadn't waged the war on these colonialists then who knows our fathers would have had to be born in British India.

I would back my claim with that of Sri Lanka!

Yes, Sri Lanka.

This country never had any big revolution for independence against the British, infact more than half of Sri Lankans never wanted any independence all they wanted was their representation in the British parliament. They never stood aggressively against the British empire the very way our Bhagat Singh and Netaji did.

Yet Sri Lanka got their Independence in 1948. Almost half of the world got freedom from the centuries-old colonialism between 1945 and 1955. Myanmar, Indonesia, Libya, Malaysia, Jordan, Phillipenes all broke the shackles of colonialism. You think it’s mere coincidence? So now it's upto you to decide if Adolf Hitler was a Blessing in Disguise

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